In Resident Evil, would a virus vaccine work on a zombie this far gone?

In Resident Evil, would a virus vaccine work on a zombie this far gone?

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i don't think it's viable. vision trying to vaccinate hundreds of crows.


only if my semen is in the mix.

maybe. but shed have physical injuries and rotten meat

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Yes user, we all want to fuck Misty but restrain yourself my man.

no, maybe on an already bitten person, but even then, there are chances of not working if too much time has passed.

Yes, but only if the zombie is part of the main cast.

I.e. Leon/Ashely in RE4

Its unironically part of RE canon that zombies can be cured back into humans. Capcom is fucking retarded

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If it does, we're looking at a permanently crippled woman who has to wear one of those plastic fake faces because gangrene had eaten half of her own.

If those trash CGI movies are canon then yes, i think there is one with a out break at air port and they spread the cure and you see humans again.

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the entire RE cartoon movie

That's the sexy zombie, remade from the original concept art from RE2 on PS1, I still remember staring at the images on gaming magazines like 15 years ago. I was so glad when I saw her in game. Anyway I would just keep a sexy zombie like that chained up in my basement, remove all of her teeth, and keep her as a pet.

Forgot the pic. I can't be the only kid who had pervy thoughts for this zombie, right?

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hes right. In that movie 'Vendetta' I think it was. The cure rains down on a city full of zombies and they turn back into people

Imagine being cured only to find out that your family is dead, and it was you who killed them, and they are currently inside your stomach. pretty cool

to be fair, that's one specific virus
not only that but you could be a hop and a skip away from turning into a zombie and be cured thanks to shit like daylight

>cured by daylight

Once the eyes go all white, or if the zombie is walking around with an otherwise fatal injury, its all ogre

was this thot even in REmake 3? I don't remember seeing her

There was a shitty movie in like 2007 about that premise

her head was. I don't remember seeing it on this body though

the daylight vaccine
there's like, several cures for the T-virus throughout the games and people never really acknowledged them

Has there every been any justification in the games as to why player characters can get bitten multiple times and not turn?

Likewise, has there ever been any sort of limit as to how far gone a corpse can be before the virus works on them? Do you need to be alive and infected in order for it to work? Or can you be already dead and injected with it? Do you continue to rot after infection until your body is too far gone to function at all?

I need to know these things.

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No just Remake2.


It was called Fido.
One of the side characters was like a doctor or something and had a stacey zombie he'd like trained to be a wife/maid

Imagine being the crawling zombie with no legs and stomach open.

She's peak gaming.

>One of the side characters was like a doctor or something and had a stacey zombie he'd like trained to be a wife/maid

and people wonder why it wasn't as good

You have to be alive for T-virus to work. Better name for T-virus zombies is mutants because they're not really "dead". And eventually the virus might turn you into a red crawling monster with brain exposed and huge tongue for licking.

>Has there every been any justification in the games as to why player characters can get bitten multiple times and not turn?
they don't canonically get bitten. its just the player being shit at the game
>has there ever been any sort of limit as to how far gone a corpse can be
no. corpses buried in their graves, rotting, have become zombies somehow and dug their way out. In re3 and code veronica

Probably because it had tons of content removed.

the canon for games is that they never got bit, you instantly dying to one bite wouldn't be any fun so they game-ified it to be more of a health bar.

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>they don't canonically get bitten. its just the player being shit at the game
except now jill canonically gets facefucked by a bug dick

Not zombies and there were clearly stages of no return

Fido was actually ok, the shitty one he is referring to is Deadgirl.

she pukes it out before her tummy blows up tho. its fine

why do the bugs let go and run away

>except now jill canonically gets facefucked by a bug dick
Not him but what the fuck was up with that? In the original I know she gets infected by Nemesis but why have the bug thing literally facefuck her? Shouldn't that have massive repercussions?

A vaccine is basically a small dose of the virus to allow your immune system to prepare your immune system to attack the real virus if you're infected, it wouldn't work on someone already infected

They probably do kill a lot of people, but for the ones they lay eggs in, they probably want to survive in the short term to be incubators

Imagine driving your car after a joyfull time with your family only to die because some crazy motocycle dude shoots a dog that feels into your wells

real life bugs exist that lay eggs inside living hosts. theyd prefer that she be alive I guess

I don't really expect them to kill off the player character in one hit, but I would have thought at least one game would have addressed this by now. Like, idk, player characters happen to have a certain anti-body or blood type that can resist the virus, as explained by some in-game document or something.

So far as I know, they've only ever done that with Ethan in RE7, but that wasn't exactly the T Virus, was it?

it's a baffling decision since they seemed to pretty clearly want to empower jill in general
then they have her get unironically violated in probably the grossest way possible out any RE by a bug that teleports into the scene and then away after it cums, outside the zone where they actually spawn and despite jill's ability to dodge being emphasized to the point where she's able to prenaturally duck 100 pound pieces of rubbed that nemesis whips at her from behind while also nursing "I just got kicked in the chest by the hulk" injuries
No part of it makes sense at all other than they really needed you to know there was a status effect because the new drain demos are so noisy and crumple like paper so easily in the actual gameplay

kek it's just the end of that one episode of south park

>dog that feels into your wells
we've all been there

Thats what parasite stingers do in wildlife. They fly towards the victim, sting it to inject eggs, then fly away. Eggs hatch and the maggots start eating the victim from inside. RE3make bugs look pretty generic, like giant elk flies. Real life parasite stingers can range from standard looking flies to fucking weird looking tiny wasps with super-elaborate stingers.

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Both og RE3 and RE3 remake Jill recovers after infection.

Vaccines only work when you get them before the pathogen. Once you already have it, you need a cure.

with a vaccine given less than an hour after the infection

It would neutralize the T-virus but the host would die.

ethan WAS infected tho. he wasn't immune. the dude duct tapes his arms and legs back on

>Mfw she's like 6'5"

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You should familiarize yourself with what a vaccine actually is.

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are you saying Jill had a canon abortion

Carlos found Jill "roughly half a day later", i don't think capcom cares about this fact though.

Do you understand how vaccination works? Giving someone already inflected a vaccine wouldn't help them.

More like a morning pill made from weed.

that isnt the right way to use that picture

>remove teeth
>remove nails
>you now have a 24/7 hypersexual predator deepthroat gf

Oh right I forgot about that because it's so fucking awkward, like they cut a carlos sequence or something

Dont berate OP too much, Re3make made this same mistake too by calling antidote a vaccine.

>Remove nails
>She just claws at you until the flesh around her fingers rots/falls off and bones you to death

RE2 had Sherry infected by William but it ends up being a superpower thing since in RE6 she has regeneration basically. RE3 original has Jill being infected by Nemesis. RE4 has Leon infected with Las Plagas. Wesker in 5 had to take doses of something so he could keep his superpowers. Jake in RE6 is Wesker's son so he has all this superhuman stuff he can do and was immune to the C virus.

why is there no mod to make her all the random zombies in RE3

Bring a ton of perfume to mask the odor. And a ring gag to prevent lower jaw jamming shut.

The transmission of viruses and the efficacy of their respective vaccines is vague and muddled in RE at best, especially the classic ones. You're not meant to think about it too much. Characters spend entire games being bitten, scratched, and spit on without infection until a scripted encounter gives them the virus - usually by bite, scratch, or venom.

The jaw would still have enough strength to bite your dick off.

>break arms
>break jaw
problem averted

What i'm more surprised now is that it's now canonical that she took a giant tick mutant's dick down her throat like a champ and acted like this wasn't the first time it happened.

I guess bro

She's only in the game as one of the Unlockable models

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The thing I don't think will ever be explained is in the first RE when you're being told about the family that was found eaten. How come they never turn into zombies themselves? It's completely glossed over and breaks so much.

Or just get an arm-binder and a ring-gag.

This is nice but I'd just have more fun beating it with baseball bat\pipe\2x4 or a plumber's wrench (you know one of those big ones they use to tighten pipes). I'd fucking beat her up for fun every day, or just go into full guro territory and remove limbs\pieces and see how long it takes for her to die, see if I can remove her arms at the elbow and legs at the knee and turn her into a real quadrupedal pet, or just all her limbs and turn her into a worm\fleshlight.

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Piers injected himself with a concentrated dose of the c virus and no vaccine was going to fix that.

because if you got ripped to shreds you're not coming back no matter what

I miss old Yas Forums. All of these zoomers constantly spamming BLACKED shit and other retarded bullshit. Never having fun ;_;

maybe there wasn't much left

>Piers injected himself with a concentrated dose of the c virus
Man, RE6 had a lot of problems but that moment was so fucking cool. Really wish he had lived though. What a bro he was.

She just kind of opens her mouth and other than holding onto where it grabbed her doesn't seem to have much of a reaction so i guess she consented to the dicking but was upset it cumed inside.

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>RE3 original has Jill being infected by Nemesis
New one doesn't? That literally retcons a part of 5's plot, as I recall Wesker gets a T Virus sample and antibodies from Jill in captivity and his testing on her doesn't kill her because of that stuff still in her. I guess we full reboot

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how hard is it for you to understand in canon the player characters do not get bit. Why are you trying so hard?

nemesis still infected her

No she does, after you beat fishman Nemesis for the first time she uses a gate to chop a arm off so it grows tentacles instead and jabs a bone spike infecting her.

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No, bonehead. She gets infected.

Re3make just assumes Nemesis also spreads T-virus. Which it kinda does, he's a Tyrant with an artificial parasite inside. So he spreads both the virus and not-Las Plagas.

That wasn't because of the Poison status tutorial, dummy. That was because she goes comatose because of Nemesis in the second act and Carlos has to find the vaccine to save her.

>person is literally dead
>asking to bring them back to life

Nigger, this ain't no Lazarus Pit.

>New one doesn't?
I don't know. I didn't buy it since I wasn't interested in it.
>as I recall Wesker gets a T Virus sample and antibodies from Jill in captivity and his testing on her doesn't kill her because of that stuff still in her.
I don't remember 5's files and such but I thought after Jill speared him out the window and they fell, he kept her alive to experiment on her and do all sorts of weird shit to her. That's why she has blonde hair and all those crazy abilities along with the control thing on her chest.

I mean. It shouldn't be able to unrot the flesh.