Anyone just prefers console gaming over PC gaming?
Tons of great exclusives so far:
>Patapon 2 remaster
>#FE Encore remaster
>Animal Crossing New Horizons
>Persona 5 Royal
>VII Remake
PC gaming only has VR shit and early access stuff
Anyone just prefers console gaming over PC gaming?
Tons of great exclusives so far:
>Patapon 2 remaster
>#FE Encore remaster
>Animal Crossing New Horizons
>Persona 5 Royal
>VII Remake
PC gaming only has VR shit and early access stuff
Well, it depends on the coffee, I suppose.
I like instant coffee
no, the world is full of retards
It is more affordable for me to have a nice computer and not worry about a console that turns into garbage waste every 3-4 years.
>Anyone just prefers console gaming over PC gaming?
No, that's irrational.
>Anyone just prefers console gaming over PC gaming?
Only one kind of retard does.
I prefer PC gaming because the games I usually like are either better on PC or only on PC. Any console game I’m interested in is on PC already. I skipped the xbone and PS4 and feel like I made the right call.
Who's the coom-bait?
Thighs too fat
I'm third world so console gaming is too expensive
>Tons of exclusives
Good job
Same, only game that was making me on the verge of buying an xbone was RDR2, good thing that came out on PC way before I anticipated.
[everyone liked that]
more ass
>Ruggarell !!5nvqZGlekID
I have been playing COD and it really does seem like a game best suited for PS4. You have to do some insane amounts of pivoting due to the crazy spawn system with enemies coming from all over the map as you try to secure objectives. It seems like it'd be funner to do that with my thumbs than by constantly raking around the mousepad. Additionally, the pro scene use controllers. Same story with fighting games.
9/10 I buy games for my PS4 if I want to get trophies or it's an exclusive. I will occasionally rebuy games for my PC when they are on sale, or if its a mp and gets ported later (Mon Hun).
Femanon here, I have those same sheets
No, control yourself.
I don't give a fuck.
show bobs
I'll expand further. On console I dont have to worry about shit, micro-stuttering and random ass framerate drops due to notifications form other apps have plagued me to death on PC.
I only use my PC for shooters, multiplats with sufficient mod support, and 5th gen onward emulation. I'm liking indies on the Switch and still have a PS3 I use regularly.
The “pro” whatever scene uses controllers for fighting games because arcades really aren’t a thing anymore and thus they learned how to play games on a controller. It’s the same with shootan games, they just learned how to play with a controller and never used a mouse because FPS games like those are on console now and the sponsors most likely dictate that they use controllers because console players are a bigger market than PC players and they get supremely pissy if a mouse and keyboard player is in a game. You used to get banned for doing that on 360.
It has nothing to do with “what’s better” and everything to do with what you learned to play with and what the sponsors demand you use. “E-sports” is nothing but an advertisement.
I have always been a patient gamer from my poor youth, i have tons of money now but i still have the same attitude, and thus i preferr PC gaming, i enjoy the framerate and better graphics, i really want to play nioh2 now but im fine waiting for the better pc version and likely already with some dlc by then.
I will admit the next gen consoles seem to be game changers.
Don't drink it after 12am, after that it affects your sleeping schedule.
>too stupid to use win7 or debloated enterprise win10
It’s your own fault and your PC is probably a HP from Best Buy