>shit game gets discussed because of waifus
Name it
>shit game gets discussed because of waifus
Name it
i would say all gachashit but those aren't games
Nier Automata
fighting games
i dont even have to name them
Came here literally to say this
Trials of Mana
Dead Or Alive
League Of Legends
Senran Kagura
>shit game gets discussed because it just came out
literally any Western AAA, even the ones that havent come out like TLOU2 are still managing to shit up this board
The Legend of Zelda
9/10 JRPG/Gacha "games"
Mass Effect
The Witcher
Any gacha game
Any Gacha Game
>see a thread with several replies
>most of it is just a coomer dumping his image folder
Shit like Senran Kagura.
Any game that when discussed here, over 50% of the thread is waifu shit.
Alternately, and game where the waifu(s) has more than proportional amounts of fanart to other characters.
only xb2
Genshin impact is a game. Not really shit outside of being gacha cancer though.
Fire Emblem. One of the most braindead strategy games ever made.
Fire Emblem Three Houses. I've never seen the gameplay discussed other than people saying it was too easy on launch
>cute girls bad
this the daily tranny cope corner?
The coomer cries out in pain as he strikes you
Who is complaining? I enjoy coom posting but that doesn't mean we can't recognize some of those games are shit.
>>cute girls bad
No one said this you retarded schizo.
Persona 5
It's fucking trash and the girls aren't even good
At this point, I think incels are all homosexuals. You guys are obsessed with trannies. You secretly like cock.
No, having coomer shit in your shitty weeaboo game doesn't make it a good game.
It blows my mind how accepted pokemon waifuism is. You just know that a lot of those people are huge hypocrites who call out le creepiness at every opportunity. Not to mention everything about sword and shield is absolute dogshit.