Nintendo Switch sold out everywhere

>Nintendo Switch sold out everywhere
>People opting to buy PlayStation 4 consoles cause they can't find Switches

Can anyone explain me why are people buying these consoles?

It seems to me that they are buying it just because they want to be in, similar to iPhones and Apple shit

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Why do girls play games like this?

Fucking hell youre autistic.

they want entertainment during the fucking pandemic and the switch has a heavier marketing push right now because of AC. ps4 is next in line because of ff7r.

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>*puts dick up her ass and donkey punches her so it tightens*

Hello diabetes

>People opting to buy PlayStation 4 consoles cause they can't find Switches
hahahahaha in your dreams s󠀀onygger.

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Hey look, it's a degenerated 3dpd normalfag coomer without any braincells!

That looks disgusting. It's all fucking smashed together and you wouldn't taste anything but sugar. Why do people insist on mixing sweets together? I love sweets, I'm a fat fuck but I just don't understand mixing all that shit together, who actually enjoys it?

Is that a midget??

>>People opting to buy PlayStation 4 consoles cause they realize Switche has no games and ps4 has another year of masterpieces

they make this food so dipasses can post on their soc media and go 'ooh look at me, look at what i ate! im so fat!! lol!'

People are buying Switches because they like to play games

If he stopped at the icecream it would have been edible.

Stop, you're making the rest of us look bad

>use to love sweet shit when I was younger
>now just thinking about eating a bunch of sweets makes me feels nauseous
A bag of peanut m&ms is my limit. I wonder what happened.

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You grew up. Sweets only appeal to children.

>American cuisine

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surprised they didn't fucking deep-fry that shit

or, maybe they're just fucking bored

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Because they're all whores

Cant you fuckers follow the no NSFW rule? I'm fucking risking my life going on the job and you're making it hard for me to enjoy my only bastion of socializing. I might as well piss on your food

that's a fat load of butter

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People wants to play Animal Crossing. No one gives a fuck about Last of Lesbian 2 anymore.

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>(((American))) anything

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maybe don't browse fucking Yas Forums on the job, fag.
Go work, dipshit

>People are actually paying $500 for Switches right now

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thighs too large

holy, sauce

Dont you have work right now, fag?

I just feel shitty after eating even a moderate amount of sugar(like a can of soda). Not really nauseous.. just kinda lethargic.

I hated sweets even as a kid. When my parents told me I could have cheesecake instead of "birthday cake" I nearly cried.

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too thick, way too thick

>going on Yas Forums at work
I love you guys

of course not, i'm getting a stimulus check for sitting at home.

>Nintendo Switch sold out everywhere
>Amazon sells them just fine

Fake news.

she looks like shes about to ask if she can get paid and leave now

Amazon isn't shipping non essentials until May.

too thick for my cock that’s about to burst like a fat pimple

Suffering from success

do americans really...

Amazon had ordering available last night here in the UK for £299, so you had to be quick.

>We are pleased to report that the following item will dispatch sooner than expected:

>"Nintendo Switch (Neon Red/Neon blue)"
>Previous estimated arrival date: April 30 2020
>New estimated arrival date: April 25 2020


That just means you were born as an adult.
Congrats on that premature aging thing you're dealing with.

Are you proud of me, mom?

Probably splurged out on too much sweets too many times. My body finds the smell and taste of vodka revolting ever since I puked up a shit ton while drinking it.

Children don't develop limits to sweet flavors until they're older. Late adolescence is when your body begins to move towards other flavor preferences. Children are drawn to sweets biologically as an inmate preference for their mother's breast milk.

So in conclusion, you no longer like mommy milkies.


Objectively wrong when even grandparents still indulge in sweets.

>Xbox/Playstation has a wide library of fun cheap games to play
>Also hardware across the world for cheap
>Nintendo being jewish as always make shit expensive for 10 years

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No son, you ruined my life and my vagina. I should abort you right now.

You're not my dad.

IIRC childrens tongues are more sensitive than adults, especially towards sugars

probably because eating sweets causes insane amounts of inflammation

What's with Americans and sugar?

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>2000 calories burger

Attached: 1558318547682.jpg (710x720, 34.24K) americans really..?

It's a joke, user

Because the entire world is locked in their houses and need things to keep them entertained you stupid asshole. Kids don't understand economics. Stay newfag for life.