I never thought I would say this but... BASED NINTENDO

I never thought I would say this but... BASED NINTENDO

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The definition of fun? Working at GameStop of course!

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Imagine being a man over 18 and feeling threatened by politics in a video game
dumb facebergfag

Reggie has never missed with turning a company around. He went from the GameCube to the Wii and is also arguably the reason that Domino's even exists today. I expect him to revitalize GameStop as a hobby lounge where you and also buy, sell, and rent games.

I have no doubts that for someone like reggie working on a shitty company that is about to go down has to be fun

I don't feel threatened by the drunk homeless guy who I've seen piss on the floor in my local Dunkin twice this year, it doesn't mean I enjoy having him around

Why are Western developers so insecure?

Because we made or perfected most modern forms of art like movies, comic books, tv, music, etc, and we're agitated as hell that we keep getting our asses handed to us in video games, so we throw everything that works in those other mediums at video games because we want to prove that we can do it better rather than taking the hit and saying "Damn, we have a lot to learn from Japan in this when it comes to making good games."

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>dumb facebergfag
Because some kike gets beaten by a tranny you think Yas Forums will like you mentally ill fucks suddenly?

Oh I'm laughing.

Acktually Reggie's definition of fun comes in the form of a challenge and GameStop presents that.


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Politics are for people with an identity crisis and low self esteem

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Part of the reason is that it's a highly paid but low stakes (for Reggie) and low time commitment job. He just shows up to a few meetings and offers his advice. If the company ends up turning around, he can take credit. If it dies, everyone will just say it was fucked from the start and it wasn't his fault.

but Japan has better comics (manga) and tv/movies (well, anime is better than hollywood dogshit)
yeah i mean, japan is pretty fucking good at vidya


>videogames are about having fun and not politics

Is Nintendo going to once again be the hero we need?

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>and tv/movies
Literal retard. Watch any movie from 1967-1983.

I didn't like the last of us. I felt like I was watching a movie rather than playing a game and even then the gameplay was boring and poorly designed. I think at some point he should have stopped and realized he was making a game. Maybe the word "fun" would have saved that movie game from becoming "good for its time".

Well Nintendo knows better than to make a Mario game where you play as a tranny that kills Mario and Luigi, so...

>and tv/movies (well, anime is better than hollywood dogshit)
Watch Kamen Rider and Sentai Rangers. You'll get your fill. There's also good dramas. You just gotta do a little reading before picking something up to know if its for you.

Imagine if they had the balls to do that and it had the style and animation of LM3

Under his influence Nintendo of America refused to showcase Xenoblade Chronicles at E3 per Nintendo of Europe's request.
Then fans began demanding though Operation Rainfall that it, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower be brought over to America
Then Nintendo THEMSELVES began saying that fans should give it up and be quiet.
Only after deciding to bring the game overseas did he have the balls to say "Uhhh operation rainfall wasnt a deciding factor in bringing these games over lol" even though it was the SOLE deciding factor in their thick skulls.
Unfortunately le epic reddit wholesome Reggay is now beloved by fans for ??? reasons

even Nintendo does trannies better

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Agree with Nintendo. My ps4 has served me well, I have had lots of fun, but I feel like I might buy nintendo in the future. Maybe a DS so i can hack it, but I would rather just emulate that and play pokemon custom ROMS.

I'm curious about animal crossing because everyone seems to like it. I just don't like mario or zelda. What other games does the switch have?

>I felt like I was watching a movie rather than playing a game

you just described every single sony exclusive

Politics are just sports for but for narcissistic cunts.

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Shitting on Final Fantasy 7 remake and now nintendofags shitting on The Last of Us? I thought only kiddie games matter to nintendogs

As much as I think Nintendo is for manchildren, Reggie is right. In the end, video games are toys so they just need to be fun and challenging, enough of movie games pushing agendas. Gameplay > everything else

If you had a high iq you would get tired of politics too.

Is this the based department? I'm calling again.

I'm not threatened by it, I'm bored to absolute shit by it. The sole mention of anything political in my movies or games instantly kills my interest and fills me with apathy. I want to see hero's journeys, I want fun videogames like the ones we used to have, and fun and good movies like the ones we used to have. Everything is turning to shit so very slowly