Hey you. Yes, YOU. Tell me the last game you played and what you thought of it. Now

Hey you. Yes, YOU. Tell me the last game you played and what you thought of it. Now.

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Quake Champions. Still a fucking waste of potential.

Rain World. I am FUMING. FUCK Sky Islands, piece of shit fucking area.
Great game.


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Arms. It's fun but they probably should lower the price.

when i was a kid i lived on a farm with my grandparents and they had this barn that was completely overran with rats and mice. i would make traps to catch them and i would squeeze them really hard until their eyes popped out of their heads. the ones who would live would run around with one or no eyes and i thought it was funny. i felt kinda bad about it later because apparently rats and mice are smart animals and can feel emotion and stuff.

Heartbeat. Fun combat and aesthetics, okay story. You can tell it was made by lesbians, though.

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Mirror's Edge Catalyst. The game plays pretty much exactly the same as the original besides refined melee combat. It's still not good combat though. The open world is filler garbage. It is okay so far.

Is that the robot game?


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No, the 41% game

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Autism Wars: Smash Edition
I want my time back

We just had this thread like 3 hours ago

>calarts style art
I wana puke


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Slendytubbies, it was god awful, not even fun ironically

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>nu-Tomb Raider
it was fun

doom 64
final boss is aids

The fuck is slendytubbies

doom eternal. Had more fun in Doom 2016

We just had this thread.
Go back to your battlestation, gaming rat.

Attached: battlestation thread for ants.webm (540x960, 2.99M)

Or else what?

Dungeon Keeper.
What a finely crafted game

What are you even talking about?

Define calarts

e-celeb bait

Resident Evil Resistance
It's not great. It has balance problems and it's not very fun.

When will rat ever get buffed? Sure, his INT is amazing but he has a huge hitbox and is too weak to venom to be viable in the current meta.

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shitty slender clone made in unity back in 2012 or something

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After hearing about the PSP remake of Lunar: The Silver Star earlier this year, I preordered myself a copy and got it in the mail about a week back. This is the first time I've played Lunar or any of its variety of re-releases (but I remember seeing a copy or two of Silver Star Story Complete and Eternal Blue Complete in the local game store years ago.) Say what you will about remakes in general, but I'm having a great time with Silver Star Harmony. In terms of graphics, music, and battle system the game is quite good. Voice acting is mostly good, but I don't think they made a very good choice in casting for Kyle's role.

Also, fuck you, Nash. Fuck you.

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you just want an excuse to post this image isn't that right? i'll admit it's a pretty handsome rat

it's okay, not my favorite Ys game. Pacing near the end of the game really isn't that great and the combat doesn't improve a whole lot

I started a new run of Xenoblade 2 on a separate account while waiting for XC1DE.
Game's as fun as always, but holy shit does starting with all DLC make you fucking OP. There's no such thing as a bad Xenoblade

Uninstalled this game when different missions had me running through the same areas over and over. Devs need to understand not every game needs to be fucking open world

Final Fantasy VII
It's still pretty fucking good

LoL. Outplaying people in different assfaggots is just so much fun.

Recettear. Chill game, easy and comfy, terrible combat and dungeons, infantile story. It does what tries to do acceptably but it has no right to feel as cheap as it does. All in all, I had fun though and it was a good chance of pace.

Destiny 2
It's fucking trash

I’m playing h games!
Watcha gonna do bout it rat?!!

More rat pics like those please.

Lodoss War Wonder Labyrinth
Beats the shit out of Bloodstained & its still in early early access.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Rife with problems yet still enjoyable and engaging.

Deep Rock Galactic.

Still pretty fun, messing around with the gunner since his weapons got a passover and I dilont play him much. Big Bertha OC is still my fav to use and they just made it better, still trying to figure out my secondary.

My usual group of gaming friends are all playing BL3 though, which sucks since I refuse to play that trash pile after pirating it last year. Randoms and greenbeards are always a total gamble.

Code Vein. Seems pretty cool and a bit coomy.

it was uncharted 4.
IT is actually pretty good although they fucked way too much with the aim reticle and now it is shit so i am just using auto aim and going full auto on everyone.

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>Hey you. Yes, YOU.

Last game I played: 2 hours in to REmake 3 and like it. I suck at dodging though

Last game I completed: Death Stranding. One of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. Genuinely felt a sense of loss after completing it. It would be my go to pick of "game you could forget about to replay again".

Black Mesa.

Thought it was a pretty solid reimagining of HL1 with a lot less of that 1998 jank, but then got to Xen and had an ace time. Really cool, did a setting and vibe that HL1 just couldn't.

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the face was the only scary part of the entire game for me, the rest i fucking pissed myself laughing on how scuffed it is

FF7R, and it wasn't as bad as people said. It was meh

I'm still early on. I don't think I've traversed a similar area yet on an actual mission but once it's done I feel I'm dropped off at the exact spots. This shit did not need to be open world. I thought that trend died last generation.

The Witcher 3, currently playing it

Its fun but i feel like theres an excess of sidequests and points of interests.


It's bretty comfy


Absolutely fantastic game.

I'm also filthy rich so "getting your money's worth" and value really doesn't apply to me. But I can definitely understand the poor feeling like they got cut short.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker. It's pretty fun.

rat is OP when cornered

absolutely too many side quests relative to the amount of gwent

Whay you just posted

Escape From Tarkov, you dirty rat, gotta hit them with the rat attack
Was good, would crash the servers again 10/10

That's not at all what calarts style looks like

DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou

Great stuff, though not my best credit. Only got a little ways into the second boss and just wasn't keeping my combos up like I normally do, which still isn't that impressive.

Homeworld 2 classic, modded.
The base game itself is still good to this day, even if the campaign is a tedious mess. Great visuals, sound design, and a very fluid control scheme which however accompanies rather typical RTS mechanics, simplified from its predecessor in Homeworld proper.
The modded game can be completely wild, from autistic bloat mods adding 4x mechanics to complete overhauls of all the balancing in every way possible and absurd chinese mods with immensely overdesigned 3d models and free roam space combat trading campaigns. You can never really run out of stuff to do, though sadly the modding base is by and large dead.

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Doom 64. I think its one of if not the best retail Doom behind Plutonia. Its more consistent in its level design then Doom 1 was because of E2/3 deluding it and like Plutonia/TNT it assumes you've played D1/2 with what it throws at you.

The music is sorta lame and some levels are too gimmicky with those gay arrow traps but overall it doesn't seem to have any bad levels id call "that part" that makes me put it down.

>Uncharted 4

FUCKING GARBAGE! that's the only one of the entire franchise I genuinely hated! I hope there would be a game where I end up murdering Samuel!

Fun fact, naughty dog wanted to make Jak 5, but they had to scrap it because they were to busy making Uncharted 1

Valorant, just finished my tenth or eleventh match. One of the enemy team members ragequit about 4 rounds in so the rest of the game was just us deleting the other team. I'm not very good, but the bit of cs experience I had from my teenage years flooded back all at once and I felt like I was definitely a step above the others. Until we got further in and everyone started using abilities, which I definitely need to learn. I don't play much in the way of FPS at all anymore (unless it's like call of duty cause my guilty pleasure is those silly action movie campaigns), and certainly not multiplayer fps.
If I hadn't bummed this account off my bud I probably never would have even tried it, but now I'm gonna keep an eye on it.

buddy of mine bought me risk of rain 2 its pretty good im liking it a lot so far though i doubt i has a enough content for me to play for 100+ hours

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gta vice city stories (playing right now)
its fun cant believe this shit runs on a portable console made in 2004