Tfw you stay up all night playing games

>tfw you stay up all night playing games

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what you playin

Literally never done this.

I prefer keeping a healthy sleep schedule so I can enjoy games without feeling like a fucking zombie.

>4am on the dot birds start chirping
every single time

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>tfw you stay up all night posting on Yas Forums

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how the fuck do they know

cause your bedroom window curtain is open and they can see your alarm clock?

Please God no


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Yas Forums - Video Games

I think he means it

waaaaaaait a second
that white fabric I see, is that...?



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you're a cuck

>Literally never done this.
you have lived a sad life.

>local gaming center hosted an all-night LAN
>played WoW/CS/Smash/Halo all night long
We have to go back

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Ahhh shit

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Ahh evil face!

>LAN centers have died out
>only "gaming" centers left are tabletop
I have nothing against tabletop, but it's not the same.


looks like a console that was sold in Eastern European countries


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Birb cute

I nearly thought that I was the only one aroused by the little girl.

>a fucking bird has more discipline waking up than most people


fuck you


>Mario Bros.

What is going on here?


It took great effort to fix my sleep cycle.
Not going to fucking ruin it again, so fuck you.

>see pics like this
>brain assumes the person in the photo was gruesomely killed shortly after
Why am I like this?

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