What a fool I was for always romancing Morrigan

What a fool I was for always romancing Morrigan

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Idk, she was kinda ugly

>when you give her that weird bunny creature

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How do people even enjoy this game? It's been a broken piece of shit every time I've tried to get into it. The game AI always seems to break after the intro section no matter what.

I gave up once I reached the deep roads and the game just throws absolute fuck loads of enemies at you

>literally mods that let you skip entire sections of a game
>people still say it's good despite said mods

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>bioware finger point animation

DA:O was a 9/10 RPG for its time, despite the fade and deep roads and no one can convince me otherwise.

The banter between members was excellent.

>two massive portions of the game are a literal 1/10


Honestly both locations were interesting the first playthrough.
It's just when you play them again that they become boring.

Deep Roads was utter trash. There is no denying this

I liked Morrigan before it became a self-insert character for one of the devs.

Deep Roads are shit even the first time around.

t. played DA:O for the first time last Christmas and loved it. except for Deep Roads

Dropped this game when I asked for a smooch from a local wench and everyone acts like I bent her over and raped her in front of her little brother.

Jesus Christ, at least have her slap me or something, all you do by throwing a pity party is annoy me.

Did bioware expect us to take this shit seriously

Fuck no, even during its time it was a laughing stock that desperately wanted to be The Witcher.

No you somehow devolved and became bluepilled

>Kids unable to play actual games
Yup this is 2020 Yas Forums alright

>I gave up once I reached one of the only moderately difficult parts of the game

What's the most fun class/subclass? It seems like a lot of class choices are just obsolete/redundant because of companions who fill the exact same role.

Nice LARP but no one that is based enough to "always romance Morrigan" even has eyes for that psychotic mass murderer or vice versa

Morrigan has the most genuine romance route, and is so infatuated with your Warden that she still gushes about him all the way through Inquisition.

Arcane Warrior/Blood Mage for being an unstoppable killing machine

While Loliana calls your romance common and also throws all development she may have had in DA:O overboard. Lelfags can't stop losing apparently

Blood Mage+Spirit Healer for game breaking
Assassin+Duelist for mindless fun

Forcing you to kite dudes 1 by 1 because they threw 20 enemies into a tiny room isn't particularly entertaining. .

I feel like I’m the only person who actually liked the Deep Roads. Though, I do wish you were exploring the actual roads more than random adjacent caves.

You're a bigger fool for playing shitty games

Just turn down the difficulty then. I beat it last year on nightmare with a shitty build and it's still an easy game.

Found the contrarian.
Here's a (you) for the trouble.

Well yeah 90% of the game is easy, but sometimes the devs get lazy and just dump a load of OP enemies in and ruin the balance. Same with those shitty wolf encounters with like 8 enemies that all spam overpower.


I’ll give you that on the sequels but Origins was great.

That singing tho

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>Only the games I enjoy are real games!
>It's up to me what a real game is >:(
This is 2020 Yas Forums

No, the Eldridge horror shit with the brood mother raping the dwarf colony and turning them into abominations was great and that entire portion had fantastic tone. The only bad portion of the deep roads is The amount of trash mobs they throw at you in order for you to reach the broodmother part

That part was messed up.
The series never was darker.

DAO had some great lore ideas in it, especially the whole Fade and creepy black city looming in the background.

everyone had her

Too bad she's extremely obviously not the "canon" romance and morrigan gets forced on you even if you were to go out of your way to have nothing to do with her

> DA:O.
> Religion is interesting, tied to the lore of the universe with an important impact on the story.
> DA:I LOL Religion is fake! There is no god! Religion is a tool for the corrupt and powerful! CHECKMATE CHRISTIANS!


That shit was before SJW's started influencing video game development, they get a pass.

Lore doesn't make up for absolute dog shit level design

Leliana suffers the same fate as liara, in that her personality changes every game

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Da:I just makes elf religions the only real ones, they should have just kept the games focus on blights and wardens

There are trainers for most games that make you invincible, have infinite ammo, have infinite money, etc.

Are almost all games bad?

Bisexual girls are hot.

>Are all games bad?
are you asking for real or rehtorically?

>he’s never had an FFM threesome
I feel bad for you. Shit’s fucking great.

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>romancing her, making her dark side then getting her to have a threesome with you and the pirate slut from DA2

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People only pretended to like this game because Bioware was the last golden age RPG dev making the transition to abandon PC at the time and everyone was fearful of it, so we all latched onto this game for biowares last PC-centric hurrah. Unfortunately the witcher 1 came out like a year earlier and literally everything Dragon age tried to do was done better, so DA was just fucking laughable.


>Unfortunately the witcher 1 came out like a year earlier and literally everything Dragon age tried to do was done better, so DA was just fucking laughable.
Well Dragon Age actually lets me customize my character’s personality and backstory while the Witcher features a purely static character with no customization so I’ll take Dragon Age over the Witcher any day.

It’s not so much dark side as much as it is making her realize that not everything is sunshine and rainbows. Then Inquis went full retard with it and made her a psycho.

Cheating in resources or invincibility isn't the same as removing an entire area in an area-based RPG

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I loved the fade and deep roads didn't even stand out to me as good or bad, what's the deal with people hating these two parts?

>Well Dragon Age actually lets me customize my character’s personality and backstory
Customize pesonality? Fuck off thats just picking dialogue choices. And yea they made a big hubub about the backstory only for it to mean fuck all beyond which starting level you play. Immediately after they go straight into ripping off witcher 1 with its "ooooo this potions might KILL U" shit. Everything from that moment forward, from the "secret order of monster slayers", to the retarded blood splatters is just the bioware devs desperately wishing they were working on the Witcher instead but not being competent enough to do so

>Customize pesonality? Fuck off thats just picking dialogue choices.
... Yes?
>And yea they made a big hubub about the backstory only for it to mean fuck all beyond which starting level you play.
Clearly didn’t play it since it has a profound effect once you arrive at your origin home, its super relevant in Human Noble.
>Immediately after they go straight into ripping off witcher 1 with its "ooooo this potions might KILL U" shit. Everything from that moment forward, from the "secret order of monster slayers", to the retarded blood splatters is just the bioware devs desperately wishing they were working on the Witcher instead but not being competent enough to do so
The rest of this post is autism but what can you expect from a poolack who thinks an action-adventure adaptation of a novel is an RPG

Fade I can understand, and didn’t really like it myself. The fade essentially takes away your abilities for extended periods of time, and no shops to offload junk. The Deep Roads were pretty long, and the only shop was a killable NPC who’s basically Gollum. I personally liked the Deep Roads, but I also like dwarf stuff. The buildup to the Broodmother was great too.