you got a licence for that pasta
What third world currency is that, pesos?
>literally Batchelor Chow
Pence. Britain.
That’s nothing new, Tifa was trying to get you to eat chocolate bars a month ago.
Do British people really...?
>tried to buy two cheese & broccoli AND two cheese, leek & ham
Tescos nearly had me dragged out front and shot for daring to defying their 3-item-limit "panic buying" measure, I just like having a cheesy pasta snack for lunch.
still not as good as this
ngl those are pretty tasty.
how do we end the remake meme and force developers to make new things
even "new" games right now are basically just other games mashed together, like valorant which is CSGOverwatch
oi hes got too much pasta get 'im
hes coming right for me
*blam blam*
it's weird as fuck to me that this anime weeb shit is this popular
I wonder if anyone actually ever won that contest? If they did, then they're probably dead now. F.
We know, Reddit.
This was after I'd gotten yelled at for ignoring the one-way traffic system they're imposing on all their shopping aisles. I guess you can only catch Corona if you're traveling in a certain direction?
GBP wich has a higher value than amerishart dollarydoos. You dumb fucking mutt
Why did britain rename their currency after Mike "the Electric Fence" Pence?
Give sauce.
Wrong way, down a one way street
Kek why are you so mad britscum?
Mike"Pull The Trigger on Every Nigger" Pence
Mike "AC/DC for the LGBT" Pence
They didn't, Lightning Mike just shares a name with Britmoney.
Covid 19. Shelves are empty. Discount dry food. Still nobody wants to buy this.
>2.1 to 1.24 USD in 12 years
What are they gonna do about it? Approach you?
>implying you shartmutts are any better
Nice trailer parks dude, nice entire cities ravaged by niggers and spics dude, nice entire cities that.make the worst shitholes in britain look quaint by comparisson.
Hey, at least we didn't name our currency after
Mike "Turning Fruits into Vegetables" Pence.
>five pounds of silver for pasta
>£2.1 to $1.24
What a blatant fucking lie, typical of a shartmutt.
They've got police out front now to help "keep the peace" after one of their workers was choked out by a customer.
What’s wrong with trailer parks? They are pretty comfy.
Blam blam?
The shelves aren't empty in tesco you mong
>hey atleast we aren't based in this hypothetical scenario
I'll repeat, the currency isn't named after Mike, you smooth brained nigger mutt.
British police making gunshot noises with their mouths.
Britain hate thread? Britain hate thread.
Actually we're stupid enough that I believe you.
Actually sounds bretty based tbqh.
>England is the only nation with drunk women exiting night clubs on Friday nights
fucking love the cheese, leek and ham one
did they discontinue spicy arrabbiata one? I haven't been able to find it in any supermarkets for like 6 months
Is SquareEnix like the last video game company to still do this kind of marketing?
It feels so incredibly 90's.
Please tell me you're pretending to be retarded.
Full of the exact same drunken inbred scum that you posted as an example of britain being a shithole. Dumb cunt, suppose it's "alright when we mutts do it" though.
How do I make a good Broccoli and cheese pasta, bros?
I don’t think you ever been to a trailer park.
Damn, I guess Kuwait is now the most powerful nation in the world... Who can stop them?
blonde one in the bottom left would get it
Absolutely seething and incorrect
What the fuck is wrong with their faces?
He’s saying your Monopoly money fell from 2.1 dollars to 1.24 dollars. Can you not read?
British TV
You can smell the greasy hamburger ignorance from here. The stench.
Norf or sowf
Just so I never have to interact with you IRL you twat.
I don't think a day's gone by where I haven't read about someone having an almighty shit-fit in a Tescos somewhere around the country. Covid's got people acting like fucking animals.
Honestly a lot of them could get it from me, but I haven’t been laid in a few years
“Briton” justice system
angloids a just repulsive
Post the - never mind someone already did
It helps that the only people who watch tv are 50+ or chavs I guess
based limmy poster.
This serious?
honk if thatchers dead
oh god that was when the media was doing that LGBT awareness thing wasn't it, I hope it's not annual.
The people that browse this website are literal seven year olds.
I miss the Warrior of Light being on Cup Noodles.
>inb4 someone posts the one where Floridaman also got a lengthy prison sentence for placing bacon on a door handle (and also broke windows, and was a repeat offender, but the poster will be sure to leave those facts out)
What the fuck is that?
Midsommer Murders is some good shit though.
At least one ones with old Barnaby and his murder magnet wife.
>leaving out the part where he also brought a machete
British women
What the fuck is that?
>Believing every image you see on Yas Forums
It's fake you fucking retard, but I guess that explains how you brainlets keep multiplying
The best rapper ever
Are bathsalts really worth it to go that fucking nuts?
>Hey Cloud, whatcha making?
>I'm trying to make some pasta with some homemade sauce. Usually I buy pre-made, but I wanted to try something diff- is that a ghost?
They are brits, cant help it
island inbreeding
m8 I've seen some of those shows, and the answer was "no, our kids cannot go gender neutral"
All you Tesco shoppers are fucking dimwits.
not gonna lie, I'd try to get with the sailor
If British tv is so bad why do Americans keep stealing from them to great subpar adaptations
why is it funny
Hey, don't diss Bachelors cheese and broccoli pasta. Fuck me that's some tasty goodness when cooked right.
support H-games devs
Not gonna lie I would fucking buy those.
Oh shit, I might actually go out and look to see if they have it at my Tescos out of curiosity
>Big Poz Load
Cmon now, it's literally the new meme buzzword of the retards on this site
She looks like she has down syndrome dude
you forgot
>totally Cash Money
That's fucking beautiful, user.
Doesn't matter, she's got the cushion for the pushin and I'd push down alright.
Phwoar lads, 50p for some Bachelors? That'd do my belly some goodness.
I was raised on just spaghetti bolognese for pasta dishes, how do I cook a good Broccoli pasta/.
>big poz load
do britons really...?