They Killed The Franchise

I just wanted a FF7 Remake. Not Kingdom Hearts 4. Why?

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>mfw we won

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15 is trash as well

because FUCK YOU thats why ahahahahaha get fucked old man, i enjoy this game :)

Your playing trash.

I just wanted FF10. Not Hallway Simulator 10. Why?

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>FF10 isnt hallway simulator

Based Berry Legion

FFXV bros...we fucking could this happen?

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>FF14 coming to Xbox this year
>Wanna try it
>Hate current SE
What do I do?

literally who


How new are you




Because they correctly realized that trying to replace FF7 would be a stupid thing to do so they made a game that celebrates the original while doing its own thing.

Wrong dipshit


Alright you're just trying to sound like a shill aren't you

Fuck people who wants to have 1:1 FF7R
And this is the only place who complains about it though. Reddit, Twitter, and every gaming website/forum out there liked it.
Lol your complaints will never be listened. Yas Forums isnt as big as the other websites/forums

FFVII:Re being shit, does in no way whatsoever mean that FFXV is good.
Fuck a lot of the reasons for why FFVII:Re is bad in the first place is because it shares a lot of similarities with FFXV.

FFVII:Re is like the disaster child of FFXV and Kingdom Hearts.

He is one,
This game is trash.

I genuinely really liked it. It's nowhere near a perfect game since it's a modern FF game and SE still took some of the same shortcuts they took with XV, but 7R is a huge step in the right direction and it shows that they're improving.

Someone give me a rundown, what did they fuck up?

We won Barry Bros

but how can they realize what is stupid when they themselves are utterly stupid?

>Not Kingdom Hearts 4
If it makes you feel better user, the KH fandom got raped with KH3 so there's your solace

FF15 bros...history will vindicate us

No. The gameplay is great
They changed the story towards the end but you should be fine about it. Dont listen to Yas Forums(nel) retarded seething.

Nah dude 15 is dogshit still.

Just give me the spoilers and I'll judge for myself, I ain't falling for the square enix jew anyway

Stop fucking shilling you bastard.

Its shit,
THE ENTIRETY of it. The side quest are fetch quest. And everything is retcon. Its basically press x to win. Its kingdom hearts 4.

not just towards the end... after the first 1-2 hours.
Why are you so dishonest?


Not that user (he's full of shit). I'll pull up the spoilers and show you how trash it is. Give me a second

Nah, just enjoy it if youre already buyed it bro.
desu i have no issues with the story

The game has the ghost things from harry potter that start screwing with you at random parts of the game.

Here you go
Ignore the FF7R shill!

>the events of VII and AC have already happened in another timeline
>the ghost things are Whispers of Fate that try to keep the characters in line with the original game
>Biggs and Wedge live. Jessie unsure.
>after the highway chase Cloud and co. fight the Whispers of Fate and beat them, making it so they're no longer bound by the original FFVII's storyline. During the battle the party is shown the clip of an old Nanaki with his cubs running towards a destroyed Midgar, Red XIII guesses it's a vision of the future that awaits them if they fail
>Sephiroth shows up after beating them. Fight is basically AC-tier of anime bullshit with Aeris and Today joining in. Sephiroth gets a black wing mid-fight because of course he fucking does
>while this happens we flashback to Zack surviving his last stand in an alternate timeline
>after beating Sephiroth he teleports Cloud to the "edge of creation" and asks for his help in "defying destiny... together". He refuses and fight similar to their final omnislash duel ensues
>the party escapes Midgar. We continue Zack's scene with him walking to Midgar with a comatose Cloud holding on to him. Remake Aeris and Alt! Zack sense each other
>fade to black

The game is trash and a disservice to the original.

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Final Fantasy is dead, seriously.

But hey, at least we got 10 great entries.

I can see you've already decided to hate it.
That's fine but it's kinda pointless to even try to reason with someone like you.
Give it a pirate when it comes to PC and see if you like the gameplay part at least.

He ask a question and so we given to him with this you fucking shill. Fuck off

........Thats a problem ?
Looks like a good "What if" alternate timeline to me.

Okay, you convince me to play it.
Thanks anons

Shills in the FFVII threads always go
>nuuuh its not time travel, sephiroth just takes them to a pocket dimension
So then fucking explain to me what a fucking "pocke dimension" is. Like they drop that word so casually as if you're supposed to go "mhh yeah time travel, I don't buy it, but a POCKET DIMENSION? now THAT makes sense!"
What the FUCK is a pocket dimension and where does sephiroth carry it around with him? Does he even have pockets or is it in his ass?
Have there been previous examples of pocket dimensions in FFVII?

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the gameplay is amazing just like Kingdom hearts many play will replay it several times on hard because the combat is fun while trying their best to ignore the story... The remake should have been way more than that.

HD textures load visibly late or don't load at all

some parts feel dragged and badly paced

optional quests are meh

watchmen of fate are a very unwelcome addition that conflict with the OG core themes

Sephiroth every 5 minutes make him feel less threatening and more friendly

the ending is such a big departure that it can no longer go back to being FF7


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I'm trying to be reasonable here.
And besides, a shill wouldn't tell people to pirate the game their shilling.

Nice samefagging

>some parts feel dragged and badly paced
Remember in the original FFVII when you had unskipable "kill 5 rats and get back to me" quests from the shopkeeper? And when you go back to him you get another.

Are you fucking idiot? It's a fucking reboot not a what if. It sounds like your the same person. If so fuck off with your trash.

they sucked up kh progressively crazier stories for the last decade as default and dont even realize half the crap they are saying in on itself is already a issue and stupid and needs explanation because its make believe.

I wish we got to fight Sam instead of Dis Pear Sephiroth


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Shills are pathetic.
Reminds me F076 shills that shilled in the face of armageddon. Then when the game show it flopped. They were quiet as fuck.

Being a kingdom hearts fan from early childhood on must be a lot like having self-induced schizophrenia. Like their sense of logic is absolutely WARPED at this point.


Nah. I still haven't even bothered picking up FFV. I'm waiting for Remake in the mail though.

I wonder if shills dont realize they more they're struggling the more people who don't even care about the game will join the shitposting just to get them riled up, cornered and wasting hours of their life typing essays on why this game doesnt actually suck.

Trying this hard to force the next tortanic is the dumbest shit this board has done in a good while.

Defend it

>sit through 20 hours of fucking dogshit so you can see the 2 hour ending that's actually pretty good: the game
Why does square like to torture me so?

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because target audience doesn't understand subtlety

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Remake being shit doesn't magically make XV good. The fact is Squeenix hasn't managed to make an even acceptable FF game since XII on the fucking PS2.

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> The gameplay is amazing like Kingdom Hearts

KH's gameplay is fucking trash

dude, it has amazing combat, amazing bosses, the best of any jrpg in fact.

hard mode is actually hard, the entire buildup to shinra towers is an amazing escalation of tension.

who the fuck cares if there are some tiny differences in a 22 year old story? stop pretending like the story as originally told was some flawless literary masterpiece. it can only be improved upon.

If there are alternate timelines, why would there be agents acting to change a timeline and those trying to protect it? Thinking rationally, neither side has any stake in the matters they are fucking around with.

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I would have liked to experience a classic story as someone who didn't play the original and would rather not play an antique game. So this is a definite no buy for me. Why tf would they do this?

eh to each their own i like it, its fun and it looks amazing.... i just have to ignore the story...

really sad that i now can say the same about remake lol

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It's not subjective, it's plainly dog shit, very clunky and basically reliant on mashing x and being leveled enough to truck through the bullshit mechanics. Compared to FF15 it feels unplayable

Why is Barrett full of dust?

Are you falseflagging or do you not feel shame for being a shallow sub-human?

the original story in midgar is impossible to take seriously to anyone who didnt play it back in 97. this is just better, dont listen to the stupid retards in here doing the tortanic shit. if they flatout tell you the way the story is delivered to you in og is better, i dunno dude, that is some serious nostalgia coping by manchildren

why even bring FF15 up the two games fundamentally goes for different combats but lets agree to disagree

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Any one else cancel their amazon pre order and buy it digitally? Mine wont be delivered until the 14th now.

Time jannies

>the gameplay is great
>XV-tier braindead combat

>I would have liked to experience a classic story as someone who didn't play the original and would rather not play an antique game.
this is who's angry at ff7r, everybody. shameless zoomers who got filtered by ps1 graphics. sad!

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>tiny differences
coping shills

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Adult noctis is so much more handsome than any character nomura ever designed.

there is no fucking chance FF15 combat is better than 7R. The director straight up said in interviews he was a boomer who only wanted to press one button to win. you cannot cope your way out of that horseshit. this same nigger.later got fired too to make it even more clear what horsefuckery the FF15 project was.

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Ahhhh guess FFX will be the last great Final Fantasy ever.

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Literally the only good thing about XV is adult Noctis.

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From a pure action-game perspective I'd say XV has better combat than VIIR, although from a pure action-game perspective XV still has absolute trash-tier combat.

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I feed bad for you for FF7R has actually kills your parents, user.
No one this autistic enough to be seething like this

They are trying to appeal to the FFXIV cattle.