Are there any games where you play as a completely innocent person?
Are there any games where you play as a completely innocent person?
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fuck you he is innocent he dindu nuffin they stole his fucking cake they deserved death
oops, wrong pic, sorry
All he ever wanted was the truth
He literally did nothing wrong
Forgot pic
did he ever stop to think that maybe the gods of disease, murder, mutation and excess were evil
If the gods ordain it, then it is wholly good, and there is no good outside of what the gods ordain.
Any game where you have no fucking idea if you're the hero or the villain?
I mean that's a fair point, but one the other hand, what other faction let's you be as metal as chaos? I mean those guys have spikes on their spikes and you even get the opporunity to use battle rock guitars.
well, the god he originally wanted to worship told him to fuck off while slaughtering his subjects, wrecking his work and forcing him to kneel before his rivals, and the gods you mentioned embraced him with open arms
Shadow of the Colossus?
They don't have battle rock guitars, so your point is invalid. They don't even have a catchy slogan, I mean come on, they could at least try. Even the imperium has a catchy slogan, and those guys are complete fucking dorks.
best boy
Reinforcing the running theme that all the Primarchs put their ego before the best interests of humanity, unlike the big E. That's why his eventual plan was to get rid of them quietly, since their purpose was fulfilled after the great crusade.
He always wanted humanity to be empowered and stand on its own, not be led by superhumans. Unless they retconned that fluff again lol
They're literal metal
fuck off
Maybe the corpse-emperor shouldn't give his sons stupid-ass flaws on purpose and then be the worst father possible if he didn't want them to kill his ass and join Chaos
Well if they're so metal then what tunes do they have? None. Which further proves my point.
what are some games where the innocent person is slowly twisted by his surroundings until he becomes a entirely new person fit to survive his enviroment? Besides Far Cry and nuTomb Raider anyway
Your assume that the emperor gave them flaws intentionally, yet you acknowledge he's not all powerful because they killed his ass. Use your brain fuckstick
>Yeah, chaos is totally losing
>Abbadon, more like failbaddon amirite?
>*Is on the defensive 100% of the time while their imperium is slowly whittled down*
Imperiumfags are pathetic
System Shock 2
Technically you just wake up to a disaster and have to solve it
There is no such thing as innocence; only degrees of guilt.
Fuck off Konrad! You're full of shit and you know it!
Nier Automata
i dunno about playing as an innocent person but my gaming channel is pretty innocent fun haha go watch my videos
get up
Isn't spec ops the line line that
Suprisingly accurat[E]
Advertising is against the rules shill
> innocent person
> Perturabo
pick ONE!!!!