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When's this event over? I haven't bothered to play ever since everything got turned into eggs.
Today is the last day, everything back to normal tomorrow. They fixed/lowered the spawn rate a few days ago which made it way better, but too little too late. 12 days was too long.
You missed out on playing since they nerfed the rates so drastically last week though
I can't play this game with sound because the WOOHOO item pickup drives me nuts.
I've spent hours popping balloons and I've not gotten the last recipe. I don't even give a shit anymore fuck this event. I don't want your shitty wand, rabbitfaggot.
shoutouts to the guy from last thread selling for 90
be careful with the money tree someone may come and steal it
So to get the wand you just have to craft everything once and get the checkmark on the DIY menu?
Talk to the nigger bunny for the arch recipe.
>but too little too late.
It was less than half way through the event.
where i can get star fragments?
You don’t have to make the outfits but you do need the backpack and crown.
bought at 95 this morning. last week too but my prices were shit so this week needs to be better
>They fixed/lowered the spawn rate a few days ago which made it way better, but too little too late
Was it that hard for them to just ship a complete AC game?
They even delayed it goddamn it.
Shit really? I could have sworn it was like Thursday or something. Sorry, my sense of time is fucked up I guess.
45 minutes until noon.
Wait.... so the reward for crafting everything..... is a fucking bunny wand?
LMAO whatever faggot at Nintendo came up with this event needs to be put on leave
>Got bogged last week after spending 100k.
>Got bogged the week before that after spending 200k.
The delay was artificial and actually represents the majority of development time
>he doesn't know that the bunny wand deal 5x damage to egg-phobic enemies and is required for the fourth dungeon.
Was it artificial though? I mean there's legitimately content missing from the game that Nintendo is "apparently" (nobody actually knows) going to add later. Literally only Nintendo gets a pass for this shit
Who else stopped looking for the balloon gifts after most of them turned out to be eggs?
Lmao you don't understand. Its a fucking. They literally do nothing, there's already like 4 versions of it in the game. This game is a black mark on Nintendos record for me at this point
today. its been driving me crazy, my villagers are all excited because "bunny day is here" wearing those retarded outfits, STILL letting me know there's fucking eggs hidden. as if i haven't fucking found one yet. this is the dumbest event of all time. i started getting repeat bunny shit recipies after a while. i made all the furniture in like the first day
>It's a fucking.
I heard there were more than 2 hats to wear in the game too, Nintendo are a bunch of fucking FRAUDS.
>Literally only Nintendo gets a pass for this shit
Don't start this shit user because you know it isn't true
almost as if its a casual game not meant to be played 8-10 hours a day, also for children
This retarded shit should have been ONE day. That's it. One day of eggs and that's the fucking end.
But user it's called "Bunny Day". Hence it lasts a week.
The exact same team made splatoon so the most likely following that model from now on cause it works for them
Even 3 days would have been fine and more than enough time to get everything with the original spawn rate. And it wouldn't have fucked up the cherry blossoms
To be fair, the event was more about the journey than the destination.
two weeks*
Last week I cashed in at 214 per turnip. Today spent 600k at 99 per.
Got turnips selling for 90 on my island, but only for half an hour more. Daisy seems to be wandering to the left of the plaza area right now.
Same. I was put off by it on reveal. Graphics look barely better than NL. All the new features seem to be trying to turn it into a city-builder game rather than comfy life-sim. And now they're pulling patronizing early access garbage that might work if the game wasn't AC.
Haven't bought it. Maybe it'll be better in 3 years, but wouldn't bet on it.
Imagine getting the game during this Easter Event. Imagine having a limited inventory filled up with eggs as you're trying to build Nook's Cranny. What was Nintendo thinking? Two weeks into the release of one of their flagship games and they push a game breaking event that lasts for 2 weeks? How do you fuck up an Animal Crossing game? All you had to do was let the autists play in their little sandbox, fish and talk to the animals, but no. The animals get tired of you after talking to them 3 times, the first animal's house you visit for the day has a mandatory recipe. Every animal has a workbench just for this scripted event. Every time you do something minor you get that SHITTY notification "brr! brr!" that says that you are a lucky soul that just received 100 NOOK MILES!! How did they fuck this up guys? Did they even playtest it? BRR BRR MORE NOOK MILES BRR BRR. Nook Miles are useless. There is no reason to visit the mystery islands, and it's clear that the only people who actually obsess over the Tickets are the people looking for their favorite COOMER animals to invite to their islands. I get that it's a kid's game, that's whatever, but let me play the game on my terms instead of this fucking insulting faux phone game dopamine "BRR BRR!" hit every time I fish 3 fish or shake 3 trees or sell 5 items. Jesus Christ.
>Imagine getting the game during this Easter Event. Imagine having a limited inventory filled up with eggs as you're trying to build Nook's Cranny.
uhhh... i bought the game like a week ago along with console
but the eggs didnt annoy me much, it's just a game.