ITT: real life vidya bosses

ITT: real life vidya bosses

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>boss has phases

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I hate these things. They lose strenght too fast.

>15kg - 30kg have the same price
>additional 10kg is double

wew lad

This is me sucking my own dick

How skinny and how big does it need to be

Different user, mine's a little over 8", and I've gotten the tip in my mouth.

oh sHIT

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did it feel good, was it worth it

Attached: boss escapes in a cutscene after defeat.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

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Different user, but, it felt like I was sucking a dick and not like my dick was being sucked.

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that sucks, maybe it's like how you can't tickle yourself

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>that sucks
Well yeah.

I can actually tickle myself. Not aggressively, but if I run my hand over the hairs on my legs or arms I can sort of get that feeling of being tickled.

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>God's Hand literally has boss character written on it
wew la

>it's a mob fight

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Imagine being the animator handed the storyboard for this scene and it's just a single sheet of paper with "guy backflips to Benny Hill" written in comic sans.

Special encounter

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What the fuck is this.
The brief view of the two people chasing up the stairs seems to imply Batou and the fucking Major, which has me worried.
Please dont tell me this is what I think it is.

>Please dont tell me this is what I think it is.
It's what you think it is and it's very real.

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Dare you face the elite Finnish tribal warriors?

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I can do 70. How much can you do?

have we got context for the naked berserker yet? i saw him show up a few times yesterday

Surely not.
It cannot be a real official product.

Abyss watchers

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Is that real?

>absolute state of gits
It's great tho

This. Your lips are way more sensitive than your dick, which gets beaten more than 1 legged crack-whore.

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Damn he looks like he could rip her in half.

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the game is out for years now and still no one knows how to beat his last Jack Daniels phase where he full heals and tanks every attack

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Someone edit this with >Shadman

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