Ok, this is dance

ok, this is dance


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Other urls found in this thread:

soundcloud.com/search?q=streets of rage 4

>Retro pack
Can this game get anymore based?


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>The lighting effects on the sprites when they get close to a light source
I don't care what you fags say. I love this shit.
Shame there isn't a retro enemy option.

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We SoRR now.

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>FOUR Axels

>No Roo
>No Ash
Give us ALL the characters please.

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These are some of the tracks from the game. Funky HQ is an absolute bop.

soundcloud.com/search?q=streets of rage 4

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>Get complaints that people liked the classic characters more than the new ones and some people say they still prefer sprites
>Just throw in a dozen of the old sprites as separate playable characters
The madmen. I was on the fence about this but this addition is great.
Been wondering about the OST after they announced all those names.

This show has fucking incredible animation. Shame I hear the writing is mediocre.

I don't give a rats ass about the new characters but damn, Adam is lookin pimpin as fuck.

Attached: Streets of Rage 4 - Adam Hunter.webm (852x480, 2.85M)

I like how they're not just slapped in half assed. There's an attempt to at least somewhat make it fit in.

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Yeah Funky HQ's transition from regular sax to synthesized sax was pure sex. A Ki RA and Overflow are also bangers
I just wish we would get a definitive release date already

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I'm still mad that the Jet Set Radio composer decided to be a hack and drop out. Claims it's due to scheduling conflicts. Like mother fucker what schedule do you have? You just sit on twitter posting about Family Guy all day and we're never getting another JSR so what the fuck are you doing?

Naganuma bailed? What the fuck, he's a freelancer. Unless he's actually the lead composer on some unannounced game I don't see what the fuck he's doing.

Shimomura is on this, the W101 Remastered Arranged OST, and a bunch of other shit.

Neat. This feels like something a game from that generation would include. Glad to see they're having fun with it and are at liberty to do so with the IP.

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yeah they announced it a couple months back. decided to replace him with Harumi Fujita

SEGA letting indies take a crack at IPs they'd never touch is nice. So far it's just Wonder Boy and Streets of Rage (and the Panzer Dragoon remake I guess) but I'd like to see a new Afterburner game.

okay I'm cool with this

I need this. release date when?

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In which SoR Shura is playable?

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Technically Sonic Mania too.

They must have heard people talking shit about the vibe and soundtrack so they tacked on some Mugen shit.

Here's also some excerpts of the soundtrack posted yesterday. These are what you've heard in the trailers.


Do Joe rules hard

Worth it for the classic OST alone

These are all terrible.

This game is an abomination.

Fuck the French.

Fuck this glow-in-the dark phony the most though

I hope we get some SORR-tier Customization with SOR4.

>tfw Hideki Naganuma isn't part of it anymore

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I'm hoping for Popful Mail next. I did have a back and forth with one of the team members on Twitter about doing a remake, said that they were busy (this was before the Streets of Rage 4 announcement) and might look into it.

Shura? Do you mean Shiva or possibly Rudra?

Shiva appears in 2 as the mini boss before the last boss and in he's playable in SoR3. He's also the first boss in 3.

Rudra is a character made exclusively for SoR Remake by Bomber Games and isn't official.

>sor 1+2 soundtrack
>Not 3


He's playable in SOR3 as an unlockable.

>but I'd like to see a new Afterburner game.
Mranria Tream did express interest in this in an interview, so fingers crossed.


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Is the kangaroo a secret unlockable

I guess I’m a fucking mark because for some reason this makes me more interested in it. A smaller percentage of the characters are Cherry now, I guess

>Get to play as Skate again

Absolutely based.

I really like the new Adam, Blaze and Axel though.

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This game has a terrible art style. It's going to flop based off that.

I'm just so glad that Adam is finally back, bros.

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>I don't like the art style that means no one does.

>You can play as pre-hooker Blaze

No Roo, no buy.

Wonderboy did really well, user.

the Goku of SoR

Shiva, I am retarded.
I knew about the SoRR, but not about the SoR3, never liked that game.
Thank you, anons!

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I was sad that Max isnt in and the meme maori take his place as the heavy grappler but now i am happy.The Original soundtrack is a nice surprise too

I'd even take new releases of Climax (currently only available on mobile and even that version has only been back up for about a year after all versions were gone for years) or 3D Classics Afterburner II (a true GOAT remake/remaster).

A true Afterburner 4 (since you could count either Climax or 3DABII's extra mode as the true 3, as the Sega CD ABIII is just a bad G-Loc port with good music) would make me fucking nut.

It works in Wonderboy, as it's a fantasy game that always had a cartoony art style; however, Streets of Rage had a very "90s gritty art style" with strong colors and contrast with everything being dirty.


Jesus, I look at his sprites and my brain just auto-completes his name as "Hoopz".

The only designs that aren't good are Cherry and a couple of the enemies. The old characters look great in the new style (multiple classic Axel options even exist to make his more drastic changes even more fine). Robot arm guy is fine in a vacuum, he just got in over characters people would've wanted more, but now here we are.

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most of these suck, should've gotten someone more familiar with 90's dance music

agreed. you can tell they're desperate by the addition of previous game character sprites and music.

Wait hold on, I'm retarded because I mixed this up with Burning Rangers, which is what they were talking about.

Eh, that's alright. Burning Rangers only had the one game anyway, a new one would be cool. Just keep Mitsuyoshi around for the main theme.

Compare the good designs in this game to River City Girls. Imagine getting outclassed by a Frenchie.

Try the Japanese version of SOR3 if you haven't already, the localisation suffered from retarded censorship and a ridiculously increased difficulty level.

>mixing pixel shit with flash shit

Popful Mail is the best Zelda 2 game that isn't Zelda 2.

>you can tell they're desperate by the addition of previous game character sprites and music.
How the fuck did you get to that conclusion?

FUCK I need this NOW

Floyd is a ugly disgusting nigger and easily the worst character in SoR history.


Why you gotta remind me what they did to the sequel man

It's a shame the SOR3 music won't be included, I fucking love the music in SOR3.

Any one have a link to Streets of Rage remake? I had it on my PC but I can't remember where I saved it as its been so fucking long

Where is Yuzo Koshiro

So it was revealed that Olivier Deriviere will be doing the main bulk of the soundtrack and Yuzo, Moto and the other guest composers are doing a boss battle each and a few more smaller contributions.

SoR3 did have its amazing standout tracks but the majority is just noisey garbage.

Street of rage 4 is going to work only because THEY FUCKING FINALLY GAVE IT FUCKING ONLINE MULTIPLAYER.

It's definitely an acquired taste, I like it though.

Yuzo will do 5 tracks if I'm remembering right.


Didn't PS3 have a new Afterburner?

>Floyd is a ugly disgusting nigger
He's a Maori... He's from New Zealand... The game has a literal family of niggers and he isn't one of them yet he's the one you complain about calling him a nigger? Kek you actual fucking idiot.

I've got it but it's over 200mb so I can't dump in it catbox for ya.