So what's the best alternative to TF2? It seems to be fairly unique

So what's the best alternative to TF2? It seems to be fairly unique.
CSGO & R6 are too much tactics, and not enough lengthy DM. Quake doesn't have the teamplay & objectives. Overwatch is a clusterfuck. Is there anything else like it?

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Paladins, you get a fair bit of customization and the devs don't butt in too much into player choices, so there is no retarded 2/2/2 like overwatch



Has Paladins changed significantly since launch? I remember trying it and it was ok, if kind of "stiff" in terms of combat, if that makes sense. I'm kind of spoiled by explosive/double jumping in TF2.

>Quake doesn't have the teamplay & objectives
thats good, retard

Valorant obviously


It's only good if that's what you want, but I want otherwise.

is the game actually fucked or is this all just doomsday posting, i don't have enough technically know-how to know how bad the sourcecode leaks are.

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I don't know, but this is a good a time as any to explore other options; I've been stuck on this game too long.

I like how each character feels viable, like when I play ow everyone has to switch to someone else to counter someone and if you dont your team gets mad.

dunno, but there will be a fix.
if there's something that's actively fucking other people's pc's just for playing their games, then they can't just sit and do nothing.

Play diabotical user

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just play overwatch or valorant
bam, two perfectly safe options to fill that TF2/CSGO itch

it's just shitposting like usual

looks like it's only in closed beta for now

>quake doesn't have team play or objectives
>what is the most played mode clan arena, CTF, team instagib
OP is a retard as usual.


overwatch has become too much of a visual mess, and valorant is the complete polar opposite of that in the sense that theres absolutely no flair to the visuals at all. it looks like one of those fake videogames you see people play on television shows
i know TF2 abandoned its artstyle ages ago but its base designs always were that sweet spot of clean and distinct but still flashy and stylized

It’s highly possible that people can exploit this to fuck you over. All of the exploits will be patched, but I’d probably avoid it for a while.

I mean most characters have "movement" abilities that let you do shit, but it's a hero shooter so you don't get fun stuff like rocket jumping, the combat is fun tho

yeah, overwatch is pretty fucking stale by now, I hate having to switch because some other nigger is playing bastion or pharah, in paladins I can just buy more reload speed or health steal and shit, it's a lot of fun and makes the matches really dynamic

Lot of good Paladin recommendations. Decent player population. How come Yas Forums doesn't talk about it much (neither in a good or bad way)?

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its just overwatch if it had soul.
moba in the first person perspective

Allegedly a RCE (remote code execution) exploit has been discovered in the source code, basically meaning somebody in your server can remotely execute commands on your computer. It’s honestly not worth the risk playing - especially since 90% of people will have dropped it for now, so pretty much the only people you’ll encounter are people trying to exploit the leak.

word is mediocre

If you'll play the game and become a victim of this exploit, you're gonna regret not listening to these posts. It's serious. Dead fucking serious.

Team Fortress 2 Classic

its basically a modification of Team Fortress 2 with like 2 more class I believe.

yet I don't know if its still getting updates or is safe from this leak

Its has the potential to be the greatest shit ever since 2017 but devs are retarded, so its just "good', patch are inconsistent and bugs are in the million, as you will realize once you meet our god emperor terminus, i still play it though, but the bitterness of knowing how much better the game could be always breaks me

I can't believe there's finally an opportunity for me to shill Fortress Forever.

It's basically a spiritual successor to TFC, and it's free. Play it.

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>i still play it though, but the bitterness of knowing how much better the game could be always breaks me
Coming from TF2, I'm already pretty used to this.