ITT: Only the best GBA games
ITT: Only the best GBA games
Golden sun needs a comeback but I know zooms don't like turn based combat so chances are slim
Easy mode is posting this, but there are a lot more out there, some obvious, others slept on
It didn't get crazy into it, but I can see why people loved it
This might be the most pleasant surprise of any game I ever bought. Was blown away by how fucking addictive this game was. Twisted was great too, but I didn't really like Touched, Smooth Moves or Gay Man Wario
It's not a game for everyone, for sure. Like any other game for that matter - I mean I couldn't get into Golden Sun, so I get it.
Never even heard of this one. What kind of game is it?
This is worth checking out simply because it's an actual original title and not a spinoff or SNES port
I found it boring as fuck but maybe someone else will dig it since it's mostly forgotten.
I still can't believe Nintendo hasn't released a Wario Wäre game for mobile yet
There are 3 GBA titles, and they're all 2d sidescrollers. Kind of like a slower Metal Slug.
This always felt to me like a shovelware game with a really good gameplay. I always wondered as a kid if it was a knock off of another game
Every single DB game on GBA is fantastic besides Taiketsu, but that game is so bad it's funny.
man that box art looks like absolute ass
I wish the sequels were as good as this first one, the new ones on the DS were weird autorun esque games
That was a hard game
I remember owning this game. It was pretty fun for a time, though the final boss felt underwhelming if I recall.
I didn't finish many games as a kid, I was proud when I beat it. The unlockables were kino iirc.
my mom would have never let me take that home back in the day lmao
>but I know zooms don't like turn based combat
You know the switch is filled with them, right?
never again... :(
I honestly remember hating that game but loved it by the time I fought cell. I thought that was a hidden gem.
I didn't play LoG3 because I skipped the buu saga in the anime. if I were to play the game and didn't binge, would I still understand the story from the gba alone?
too bad they fucked up the sequel
Would you say the GBA version is better to play than the 3DS remake? I've debated trying this out but wasn't sure. Only M&L game I played was Dream Team since that came on my 3DS.
for some fucked up reason, I got stuck at the bean fruit quest with the movie theater.
one certain god damn spot would just not give me the key item when I dug in the right spot and it delayed me finishing the game for 2 years. I was convinced my cart was bugged.
the bonus content is trash and the music doesn't sound as good
the modern art style is purely preference but the gameplay is unchanged. GBA is a very safe bet of you had to pick one, it still stands up in every way. 10/10
SS and bowser inside story are the absolute best ones and I wholeheartedly say give the series a chance with these games and you can ignore the rest.
Pokemon R/S Pinball was a favorite.
backing this user's post up, definitely give it a chance if you haven't before. It's actually pretty funny at times too (not in an annoying borderlands way either)
The OG DB game (Adventure ),
Astro Boy Omega factor,
Wario Land 4 (I know it has been posted but it's that good),
Drill Dozer,
Megaman Zero.
Metroid Fusion
Advance Wars (1, not sure about 2)
>sonic advance
>metroid fusion/zero mission
>fe6, fe7, sacred stones
>mario and luigi
>minish cap
>nightmare in dream land/amazing mirror
>pmd rescue team
>smb3, world, etc.
>dkc but the colors suck use a palette restoration hack
damn this shit was based there are probably a lot more that i forgot.