Don't fight over them

They are both good girls.

Attached: 5c83da256011fa83230fc528ef92c968.png (915x1300, 1.56M)

Other urls found in this thread:

This thread is for slutty clothes.

Attached: __tifa_lockhart_and_aerith_gainsborough_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_robert_porter__sample-085c7fdf035b2c720b24764d2a5209d8.jpg (850x989, 169.28K)

But neither one is best girl

Attached: time jannies2.png (731x759, 239.99K)


Sora likes all 3 of them. So why cant we?

Attached: 1574455482451.jpg (850x936, 168.66K)

Attached: 1581695083591.jpg (2362x2362, 401.73K)

Sora Ultra Beta Male

Tifa's main outfit still has terrible black underbra.

Attached: CH8Zng2VEAAGvFG.png (600x673, 355.59K)

this better be part of a futa set, user.

Attached: Aerith-wallmarket.jpg (2480x3543, 762.43K)

>Could didn't tap both of them
What the fuck was wrong with him?

>unironically wanting to be like Sora

>aerith will never beat you with a folding chair

100% ethical

Barret Chad's rise up

Attached: download (21).jpg (474x249, 23.39K)

We are Yas Forums. We fight over anything and everything just because.

best character in the game bar none

Attached: 1587869854299.jpg (817x761, 66.59K)


Attached: 650fb5b241354199e8ccf032390a3a8c.jpg (900x1125, 576.32K)

He wanted to tap the Church girl but a certain mommas boy cucked him with his 7 foot tall blade. He did fuck Tifa though

I hate coomers but I'm digging their thighs

Barret is easily one of the coolest characters Square has ever put out.

I want to marry and impregnate Tifa.


Attached: 59165b425d55074c0d33b3cbd306a349.jpg (1262x1965, 649.52K)

His breakdown after the plate collapse was a great performance

>Aerith will never trade the staff for a metal chair

You are right, both are mine.

Attached: 1587599888587.jpg (3840x2160, 1.34M)

So sad he's going to die later.

I like to imagine Tifa is hiding a massive cock in this photo

Attached: 1561256963362.png (868x754, 825.66K)


Attached: barret date.png (482x344, 217.77K)

Not really.

While wearing an exotic dress?

So weird now that shes asian.


Attached: 1584240481536.jpg (500x336, 28.9K)

Shadman memes used to be funny. Now everyone tries to say X artist is Shadman for mad yous and attention.

Attached: __aerith_gainsborough_final_fantasy_and_2_more_drawn_by_dreamsyndd__310435c0291c2bf37b076cfb29b19fda.jpg (2400x2700, 948.74K)

tifa was too needy in remake

>we STILL don't have a fucking /ss/ doujin with sora getting lewded by the FF girls

Attached: heavy mad.gif (444x250, 3.86M)

Yes but Today is better because she has big fat tiddie sand can easily kill me at any time.

>defending shit/overrated artists

> SJW faggots still whining about Barrett not being a no-personality black fucker like Will Smith even after they ruined Tifa
It's never enough...

Attached: e284d9db41da20417e73a1783f9af5a36e9d348c.jpg (600x350, 23.05K)

Tifa and Aerith?

Attached: __tifa_lockhart_and_aerith_gainsborough_final_fantasy_and_2_more_drawn_by_mimonel__e3d3815cc405e8325186aa6e37449443.jpg (1200x948, 436.52K)

I'm not defending it. I'm just saying how it is. It's the reason why you used that particular picture. This is not about the actual quality of the art.

Or Jessie?

Attached: __tifa_lockhart_cloud_strife_barret_wallace_jessie_rasberry_wedge_and_1_more_final_fantasy_and_2_more_drawn_by_mimonel__104fbb342de6cf7b86d73555d711466b.jpg (1130x1500, 542.83K)

>ignoring the faces

Attached: Third Wheel Support.jpg (956x1200, 105.58K)

>can't read


lmao failed artist