Fuck Buddy

Fuck Buddy

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Brad did nothing wrong.

Did anyone in this game besides buddy do anything wrong

This game man... If anyone tells you indie games can’t be great, look no further than this game. It’s such a fine JRPG gameplay wise, with perfectly executed writing to boot. Why the fuck did Undertale get popular while this got left in the dirt? Sure it’s got tough subject matter, but why do we have to appeal to 2 year olds just to make a “successful” game?

Marty? and Dr.Yado?

Yado did wrong with this whole plan.
Marty DEFINITELY did a lot wrong, but at least he recognized his sins.

Rando for being too pure for the world.

That's everyone's goal

I seriously wonder what will happen to his status after revealing his "true identity" if Brad didn't manage to kill his whole Army

>implying Yado wasn't in the right getting rid of all the women


He fucked up by not researching parthenogenesis in men before wiping out women. Not that it matters when his final goal was to make the whole world his Jurassic Park anyway

Why did Yado wipe out women? Not that I disagree with him

Undertale for people who browse Yas Forums instead of Tumblr.

So is the gameplay more akin to mother, or a more traditional JRPG? Like does it have any gimmicks or is it relatively plain? I'm gonna pick it up next time it goes on sale, so any advice going in? Major points of no return I should be aware of? Obviously I don't mean story stuff just like, should I be careful in searching every area out or nah?

Don't you faggots have a subreddit to bitch about this shit on?

I guess its closer to Mother. There are tons of characters to pick from with their own utilities and combat styles. Pick hard mode for the best story ending, but keep in mind you're limited to using a save point only once.

That actually sounds like a fun challenge, is grinding required or can you get by with just figuring out enemy weaknesses?

it's a pretty standard RPG with turn based combat and world exploration, the writing and the setting is what makes it great. theres nothing you really need to know going in, the game pretty well informs you everything about it as you play

t. potato bitch

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nope, no grinding at all
in fact aside from like, one area kind of, grinding isnt even possible
you will have to make use of status defects or some fights become almost impossible

The game can be broken if you utilize a certain party member ability since majority of the enemies are weak to fire.

I don't play Mother or JRPG in general, but after seeing some Mother vid I'd say it's like Mother but with party mechanics. Is that JRPG then? Idk. You can always look up some gameplay of Lisa on youtube and judge it yourself

You don't have to search carefully every area, most of the secrets are just items and fluff that isn't really integral to the gameplay, but it's there for you to fuck around, it's fun.

It has been a damn long time since I played the game but IIRC the only major point of no return are near the ending anyway, and there is permadeath for your party members ;)

Have fun in Olathe, user. Hope to see you there

Wheres that monster update

Two more thing I forgot to mention. Use molotovs and bombs sparingly. The game gives you a limited amount that you can use but they are very powerful. If you are going to play hard mode, use joy. If you aren't playing hard mode, dont use joy. (this is for story reasons)

he was robbed of victory, he sent a girl to hell so many fucking times its not his fault she didnt stay there

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how accurate is it? Yas Forums?

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>The Painful Part

post music, lads.

Fuck you for these feels I'm feeling

I played Lisa: The shirtless, how could you tell?

Where is Austin Jorgenson now?

are the fangames actually good? I loved painful+joyful but I'm always wary of fan made spinoffs, and with good reason honestly

Pointless is v good I heard