Look at how they holocausted my wife

Look at how they holocausted my wife

Attached: 1587941770907.jpg (1811x976, 770.36K)

she is relentlessly ugly

Is she jewish or italian?


imagine the sex

Why shouldn't politics be injected in modern moviegames, when WRPGs and adventure games have been political for decades? It's hard to tell an emotionally resonant story about characters without SOMEONE reading politics into it. There will always be classic game throwbacks and Nintendo for people who hate moviegames.

I think a lot of anons don't understand that basically every post-apocalyptic game is inherently right-wing. "Society easily crumbles into a might-makes-right dystopia" is a soft right-wing propagandist message. Just like how putting LGBT in a game and saying "look how normal this is!" is a soft left-wing propagandist message.

>hurr but it's realistic! durr society will crumble any day now, just watch!
This is simply not true. For example, super liberal NYC is currently getting assfucked by a pandemic. However, everything is actually fine and anons are being paid neetbux to not work for a few months. tho I'll admit this is a less interesting video game premise than your standard right wing apocalypse fantasy.

Are we just going to ignore the nose?

Stick to your waahoo bing bong faggot

Her name looks pretty Italian to me but I'm half of each, which is fairly common in NY/NJ


western devs just can't make good looking characters, the in game model looks ugly as fuck, that girl on the right photo should sue them

>Are we just going to ignore the nose?
large milkers tend to have that effect yes

how gay are you to look at the nose when you have milkers like those in front of you?

She's not, but okay.
You could of just said they did a horrible job representing her in game (which they did).
But that's okay, be an incel faggot.


looks like a standard sicilian

Excuse me if i have some fucking STANDARDS.

>bodyshaming is ok when we do it
The absolute state of leftcucks


Still a goblin yo

why italians looks like jews and arabs?
they even white?

would fuck

Beat me to it. That fucking nose is just too uncomfortable to look at. Imagine having that in your face while fucking.

Cinematic experience of me fucking your mom

would u fuck her in the nose?

She looks like a beautiful Mediterranean girl. This is how ancient Roman girls looked like.

Spaniard here, i've never met anyone in this country that semitic that wasn't from North Africa.
Ugly fucking kike bastard, by the way.

The Mediterranean was literally the only way to get from the middle east to central europe for thousands of years. You do the math.

cringe post

>Western devs cant make good looking characters

Attached: halo4_cortana_wp_by_psychosis2013-d5t2xut.png (1131x707, 712K)

so they are literally jews

>Spaniard thinks anyone wants his opinion
Congratulations on being the least attractive race that speaks your language, at least.

Attached: laughing elf boy.jpg (640x640, 30.58K)

You're all mixed with filthy Germanoids. Pure Mediterraneans live in South Italy and Greek Islands.


Faggot post.