The message? Transphobic people are NOT welcome to play TLOU2.
The message? Transphobic people are NOT welcome to play TLOU2
>make your tranny character the most unlikeable character in the game that kills the 2 best and most liked characters from the first game
whats the gameplan here by Neil????? He did the same thing in the first game by making the homo an unlikeable schizo asshole
Looks like a buff version of the terminator 2 kid
She is just very muscular and masculine, the actual tranny is Lev, her son.
Ellie doesn't die
I thought the message was don't mix and match hormones otherwise you get severe roid rage.
>Did you call moi a dipshit?
>make your tranny character the most unlikeable character
More like the most based character. True Ubermensch
legit the character trans or just REALLY ugly like it looks like
So Ellie is a TERF now?
is this how you want to be remembered Yas Forums? as a transphobic, homophobic, bigoted racist refuge. be better and stop with all this hate
Cool bonus, you have to play half the game as her too. Thank you based leakers for saving me money.
>make your character a martyr so it can't be criticized
classic jewish tricks
to bad resetera doesnt play game. who will buy it now?
Yeah the father help his son become female, he was surgeon after all.
She gets her eyes gouged out though, she's at least been blinded which is probably a death sentence in this world.
someone post the leaks
I hope to GOD you are joking
I got le horny when she was begging the dyke to stop beating the absolute shit out of her.
Well okay then. I won't.
No. Abby is not trans. Lev, the boy with the shaved head, is. Lev was born male but altered his body to appear male.
No I'm not
The gameplan is to make degenerate art. Spoiler warning: It's working as intended.
Nobody cares at this point. What...did you think that the game was really about a zombie apocalypse? It's all about the representation and drama you cis scum.
fuck off
it's fucking hilarious that just yesterday or something somebody posted that webm of somebody playing The Last of Us with dev tools enabled and beat up Ellie as Joel and then this happens
The only message i'm getting from this games is that if i am ever in a situation where i have to kill someone, i better make sure i also exterminate their whole fucking family or someone might come after my ass in the future.
Lesson learned, Druckmann.
he should have just stayed a male
the story is that joel could of saved the world by sacrificing her, but instead he chose to try and live in the damned world, and everything is terrible, it's just the same if you have blank slate characters with just the story, it's just a horrible situation and everyone is trying to survive the asshole bandits, so much though that they are loosing sight of the normal world they used to live in which leads to these situations.
they ded, son
"If you don't like it, don't buy it." -EA DICE
Kill every last one of them, is the best choice
But for real why do they make you play as the person who brutally beat to death the character you liked, as she hunts for the other character you actually like, and your reward is again seeing her beat the ever-living crap out of her?
is this bait?
who the fuck genuinely likes ellie nigger
White men can't stop winning
>turn into a woman
>beat up the female protagonist of the first game and murder her jewish wife
>have a beloved franchise
>put a kike in charge of the sequel
>he shits on everything the fans love
>fanbase dies
>rinse and repeat
At this point I'm baffled, when will big corporations learn?
Most people who played the first one I guess, you know Yas Forums isn't representative of the real world right?
Who do you think the big corporations are?
they shouldn't be allowed to play existence
>You’re a transphobe!
How did we miss this, bros?
>BTFOs two dykes
ok,that's kinda based