This is the worst JRPG i've ever played

I just finished this game and holy shit what a load of trash.

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13 is much worse

It's bad no doubt but if this is the worst you've played then you haven't played many jrpgs.

Wait until you play Dragon Quest 7 for the worst you could possibly play.

Big witch tits


one of the worst games of all time

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Guess you didn’t play 2, 4, or 6

shut your fucking mouth. dragon quest 7 is an amazing adventure, it's only hated by graphics whores and mongoloids

Why are so many people playing this and IX for the first time now? If you weren't born early enough for PS1 or even PS2/PSP then fuck off this game isn't for you. Go play minecraft

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It's hated by people who have good taste in JRPGs, and loved by braindead retards who equates shitty lazy childish non-existent story or characters to "amazing adventure".

Even the most hardcore braindead Dragon Quest fans admit that 7 is kinda shitty, and basically they only like it because they are retarded, but at least they acknowledge it.

The worst mainline games are FFXI and XIV, they ruined the FF series forever.

A little worse. They're both dreadful though.

Wut?! The online Final Fantasy games are more FF than the nu single player ones. I played XI for seven years and I've been playing XIV for close to ten years.

The 3ds remake fixes alot of the issues

Nobody actually likes VIII the first time they play it. In 3-8 weeks you'll come to realize you love it.

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>It's hated by people who have good taste in JRPGs

name your top 3, pal

VIII is my favorite and I acknowlege that it is bad.
But what part convinced you? Set your opinion in stone?

For me it was the time-travelling dream machine that ultimecia used but is literally only mentioned by some hack scientist in Esthar.
Honestly his whole speech made me think 'this game is dumb'.

So tell us yours.

That's because so may periphery things about it are good, but the core game is so bad. You remember how good the setting and music are and forget how much of a chore playing it is.

Why does Yas Forums hate this game so much? I feel like you are just saying is trash for shits and giggle but you actually liked it.

>high profile political assasination
>man sent to take the shot is a teenage faggot larping as a cowboy who has never acctually assasinated anyone before

What the hell where they thinking?

Why beat a game you hate? If I'm not having fun, I drop the game and play something else. I don't understand forcing yourself to finish shit games. Literally why???

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idk about ff8 but the worst JRPG ive ever played is Persona 3

Don't say that, I was just about to finally start it

Autism. and I don't mean that in an insulting way.

Then you haven't played many.
There are far wose JRPGs than that. As a matter of fact, there are JRPGs that are far worse as a game, in general, than FFVIII.

I loved VIII the first time I played it. Specially as soon as you leave Balamb.
I only started to dislike it halfway through disc 3 I think. When triple triad rules started to become too much of a mess to have fun and the story went off-rails.

better than re7, lawl

why tho user

XI: Chains of Promathia, is the best FF story ever written, hands down.

Sit down son, grown ups are talking.

It's ok to have shit taste

It’s probably just someone mad at the constant 14/11 threads

XI is actually fucking amazing.

draw replaces exp grind, summons are for ability farm, not using (as if they even mattered in 7, maybe 2 did) and over all difficulty was balanced for the 100% blind players and you could crush it on repeated playthroughs once you figured out it's schtick.

Erm... same shit as other FF games.

Tales of symphonia, persona 3, and xenogears

I literally started replaying this two days ago and you're wrong.

>As a matter of fact, there are JRPGs that are far worse as a game, in general, than FFVIII.
Not him but care to name some?

Why finish a game you don't like?

what a giant faggot

Not OP but I beat all the 120 shrines in BOTW and didnt like the game

It's an amazing game, people only hate on it for 3 reasons:

1> it wasn't a sequel to 7, for many, THAT was their "babby's first FF game." so a NUMBER at the end = sequel and babby's didn't get this back then.

2: junction replaced my materia? what is this shit?

3: 7's ending = "oh cool, heres what happened? no? fuck this game, see reason 1."

It's an amazing game. 20 buck remaster on PSN is worth the money more than Kingdom Sharts 7 remake.

sounds pretty based and hilarious if you ask me. it's a dark comedy.

Nope 8 is easily the worst of all FF games no contest

But why?

Yup. Ff8 fans have no idea they are peddling trash to new people

I get it:

>good visuals for the time
>great music
>promising initial story concept and art style

But the story is horrible after disc 1, and the battle system is fucking retarded and broken. The characters outside of Squall get ignored like Qusitis, or dont get any development. Irvin being a major offender (cant kill her/ok proceed like I never have had any issue killing)

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XIV is a horrible mmorpg, if it can even be called that.

Not a RPG:
>can't customize your character
>gear doesn't matter

Not a MMO:
>Nobody talks to each other
>300hrs single player campaign
>Zero incentive to talk to other people or form parties

It might as well just be a lobby for raids.

play a real shin megoomey tensai

More bullshit

Ever played persona 1?

Laguna is so freakin dreamy.

FF is a overrated franchise by brainlet normalfags that dont know better

Only FF4, 6, 7 and 9 are kino the rest are all shit

Holy shit you are retarded

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>four hours for the introductory slime fight
No thanks.

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But it still has a great story, so it’s a good ff game

Don't know what your problem is, it's great. Also has the best music in the entire franchise.

Nah, I'll rather exploit the shit out of the Draw system that play the fucking XIII trilogy