What are some examples of actual shills spamming Yas Forums?
What are some examples of actual shills spamming Yas Forums?
Happening right now, ND shills and discord trannies on damage control
anyone who doesn't share my exact opinion on everything is a paid shill
When people said that the Link's Awakening remake was worth the 60 dollars (a 1:1 remake of a Game Boy title), where other remakes like Crash and Spongebob were less than 40. If you told them that was too much money for a fucking 4-hour experience, you were told could buy the 100 dollar coupon so you'd effectively spend 50 dollars instead. This narrative was spammed all up until the game's release, and now they've suddenly vanished from thin air.
The frogposters, which haven't give up yet about shilling their stupid frog.
The Stadia
The shilling for that thing was some of the hardest I have ever seen something being constantly posted about on this website.Then, once it launched the shilling stopped shortly after.
"We Happy Few". there's no way anyone actually really likes that half-complete piece of shit.
>"We Happy Few".
sounds like the people who bought the game
Every Gearbox game since BL1
The YIIK ironic haters
you mean there is a singel moment where Yas Forums isnt spammed by ********?
>tfw shill
>tfw no one mentioned me yet
pick it up, people
smash threads
xbox threads
playstation threads
Any thread about a game close to its release
That shitty bug game that's a paper mario clone
Unironically FF7R
EA has actual shills. They spammed threads about Star Wars games for a while, Apex Legends too. They tend to post during the final marketing push for a game up until release, and during the first couple weeks or so. You can pick them out super easily since they post like they're on a forum and their OPs are weirdly stilted and vague. They also reuse the exact same OP image over and over so it's easy to see the history of their spam in the archives.
I think Ubisoft has shills they hire too but they're less persistent.
Note that these shills probably don't actually work for the company itself, they probably just work for some company that promises to "use social media to leverage your brand" and they get paid stupid amounts by dumb boomer executives to make Facebook, Twitter, reddit, and Yas Forums posts. I know a guy who works for one of these companies except in reverse, he manages brand image by removing negative/critical things on Facebook and local equivalents
does the Yas Forums archive still only go back a month or did they fix it?
Does anyone have the old pic of an EA employee posting his badge on Yas Forums and admitting he's being paid to shill?
CDPR has shills here
Kingdome Come Deliverance
Daily threads using the exact same image with the exact same link to the Kickstarter several YEARS before it even launched
I can't imagine how effective shilling is on Yas Forums. Surely marketing people know how cancerous this place can be and how paranoid people are of marketers?
Borderlands an YIIK are the two that immediately come to mind.
Toby Fox is like the inverse because he shared the undertaker demo here back in the day and then hated how threads were being made non stop full of furry shit and saw how godawful and obnoxious his fan base was getting
Those are literally devs false flagging. Nobody fucking talked about yiik outside of what a mess it was aside from the devs. It’s the exact same as how evaxephon posts yanderesim and criticized himself under user
dumb frogposters, for example
When Post Scriptum first came out in 2018 Yas Forums was spammed with lots of threads about it using the same webms and the same arguments for why you should play it. (hurr durr you're not a casual are you?)
I tried it back then and I tried it again recently during the free weekend and it's still shit
CoD Mobile was pretty obvious
They're the least happy, user
Not any specific game, but years ago it was really easy to tell an outsider out of the crowd if you've been here long enough. People who tried to be overly polite, talked about technical details nobody cares about, started threads with stuff like "have you seen this new trailer?" that you could often see on a forum but rarely here.
Nowdays everything is so mixed up that it's hard to really tell if it's a marketer, a retard or a clown. And the fact that there are constant stream of exactly same threads with same picture doesn't help the case much.
There are various ones, pretty sure there's one that has the "full" (post archive.moe apocalypse) archive right now
It doesn't actually matter if it works or not. Companies think it works so they're willing to pay for it. It's not about offering a service that has value, it's about taking advantage of the fact that people think social media has value. Boomer executives think Facebook has value so companies pay silly amounts of money to firms that make them a Facebook page. Their likes/subcribers/retweets/engagement numbers go up every quarter and the gravy train continues.
This is how all online advertising works btw. It's all a sham, 99.9% of clickthrough is bots, companies pay for ads because they think the ads have value and sites run ads because most of the time it's the only way they can exist.
There's so much available capital these days that it doesn't matter. Money is so ridiculously cheap that tons of it can be squandered this way and it doesn't even register on the balance sheet in the end.
Sometimes I wonder if it'll all pop one day and Google will collapse and the entire internet ad sphere will just die