

Attached: bst.jpg (1180x1181, 206.65K)

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>"Dude, why isn't this apple like this orange? Everything must appeal to my peepee because I cannot stop pulling it even for a few hours to play a game."

>realism vs stylized
there's nothing wrong with either

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>Joel kills surgeon in TLoU1
>Surgeon has a daughter
>Daughter Joel near start
>Ellie escapes and you play as her for half the game
>Switch to the daughter and kill Ellie at the end










hope your fat whore girlfriends see this

this can't be serous. jesus christ kill yourself right now

>"Why yes, I haven't had sex. How could you tell?"

My girlfriend is a personal trainer. I know you can only get fat sluts, but not everyone is in your situation

Funny thing is that it reeks of Automata's route C that needed no ugly dykes to deliver its point far more effectively

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I don't need realism in my couple hours escapism. I pretty much live in realism 24/7, I want to get lost in idealism for some time of my day.

Early video games weren't about realism anyway.

That looks legit awful.

you fucking idiot press the spoiler button next time braindead chimp

Nobody is going to spoiler things about a 3 years old game fucktard

left: soul
right: soulless

The FF7 NPC doesn't look human. In fact every character has massive uncanny valley or looks like they've had lots of plastic surgery

you just did

Luckily, you're just one person with a meager opinion and there's room for all types and styles of media.

Has that storyline been confirmed anywhere? None of the clips indicate that story at all.

I pity and and whatever shithole you live in.

Both are fine in their own way

There's already a thread up about this


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Are you 15 or something?

there is a clip of joel getting his skull bashed in

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Where did she find tattoo parlor in the apocalypse?

Automata is terrible because the characters say exactly what they're thinking and feeling. I don't why the Japanese write like, completely devoid of subtlety and subtext, but it's almost funny. I assume the anime audience is too stupid to understand shit on its own, and that's why classic anime that imparts a little mystery and subtlety has gone the way of the dodo.

what kind of dumbass question is that

Damn, male gamers look like THAT?

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Likewise tourist.

>because the characters say exactly what they're thinking and feeling
Confirmed for never even touching the game
Both main characters conceal all their true feelings for 90% of the game and you learn the full extent of 9S' knowledge only before the final battle.
Get back to your westcuck garbage.

>I don't need realism in my couple hours escapism.
Sounds like you need to get your life together instead of using escapism as a crutch.

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Ellie is still cute tho
Shame that she gets killed by gigatranny

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Some of you guys just gotta come to terms that Western vs Eastern Values and ideals are gonna show up differently in their vidya. Especially when it comes to western titles that are considered Triple A tier, I don't necessarily agree with it, but if you have no interest at all, just don't buy the game, bros.

>muh classic anime
t. never watched anything that wasn't localized in the west

Yes, but the difference between us is I don't mind things that are different even if I don't prefer them. I'm not the sort of incel that expects people to come in line with my views, and I'm not so insecure that it makes me uncomfortable. It looks like you have a long way to go in life still.