Bannerlord Thread

>Be me
>Create new character
>Kill looters and sell off all their stuff
>Makes Hardly any money
>Start getting into trading resources between cities
>Makes a ton of money
>MFW buying more camels increases the amount of loot I can carry

Attached: Mount & Blade Bannerlord Character Creation.jpg (1920x1080, 363.5K)

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How do I into Caravans, I just got my first castle.

Talk to any merchant in any city (better in a friendly city tho, maybe far from the vorder) and form a caravan. You'll need 15k and one companion who will lead it. It takes a couple of weeks before you see any profit and a couple more to make actual good cash (1k daily)

you auto-resolve looters because they literally cant kill, only wound your soldiers in combat. combined with the extra xp your troops get from winning auto-resolve, its the most efficient way to upgrade your rookie soldiers.

It reserves a companion, right? Does the caravan leading companion then still count towards that companion limit you have?

Can you have a wife in game?

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pretty sure yea

You can have kids in game.

Yea it does. I usually have 4 caravans by clan tier 3 and I use an extra companion and my wife for 2 additional war parties

Literally how?

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I heard that buying a woodwork would make you a lot of money. Is this still true? And where do I find a woodworker? I've been checking cities all over the map but none have it.

Are caravans automated, or do I have to tinker and mess with the goods for max profit?

When you buy a shop you get to choose what you make in it(you can also change later but it costs 2000). You want to make sure the city your shop is in is nearby towns that produce the raw materials you need, Woodshops need hardwood, for example.

I think the wood shops may have been fixed because mine is making decent money but nothing crazy

have they fixed the broken skills in troops yet?

>hides and tools are categorized as food
>troops eat my trade goods

Yeah but I was trying to improve my archery skill, and killing looters myself helps upgrade my own skills.

>When you buy a shop you get to choose what you make in it
Wait, really? I thought that when I buy a vintner it just stays a vintner. This changes things.

do they really do that

What about forest bandits, sea raiders and the like?

>can only have 100 people in my party
>skills take forever to level
>any time I try to attack a castle they send unlimited troops at me before I can do anything
How do I git gud?

Literally none. Trade til you have thousands of horses.

Shit works itself breh
It wildly fluctuates though, workshops are a bit more stable but offer less, I was getting like 700 on a pottershop in the Empire somewhere at somepoint though.

well, not much detail on the map but it could be small lakes, ponds or rivers

They consumables for workshops, the workshops can eat them.

>have 100 people
>raid villages constantly
>seek conflict constantly
>own a fief so you dont need to worry about money
>Get trading to 300
>just buy fiefs

Why are you greentexting like it's 2015.

If you can't tell, i like axes.

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they are good for that too. there'll always be more looters, just remember: dont use fucking auto resolve on bandits of any kind, just looters. mountain bandits for example, even 2 or 3 or them, and youll have dead tier 4-5-6 units out of auto resolve.

hard-working greeks always find a way

Post cool banners.

How do I get more vassals for my new kingdom? I can't figure out how to promote my party members.

they do everything themselves. Once you buy one you're good to go. I've never lost a caravan to bandits or enemy parties either

Are spears finally the main stay weapon they were IRL or are they still shit compared to armor piercing swords?

>wait in a town so my troops can recover
>town gets raided
>go into my party menu to upgrade some troops
>leave button gone
>can press play so stuck in pause

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cant press play*

what is the best way to recruit plebs? i have over 300 size in party and i cant for the like of me reach 200, such an anal to recruit troops in this game

yeah but it cant be the queen which is disappointing

It turns out that engaging in normal commerce is more profitable than scavenging from scavengers, yes.


For the joy of killing them, really. And to sell them into slavery, I suppose.

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Any of you had one of your companions magically disappearing?
I sent this guy on a cattle delivery quest. Couple of days later notice I'm missing someone. He's literally at the other edge of the map, under clan tab it says 'HOLDING'.
Y spoke with the ransom broker and apparently he's not prisoner since I can't ransom him.

Any idea?

There's some command to fix it, it's a bug.

I had the same problem. I could only fixing it by kicking the companion from the clan at which point he goes to the nearest tavern where you can re-recruit him.

It works with looters because their main weapon is throwing rocks, so they can only knock people unconcious in auto resolve

The faggot is literally wearing my money, would he lose his gear?

I'll look it up, thanks.

Build an army

No he will still have all his gear. You just need the 1000 denars to rehire him.

>be me
>create new character

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Found it, if anyone needs it.

>config.cheat_mode 1
>campaign.teleport_hero_to_settlement "Your Hero name" | "Settlement you want your hero be (Sibir or Omor for example)"

looters are the best way to level up recruits.
if you are killing them for money, you are doing it wrong.

I cloned my waifu

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Living the dream

First for based Radagos

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Why would you even accept a duel from this guy? Impale his men alive and torture him to death slowly after you get what you need from him.

>have army of 200 swadian knights
>fight 15 looters
>10 dead swadian knights
I don't trust autoresolve in ant game because of this.

>fucking the barren 40+ empress
>not fucking the heir apparent

It was the same in Warband.
Trade until you become so wealthy you can afford an unstoppable military and take over everything.

Go to the difficulty option and turn the recruitment difficulty all the way to easiest and you get +2 recruits from villages. You can also recruit prisoners with no penalty. Never had a problem keeping my army full.

How do I see an estimate profit for each type of workshop before actually making one?

It's way better now, what he's describing is 100% right. I thought the same until I tried it out. They also put way more weight into how good your units are now. You can still occasionally lose a high level unit to inferior enemies but It's way more balance, so if you have 20 cavalry and 20 weak ground units and you lose 10 guys in a simulated battle it should mostly be ground units.

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Free XP. Free pocket change. Pretty much. Are people really complaining about risk free resource? Also a way to crawl back up from the bottom if you become a complete wretch, I guess.

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Fish that live in the now on top of the mountain. Some call them "mice."

Oh no!

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