They stole millions

They stole millions...

Attached: paydaygang.jpg (1024x576, 156.73K)

it was all from jews

To save two

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Are they jews?

I played the tutorial missions of payday 2. Now what? How do I pick which mission to join? Is there a plot? How's playing with randoms?

so is it just one guy posting payday threads recently? the game has been dead for a year or two.

Honest question, do normalfags pretend to like jews? Is this just one giant charade? These types of kikes literally have 0 likeable traits about them.

Go to crime net, games lobbies should pop up on your screen. You can also use the contract dealer at the left to choose any mission you want and host if you want

Like, there are so many. Is there an order I should do them in? How do I choose between all the missions?

Game has been picking up in popularity again due to quarentine, plus some people just wanna talk about it again for old times sake like me. They did make new content however so I'd hardly call it dead, has high player count too.

Even with all it's shortcomings over the years it's still fun and probably in the best state it's been in for a while. You can pretty much run any kind of build now and be able to do something entertaining with it while still being viable on all but the hardest difficulty.

Pretty sure there is a "story" mode or whatever that lets you play them in order, it's somewhere in the tab at the left where the contract dealer is. And order is not really that important

There's a "storyline" you can follow in the crimenet screen after doing the tutorial stuff,

Play story mode for a bit

Alright, I'll take another look this weekend. Thanks.

If you aren't willing to cheat for all the unlocks, figure out whatever the meta grinding mission is and play that for 25 hours until you max level. I haven't played in a long time but when I was playing the best mission to play for the experience and money was Hoxton Breakout.

>It's a stealth-only heist

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>alesso or border crossing dsod?
>yeah lets go loud

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Friend gifted me this. I cant tell her I think its shit and not fun to restart stealth missions ad nauseam for max scores like she wants to.

This game confirms stealth genre sucks for multiplayer. At least above two players.

>Teammates don't even bring one single ziptie

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I used to play it all the time, got a bunch of the DLC from trashley but it started to run like shit for me a couple years back and even after upgrading my PC it still seems to chug at times for some reason.


sounds like you are a brainlet who cant do quiet heists

Yeah ikr? i went to school with her too, she's a total slut lolol

>First Payday Con was held at some shitty nightclub in Seattle during PAX
>Went because there were no panels I wanted to see at the time
>Club packed with stinky losers
>VAs in suits
>The woman that voiced Vanilla in FFXIII got up on stage and announced that she would be voicing a new character
>Maybe got one "Woo"
>Eventually a gourmet grilled cheese truck (Seattle) pulls up to the club and everyone gets a free gourmet grilled cheese (Seattle)

It was a pretty good sandwich.

Starbreeze needs folks to buy the DLC (that they made free and then pulled from being free) to save them from bankruptcy.

When did they make the DLC free? I always used the Pirate Perfection unlocker to get all that crap for free.

Neat fact: when the game first came out for PC, enterprising Yas Forumsirgins realized that with just a few changes to a config file, the demo could be made into the full game and be played online.

Has the meta changed in any way besides fad loadouts like dodge? My stealth loadout was the Valkyria with silencer and the Gruber Kurz with no attachments. Has there been power creep because of new DLC weapons? I haven't played for about 3-4 years

Sound like the party was shit to only some people (you)

Shhh he is dreaming of medic bags

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Aeww, thanks a lot my friend

I can do them. I'm big on stealths like Hitman and Thief so she thought I'd like this subpar cop shooter simulator.

stealth is for pussies
all you need to stealth is autism

You do have your dsod mask right Yas Forums?

Attached: dsod.jpg (883x1007, 263.42K)

Normalfags don't find things to complain about for (You)s. That shit is for furries and gay people

my wife

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> pre-ordered (I know) the game because I loved the first one
> play for ~40 hours
> get to a pretty high level and unlock a few shits
> move on
> decides to come back a few years ago
> there is a shit ton of dlcs now
> goes to lobby with people around my level
> don't understand anything of whats going on
> admits I haven't played the game since it's release and I'm a bit clueless
> gets kicked out of several random lobbies
> never plays the game again

Is it worth it to try again? I had good memory of the game at its release but it seems way too fucking different from what I knew now.