What do you do when your team calls you bad?

What do you do when your team calls you bad?

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Carry on I guess

Do everything possible to make us lose



>playing team games
do you really?

This. Learn to soft troll. You tilt motherfuckers like you pissed on their dog, and you also become unreportable.

just post :^) and keep playing

Stop being bad.

50/50 mute and play or grief the people who talk shit. Depends on the genre of team game

you git gud so no one tells you that you are bad anymore you absolute turboshitter

Give no fucks

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Try to be less bad

Check the scoreboard and see if I am or not and agree or tell them to shut the fuck up.


This is the best answer.

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You work, work hard, harder than anyone else and get good so nobody can tell you that ever again. Apply this to every aspect in your life

>Check if the player telling me that I'm bad has better stats than me.
>If they do
Try to get better and maybe ask them how I fucked up.
>If they don't
Tell the noob to fuck off and to git gud.

i wouldnt know :)


Has literally never happened to me.
Probably because I got gud at my preferred genre before going into multiplayer. Having more charm than a used dishrag also helps.

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>Play XIV
>Server constantly whines about how shit new players are at the game,
>Switch Servers
>New server constantly whines about how mean elitist players are.
Can't we come to a happy medium where you just try to do the best you can do instead of half ass stuff and can we also communicate with each other so you're not shittalking someone for doing something they don't even know what they're doing wrong.

>Server constantly whines about how shit new players are at the game,
That's probably a good server to play unless you're a shitter yourself.
>New server constantly whines about how mean elitist players are.
Sounds like a server full of shitters where 90% of random groups will fail to do even a normal dungeon run.

>Good Server
Nah it gets tiring when you hear for the umpth time that "OH MY GOD STEPS OF FAITH WAAAAA." or "I HATE HOW X PLAYERS ARE SO TRASH." or "THIS GUY DIDN'T DO X MECHANIC OH MY GOD THIS TANK/HEALER IS RETARDED". It takes like 5 seconds to tell them how to fix it but the mentors would rather bitch in novice network or FCs.

Why do pussies always rage at their teammates? it's not like it's going to make them fuck up any less. Like statistically raging at a teammate is an active form of throwing since it just tilts them worse. I used to enjoy playing LoL before they drastically cut down the rate they made new champs and kept fucking up support and the jungle, but i pretty much never raged at a teammate for dying. I did try to rile up people who were getting too upset though which i admit was not a productive thing to do, but i only fucked with people who were already raging at someone else.

Do a tiny bit of introspection; Do I actually suck? Do I actually care if I do, or is it just a random game that I haven't invested time into, nor care to "git gud in"?

Troll back either way, because raging up try-hards is always fun. Doubly so if they are actually the ones that suck (like going for kills in an objective type mode)

>Play Fighting Game
>Be in a discord server for character strats
>One guy just keeps talking in general about how scrubby online is and whining about certain characters
>Every single time.
>All the fucking time.
What causes such autism man?

Bullying prevention mostly. You need to go ape on people like that and let them know that bitchery is not allowed.

Nothing, because they never do

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I have a hard time playing with my friend IRL because all he can talk about is what's bad about his character or what he thinks is broken about mine. It's particularly bad since he tends to like to play characters with extreme advantage/disadvantage states like grapplers yet he can't stop whining that yes, that guy who can do 5k off a command grab might have a hard time getting in on a standard shoto.

Fuck a dinosaur, cuck a "friend"

Mute them all and try to play on. Or most likely mute then just leave. I mean they can either tell me what I'm doing wrong and help me correct it, or just be assholes, and if they're the latter, than fuck 'em.

>Waah! Someone needs to spoon feed me the tactics since I'm too lazy to look them up myself
Yeah you're a shitter alright and your new server will probably fit you perfectly.

Shrug and keep playing.
I'm a grown adult with a life. I don't really care what some kid has to say to me on a video game, and I've heard far worse in my 15 or so years of online video games.

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You're exactly what I'm talking about.

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I turn off all kinds of chat or communication unless it's a necessity like voice comms in a game that kind of requires it (CS:GO, R6 Siege type stuff). And the second someone says something not related to the game callouts, especially insulting stuff, I mute them. No exceptions

and you're exactly a shitter those people "whine" about

>"Hey bro, that was a good game. Wanna play X sometime?"
o-oh. :(

Start intentionally throwing the match and teamkilling if possible and not punished.
My greatest moment in team punishing:
>playing cod4
>3 teammates die in the first couple minutes
>hide behind crates near barn and magdump mp5
>team rages
>magdump pistol
>rest of my team minus one guy is dead
>only two of them are down
>decide to see how long I can go stabbing before I get turned into a human sieve
>manage to kill all but two of their guys
>also kill last teammate and teabag him
>manage to bait second to last guy around a corner and gut him
>hide in grass at plant site
>watch enemy come in
>watch him plant
>stab him in the back as he's leaving
>walk to bomb
>toss grenade at my feet
>listen to cacophony of rage from team and hysterical laughter from opfor
I have never had a match that perfect since. Probably never will.

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this, just fucking play worse.

fuuuck that looks comfy

Someone's got some angst, huh.

>being bad at video games
Games have been around over 30 years, how to the fuck can people still be bad at them?

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This. Play dumb too so that when they start really getting hostile you can report them for toxic behavior. It's fucking great.

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>be best in the team
>team calls you shit bcs you didnt get the last kill

Because most people playing them aren't even 20

Capybaras are literal max CHA creatures.

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XIV was always full of entitled cunts I swear to god healers always have some weird fucking superiority complex about doing their fucking job

>play better than all of my team
>teammate says I gotta do X instead because my current strategy is bad and will get me killed
>ignore him and continue
>he dies
>starts raging in chat that it's my fault he died
>I get vote kicked

I ... what?

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Its not always wrong
>teammate leaves an entire site open
>tells him he's leaving the site open and they'll just rotate behind him
>lol whatever
>they rotate in behind him and flank our team

user why did you post a picture of frozen flip flops with that?

Literally the only thing that kept me playing was finding a tank and healer who were gay real life married and super chill. Every time I tried to pug it was fucking unbearable. Eventually we started a FC that only allowed chill people and had a strict boot for drama policy. It's great. I wish I could help others have as good an experience as I have.

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No reason. Please believe me.

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I dont believe you

Oh no!

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yeah xiv community seem to be more on the autistic side but there are still some chill people thankfully. I ended up giving up after o7s because god damn party finder was a fucking nightmare I got hit by a missile and one of the healers refused to heal me for the next couple wipes

>that look they're giving each other
you just know they're fucking.

>He has multiple pictures

>play even worse
>they get more and more toxic
>report them so they get banned

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It's purely platonic sisterly love.

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Start practicing, get better. Listen to music that motivates you and puts you in the right mood before you start the match.

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how many flip flops do you steal from the grade school kindergarten my man

Get a little bit upset. Forget about them half an hour later.

What the FUCK is that loadout?
Oh, it's console.

You keep playing. It's better when they shit on you rather than vote kick your arse before even playing.

Is BF4 still active? I miss that game.