People who don't like the RE:3 Remake are those who aren't good enough to play it on Nightmare mode.
People who don't like the RE:3 Remake are those who aren't good enough to play it on Nightmare mode
what a shitfest of game, anyway it wasn't enjoyable.
>that nose
I don't see what that has to do with the cut content and inferior writing
Sure, user. Bunch of zombies in alleys is genius, forget about pacing, level design or content. Now let us coom to NuJill like retards and forget about shitty Nemesis.
Why is she so brown? Even Clair is brown.
Smells the money.
is my idea or nu-valentine looks like that trans boy called jazz?
Because is set in America
She does look like a boy
It sucked.
true true
>Play the entire game on Nightmare mode with zero problems. Didn't use any shop items and didn't die much.
>Last boss is a fucking joke and I had to use defence coins.
I swear to Christ that last boss on Nightmare and Inferno is borderline broken.
I would rather have one more hour of main+extra than completionist bullshit like finding the stupids dolls.
RE:2 remake removed the different scenarios and cut an enormous amount of content, including the alternate plot-turns and endings. But nobody complained about that the way people are about RE3 remake.
Resident Evil is trash series overall
>316 Times Vomited
So any word on free DLC yet?
They gave us it in RE2 Remake and that game was actually worth full price.
Actually I complained about it. 7 is the only good modern Resident Evil.
>times vomited
lmao, user sure loves tentacle porn
I didnt pay full price and I still feel it wasnt worth that price even with that shitty pvp game.
Its not a terrible unplayable game but it clearly didnt have as much effort put into it as RE2, which was also not perfect.
We need a game with Jill and Leon as the protagonists. Did they ever interact in any game or movie?
nah, probably it will all be Resistance shit and after may nobody will remember both games so Capcom wont care
I still can't believe Nemesis wasn't a better Mr. X
I think mr X will be more iconic from now on desu
He was, he just didnt have a big enough playground. The city should have been MUCH larger (along with the cut areas, even if they were minor) in order to let him actually stalk you for more than 5 seconds.
I hope they remake resident evil survivor next. I need more Mr. X.
All they had to do was make make him a Mr X with a rocket launcher and tentacles
Trying to speedrun RE 3 on anything above hardcore is such BS without item shop. On inferno even if you know how to dodge the game will just fuck you over anyway. It's basically just mashing your head against the wall until the RNG goes in your favor.
How much do I need to rank up Alex for her unlocks? Easily my favourite MM in the game, there’s nothing better than littering the map with explosives and poison and watching everyone slowly waste their herbs and ammo. Martin shitters need not reply.
Just slap your credit card number in the shop and get boosters man, thats what the entire game is there for.
He should've been utilized better I mean there was section at the hospital that I thought Jill was going to be chased around but instead it was the fucking Hunters.
>old game: expert seniors gamers who fund the shortest route after 20 years of practicing
>new game: zoomer players who get stuck in stupid shit and can't do anything right