What's the vidya equivalent of this?
What's the vidya equivalent of this?
for the bottom pane? Soulslike gameplay and "story"
muh challenge instead of anything substantial or innovative
Berserk sign, holy it sounds amazing in Japanese but retarded in english
>What kind of deer is it? Are you sure that it will become a band?
>There are no more deer. Only the thunder knows.
>What kind of deer is it? Are you sure that it will become a band?
>There are no more deer. Only the thunder knows.
What the fuck am I reading?
>cinematic experience
holy shit this so much
it baffles me how anyone can honestly prefer they souls """storytelling""" instead of having a genuine story
It's because of game journalists on twitter deSu
cinematic experiences are fun
Nier's OST.
The lyrics aren't in any actual language yet they still out here making niggas cry
Interesting theory, care to elaborate?
Read a book, nerds
Do you know what equivalent means?
Look at this nerd and his BOOKS
>game journos play dark souls, suck ass at it
>complain about it being hard on twitter
>autists with egg accounts brag about how easy it is
>game journos force themselves to git gud at a mediocre game for once
>game journos have no taste anyway, so they figure the game must be amazing since they invested so much energy into it
Nice fanfic
Git gud
I'm not going to waste my time gitting gud at a mediocre game that was a twitter meme 10 years ago
>I'm a shitter and got filtered
>Dark Souls was a twitter meme
must be fun to just make up reality as you see fit
Imagine being proud of yourself because you "didn't get filtered" by a completely mediocre game
>mediocre game
>every game released by the studio (aside from 2) is a smash hit bigger than the previous one
I'm glad I got to experience it instead of getting filtered like you
>I'm glad I got to experience it instead of getting filtered like you
More like you and millions of other consoomers fell for the social media viral marketing hype. Keep being proud of yourself for being exploited
>i-it's not actually p-popular
Dial 8
>If you're good at video games you're being exploited
Is this what commiecucks tell themselves to sleep at night? Dialate
>normalfag meme is just gaijin 4koma
I guess things never really change
There hasn't been a new meme in a decade, we just recolors of old ones
Oh it's plenty popular. It was brilliantly marketed. hence the popularity.
You and millions of others fell for the marketing "heh heh YOU DIED heh guess ur not a supreme gamer like me heh"
And you're too proud to admit you fell for a trick, so you retroactively decide the "storytelling is soooooo much deeeeeper" than games with actual storytelling
this unironically.
Fortnite is popular too. I guess it's also an all-encompassing masterpiece
git gud
music isn't about the lyrics, dumb nigger. It's about how it sounds.
spoken like a dumb nigger
now that was a meme
they don't make 'em like they used to