The Game Critique and Analysis - A Retrospective
The Game Critique and Analysis - A Retrospective
Other urls found in this thread:
Game - An Unbridled Rage
Game: 9 Years Later - A Retrospective
why is it look like he chewing, he find food?
in defense of game
why you are wrong about game
why game is not as good as you remember
A thing : adjective
I like game
Can you beat [game] without [thing integral to the game]?
>Guy does it anyway and explains why how he's doing it doesn't count
I'm Gay, And Here's Why
these are the only videos I watch
why is the ginger nu-male so huge?
>click on game critique vid
>uninspired midwit talks for 2 hours about nothing
>The problem with [GAME]
Every time.
>Game: Style over Substance
>9 hours and 30 minutes
You don't actually watch these, right?
Game - Why Did It Fail
Game - Not As Good As You Remember
under normal circumstances?
fuck no
during this quarantine?
I actually watched so goddamn many +3 hour long reviews, retrospects, commentaries and what not that I ran out of videos and started asking here on Yas Forums and on /wsr/ for more
Why don't you just like, you know, play video games instead?
You could have picked a recommendation chart from Yas Forums or Yas Forums, instead you watched youtube shmucks who talk about games.
>The Game
I lost the game.
>complains about 2h long video essays
>doesnt recommend good, short ones that get to the point
Your the reason why they are popular. Because you dont suggest kino ones.
>expecting contrarians to recommend anything
5 minute long one released 2 minutes ago when I went to look for one on Youtube.
Fuck it. No 2 hour long essays.
>The Game Sneed and Feed - A Chucks
These multihour long """"""critiques"""""" of children's video games is by far the worst youtube gaming trend to have emerged in the last 10 years.
Imagine thinking entertainment made for literal kids needs to be """"""""""""critiqued"""""""""
also the ones doing these abominations are such low iq and have such shitty opinions
The worst part of it is that this faggot is rolling in the dough for this garbage