>pick this up for 5 bucks, cautious about SJW shit
>aside from kinda cringe story, it's a more polished, more clever Super Meat Boy
ITT: Games Yas Forums was wrong about.
>pick this up for 5 bucks, cautious about SJW shit
>aside from kinda cringe story, it's a more polished, more clever Super Meat Boy
ITT: Games Yas Forums was wrong about.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's just a rhythm game with platformer camo on.
The illusion is broken when you realize that the levels are make by the develop just zipping around a blank set of land-ables a few times, then just putting spikes on all the places that weren't touched, and then sometimes putting a completion timer on it that has around 5 seconds of extra time.
People keep posting this shit like it's some brilliant revelation.
How else are you supposed to make a platformer, dumbfuck
Congrats, you successfully mistook shitposts and memes for facts. Try not being retarded going on from here
>The illusion is broken when you realize that the levels are make by the develop just zipping around a blank set of land-ables a few times, then just putting spikes on all the places that weren't touched
having just beat the game 100%, this is total bullshit and anyone who claims this is just parroting criticism from Yas Forums and that one image
Hell, the final level in the game is extremely involved puzzle-solving
Are you mentally deficient?
It's the best plattformer I've ever played and that includes all the old Mario and Sonic games.
>aside from kinda cringe story
the story is good
>dude just love yourself lmao
What I didn't understand from the story is why it felt the need to have the Old Site chapter as a dream when even crazier shit happens on the next levels. And whatever appeared in the dream ended up being part of the real world in the Summit chapter.
Ok libtard
Imagine the smell after the long, onerous climb.
Wasn't the whole point that fantasy and reality become more warped the further up the mountain you get?
>brainlet discovering how platformers are made
cite one game with good story on your opinion
Ghost Trick
>dude time traveling ghost lmao
Talking about the finale of chapter 9? Go what it on youtube, here: youtube.com
It's just a "you don't die on this path" level.
HOWEVER, I'll add this so you retards can't so easily dismiss me as a troll. Celeste is worthy of praise for other reasons, it's successful because of it's tight controls, and a distinct visual style, no faults there.
It's just a super meat boy clone, which copied VVVVV, and many other low options, high execution indie games from the last 10-15 years. They are easy to make, and generate good buzz on the internet because their gameplay appeals to the autistic mentality of safe unchanging, no decision making, a to b to c gameplay. It's a good one, but it's a trend follower nothing more.
>platformers are ackshuyally rhythm games
you're not entirely wrong but you are definitely a retard for trying to spin that as a bad thing
if you can't envision any reason why someone would find satisfaction in maintaining a rhythm long enough to complete something, you're beyond help
that's like saying the illusion of playing music is broken once you realise you'll be doing the same thing over and over again until you perfect it, and therefore music is fake
just pirate it
>It's just a "you don't die on this path" level.
did you watch the video? Because as I said, it's more puzzle solving than IWBTG extreme precision platforming
>unchanging, no decision making, a to b to c gameplay
the game sans the bonus/challenge levels has lots of optional rooms and branching paths, and there's often more than one way to complete each room
why is she so cute bros?
celeste is alright, its definitely has nothing on super meat boy though. celeste actually feels like shit in comparison despite having more variety in gimmicks and genders
i hated so much the fucking guy you find on the mountain that i almost dropped the game because of him.
gameplay is pretty good though
I think this tranny game is overhyped too, but what you're saying is 100% false and shows you've never played it, you watched 3 regurgitated webms and judged the entire game on that. This game has a lot more going for it than 'muh spiked linear paths' but its still at BEST a slightly above average platformer
I did watch it, I saw nothing beyond trial and error, and high precision button input.
Bonus rooms, bonus collectables, minor alternate pathing. Can you say those are any more than tiny diversions from the central standard path?
Here is the point I've been getting that, that seems lost. A game like celeste, is a game inherently designed to be played only within a small set of parameters, with little deviation from the creator intent. In contrast, environments in, for example mario, or sonic, or zelda, or halo, or doom, or fucking mechwarrior commanders 2. They are examples where the game environment is an open play ground, with room to explore, make mistakes, wait, or rush, and just in general have a certain realistic sense of openness.
>A game like celeste, is a game inherently designed to be played only within a small set of parameters, with little deviation from the creator intent. In contrast, environments in, for example mario, or sonic
The only valid example is Sonic, and that's because Sonic is a quasi-platformer built around tons of different paths
Precision platformers always end up becoming low-deviation, high-execution death trials by the endgame. All of the bonus levels in every mario game are no exception. If your complaint is that there's not enough open world exploration, then you're playing the wrong genre.
fuck i hate this game, shit keeps popping up as a steam recommendation for lobotomy corporation because it's "indie".
fuck the concept of the indie "genre", and fuck celeste for playing into that concept.
>precision platformer
To add to this user's point, Celeste would be ruined by not being as linear in execution.
Compare it to a game like Mario, especially one of the early levels. By giving you the freedom to pass a level with a multitude of different approaches, you only make the level as difficult as the easiest approach.
That wealth of options might a good trade off for puzzle platformers like Mario or the BoTW shrines. What it is not good for is precision platformers like Celeste, where the gameplay stems from the perfect execution.
Think of it this way.
A WR playthrough of SMB1 compared to a casual playthrough are totally different. SMB1 played at a relaxed pace is all about exploring levels, dodging enemies, and fiddling around with jumps, a WR run, is a perfect execution path, timed to the hundredth of a second.
A WR run of Celeste and a casual run of Celeste are much more on the same basic character path, with the same (general) positioning, and level completion pathing, only WR is executed with extreme precision, and casual appears only like a sloppy version of that same path through the level.
>cautious about SJW shit
Yas Forums unironically cares about SJW shit and trans people more than they care about video games. I'm glad you enjoyed it OP.