I have no fucking idea what to play so you guys decide for me

I have no fucking idea what to play so you guys decide for me

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Russian roulette

terraria expert multiplayer playthrough with friends

Go play the Deponia series.

pirate warriors 4

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Shower with your Dad simulator

No kill yourself redditor

Stroke your penis instead

Tetris Effect or Tetris 99


with my dick

Half life 2

Sonic Riders
Just to let you know, there's a tutorial video in the extras. The game has no tutorial otherwise and you'll probably be confused as to what the fuck is happening without it.

You should play with my balls

Obviously, "Gunpoint".


>Forcing user to play a game at Gunpoint


>anime poster asking for help

Yeah you should play "stand still". Its a short game and its free OP.

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Why are faggots so insufferable?
Do they think they are cute as opposed to repulsive?


Dragon Quest V

Factorio, You won't have to pulute this board by asking ever again.

Space Marine.


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Blessed taste right here.
I'd also suggest Paradigm if you like point 'n click style stuff.

should i buy this?

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Is alright.

World of Horror

's fun