First games, now anime

first games, now anime

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Other urls found in this thread:


need pic sauce, i mean the drawing in the pic


>watching anime

Manga and VNs is where its at
Anime is creatively bankrupt as FUCK and has been for a long time, and most of it is just ads for a manga

they're coming for manga too, and ln/wn

Yeah good luck with that.

My vidya and anime backlog is so fucking long they could stop making any form of media and i would still be entertained untill the end of my life

Someone redpill me on what that means

Who makes these? Also go post this on Yas Forums
Oh wait, Yas Forums actually has good mods so you won't

Try LN.

kill yourself resetranny

get into the decision making of comiket, who is allowed/dis-allowed, infiltrate all artist collectives, pressure any and all sites that publish ln/wn, and then just go after webtoons, that last one is easy, because they are already there

Doesn't sony own funi tho?

This. I have no idea wtf this thread is talking about

muh 'sjws' or something along those lines.

>Yas Forums
>ever had good mods

There is nothing wrong with Funimation.

>ethics committee
yes and that’s a bad thing, Sony is just as pozzed as Funimation

There's an Anime committee?

What does this even mean?

No I dont like blueballs

Never going to happen
Manga is done by individuals for individuals there would be zero reason to do it either, you would just lose money and people would make the maga they want anyways, I dont think you realize how much manga is out there

translators are going to be in the production phase of all animation studios and force the japs to change verbooten material if they are going to sell in the west, so not even japs will get a different version, we are all getting the same version dictated by funimation

oh user... no, please tell me you are just trolling for (you)s

this, it seems every new anime is a moe slice of life or a sword art online ripoff

The fuck is anime production committee?

funny you mentioned it haha

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more pozzed anime.


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So it's just burger thing? Who fucking cares

>all animation studios
Not how it works
They got a say in maybe 1 studio and probably for only a couple years
You doomposters are fucking dumb

>plays only lewd VNs
Lol. I don't read porn.

Yeah im thinking based

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>Manga is done by individuals for individuals
Only on sites like pixiv, which falls under places which would be pressured.
If you don't get a publisher, your shit isn't going to be on a single shelf. It's not as if otaku can even rely on the law, since they've already cucked out once.

Yeah, not like this is the same shit that happened in games.

>anime production committee

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It means the west (Funimation) will have big role in anime. Meaning woke anime will be the norm.

Sucks to be you
Enjoy your blue balls

It doesnt matter where, Japanese people taste is not going to change. It has only gotten lewder too this last decade

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gaymers rise up

crunchyroll is also on these committees, they have no power cause they little to no money to actually give


Funimation is a dubbing company that snatches up a majority of the marketable anime and dubs it. Upset anime and gaming nerds already seething over some gay thing get outraged if they don't translate a line the way they like or use less offensive language if a character uses a slur.

>over 80% of PS4 gamers are LGBTQ

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>being a dub fag

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I already knew this was happening, as the western media machine collapses on itself after the sjw parasite infiltration, the parasite needs to move on to a new host now that the old one is dying.

That scene in dragon maids where they inserted that sjw talking point shit was only the beginning.

The retardera crowd are coming for anime and manga next and they’ll kill it too. The Japanese are too naive and sheltered from the outside world to know any better, they will fall for it and let the parasites in.

Theyve been doing this shit since the 80s

Yas Forums literally has the best mods on this site which is why that board is one of the only media ones that isn't total shit.
Based as usual


Information please? Heard about voice acting drama?

this is a clickbait headline. what's actually happening is that funimation is funding three shows for winter 2020 in exchange for getting the permanent rights to them outside of japan.

I see you don't even understand what that means.

Exactly my point.

The only shows that I watched dubbed are Black lagoon and Haruhi
Haruhi's was ok, I liked Kyon's voice but the rest ehh
Black lagoon tho was superior to sub in every way

Except these "dubfags" are going to be part of the production phase of your favorite animays from now on.

Imagine unironically defending

Attached: 1585623423817.jpg (600x677, 46.52K) they're just trying to recreate greatness.

They want to censor the original.


Lol no they will have a tiny ass say in maybe a few anime thats fucking it
they are not taking over the entire country industry that would be impossible
stop being a retarded doomposter

Somehow I still cling to the hope that this shit is just satire and these people are just making fun of retarded feminists...

Crunchyroll has been part of anime production committees since fucking 2013.

>actually believes this

this man speaks the truth anime has been trash for a while even if you sometime get some gems

>Yas Forums

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I see you are a fucking idiot

>Sub all way
Dubtard can’t win a argument.

oh my sweet, sweet summer child...

God Oreimo was such fucking garbage that it angers me to this day.

Who fucking cares, they were already ruining anime before Funi jumped in

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I legitimately can't even believe this is real, this is like satire, how insecure must you be to try and censor this and a different culture all together, actual mental illness.


>I must coom all the time
Imagine being this stupid. I bet you can't even read japanese.

Nothing really new.
Big O and sonic X got extra seasons due to western backing

Dubtards are going to censor your anime from now on, even in Japanese. RETARD.

I never understood why everyone disliked manami when she was objectively the best girl, both in the show and for MC.

The only reason you disagree is because you aren't allowed to go full retard on there like you can on Yas Forums and Yas Forums.

FGO EoR 3 without Nigger EMIYA confirmed.

They are going to censor it at the source dude.

>Funimation is listed on the production committee for three titles during the Winter 2020 season: Hatena Illusion, ID: INVADED and Plunderer.
>Due to the work they’ve done and the strong relationships the company has built with Japanese partners in licensing shows from them, they were invited to participate on these committees to help fund these productions directly.
>Instead of simply licensing the rights to a finished show (as companies usually do), Funimation is now able to take part ownership of some titles directly when bringing them to the rest of the world.

Not all the time no, I can read a sex scene without touching myself just fine thanks
But again enjoy your blueballs, Im sure main girl will kiss main boy in tha last chapter, maybe.

Japan isn't as immune to SJW shit than you think. I'll just leave you with this.

lmao, you think this is nothing? Remember when japs bent the knee over some tweeter trannies and removed Uzaki chan's poster? They later put her back in, but still, it shows they are listening and agreeing to west cuckoldry.

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So basically we're getting ani-jannies?

that's just cringe, I can't believe some fat blue hair thought this was funny.

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literally just oneangryincel for anime

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Gamer and anime culture are slowly being overtaken. Soon there won't be a safe space for fascism in western culture anymore. Where are you going to flee for your outdated needs, user?

Nah. Japs will never cave into them since that would doom the industry in the mainland.

Hanna-Barbera got involved in funding go bots



No the poster was never removed to begin with
Now you are just resorting to lying huh

Funi isn't the problem.
China is.

A second event was made anyway, and a 3rd is planned.

Yas Forums is we hero but not deserve it.

At least I'll always have Space Dandy's dub from right before SJWs took over.

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Why are people freaking out? this is what gonna happen
>remove titties from anime
>sales go down
>put titties back and ignore everything westerners have to say for media for nips
>sales go back up

Yas Forums mods are cringebased, they are fucking sub human faggots who go overboard a whole lot and destroy board culture but they keep the Yas Forums and Yas Forums filth at bay
it's like living under opressive extreme left/right government where you have to figuratively fucked by the daddy goburnment but at least they keep you safe from shit that's even worse than them

>literally just oneangryincel for anime
Sucks too because I love reading idol news of the girls fucking up or otakus being whales for handshake meetings.

>he says while modern shounen threads exist
They’re only good by the virtue of being more active. Pretty dumb for them to ban sakurafish and the nipplemod thing years back was also disgraceful

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Why would the nips ever agree to have their media be changed by western committee members?
A lot of revenue is made of merch that pretty much only the REAL otaku and weebs buy, they don't really care about the neo-liberal sentimentality to be found in the west.

So the only reason must be that the nips WANT them on the committee, most likely to help exapnd the western market. The Jap market is stagnant, in fact it is worse than that, it is declining. So they'll let the LGBTQ and other alphabet feel groups enter galore as long as they think it will up their margins.

In other words, you could have stopped all of this if you didn't pirate every single anime you ever watched.

>translators are going to be in the production phase
Funimation is a translation company, They can't tell the producers shit.

no the Japanese who make media are massive cucks who will instantly cave to western pressure

Season 1 was good. Season 2 was just too much harem-shit not enough head-petting of Kirino. Ending was good if you understood it which wasn't hard to do
Manami was the villain bro. Almost as manipulative and full of head games as Kuroneko

Yas Forums has the most authoritarian mod niggers, you can't say anything without being banned.

And the industry is not as simple and linear as you think it is
This is not comics
Anyone can make a manga and publish its easy as fuck
You cannot ever police it specially from the outside and Japanese taste will not change again its only getting lewder and pedo-er
Those laws are just for show, Asians are like that

Why would island nation give two ass about imbecile subhuman feeling?

>anything that I disagree with is nazis
your brain has turned into oatmeal

anime is unironically worse than porn in burning out your motivation receptors.

rate my taste white boy

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>for MC.
You literally cannot beat someone's imouto as best for the MC

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it's shit but it sure as hell ain't SJW approved, protag-kun is a pervert who sexually harasses the girls he hangs out with.

>ownership means they won't have a say in the... content...of...the...stuff they... partially... own...

Damn them!!! They play us like a bot fool!

Hold now my dudes, it was clearly made to troll
Anyway I don't watch dubs you have brought this for yourself RUBA DUBA DUB THANKS FOR THE GRUB

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Post more similar pics of that bitch nigga

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I feel like I'm getting too old for this shit

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Futa "Queen"

>my Saxon face on dat Welshman booty

Wow its fucking nothing
God dammit fucking clickbait trash

Not bad but not good ether.

>le 80% face

Oh no no no.
Also reminder that west is a tertiary market for anime. Once they will notice animes where Funimation helped to work on flopping they'll throw them out like a sack of shit.

they must be stopped

Are you okay user?

We truly are living the end times

When is western clown instant cave in China market?

Name a worse source than sankakushit and oneangryincel

>Yas Forumsnonymous reddit

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Fuck forgot my image

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>or use less offensive language if a character uses a slur
I don't even watch anime but that's immoral. You have an ethical obligation to remain true to the source material. If they say nigger, you translate it as nigger.

don't worry, chinese streaming sites will always have more influence

Name a single time in history where slippery slope did not occur

> Upset anime and gaming nerds already seething over some gay thing get outraged if they don't translate a line the way they like or use less offensive language if a character uses a slur.
You mean censorship, right? What you're describing is censorship. Using a "less offensive" thing in place of the actual translation is censoring it.

sure cant wait for them to start censoring doujinshis because they are too sexual

Maybe say less stupid shit

>The Jap market is stagnant, in fact it is worse than that, it is declining

>thinking once they take something away you’ll ever get it back

Your reckoning is coming weebs.

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>Hold now my dudes, it was clearly made to troll
What? It's a real scene

BASED lying retard, reminder they had uzaki on a fucking train

Ok dude see you in 20 years when otaku stuff is 10 times more pedo than today
The I told you so will be legendary

funimation bosted for canceling Interspecies reviewrs, not only it keep airing but it was showed in normal television in japan AND it was the best selling bluray show of this season.

Funimation is irrelevant

Oh shit, all those dubs that I will never watch anyway will get ruined. Woe is us.

that shit already ruined Japan awhile ago, at least socially.

>That one anime where they slipped in a gamergate reference
I'd rather watch GG joke subs than this garbage.

80s and 2010s is the best

>implying I will live that long

>Egghead weeb with yellow fever gets featured on a morning variety show
>Normies in the street along with the hosts and guests ripped him a new asshole
They never took down the Uzaki-chan posters to begin with because having otakus getting exclusive character goods for donating blood is a jackpot for Red Cross, especially considering how much of a necessary evil otakus are.

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otaku are the most harmless people on this planet

shounen threads are shit because they're full of Yas Forums shit, if you're fine with posting on Yas Forums then I don't see how you can get upset at shounen threads, it's the same thing

Dailydot, Resetera, Polygon

the NBA and EA and Disney already have

20 meme needs not apply

Remember when they bought the license for Interspecies Reviewers without doing fucking any research and cancelled it a few episodes in after realizing it was too "problematic" for them.
Maybe Japanese producers will stop it at least since, unlike western shit they took, this is Japanese. Though then they might just make western-based studios and so forth.


>lmao who cares about Western garbage, Japanese games are where it's at
>lmao who cares about Japanese weeb trash, anime is where it's at
>lmao who cares about creatively bankrupt anime, manga and VNs are where its at

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Why not watch older anime instead of things Funimation infests?

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They didn't boast, they were genuinely embarrassed that they picked that show up and had to cancel translating it four episodes in.
It's clear someone got fired over it.

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Otakus are a boom for the economy if they have jobs.

>not becoming a chad immortal cyborg/robot

Imagine losing 41% of your userbase by suicide every year.

western anime news sites are all thrash, just learn japanese and read their news

lol based

fuck anime and fuck weebs

Is he pregnant?

redpill me on funimation, why are they bad?


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Can't wait for them to fuck up whatever shit you like in the future.

Didn’t the blue ray get delayed thank outbreak.

Next time funimation wants to troll, they all should throw themselves into a vat of acid. That would really get me mad.

>muhww imageboawwd is sewwious bussiness
fuck off bootlicker bitch, hope you die of corona.

old anime sucks

>watching dubs
Enjoy your bottom of the barrel voice acting

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you managed to actually make 2020 cuter, how is this possible


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Picture all the worst dubbers from the 90's rolled into one studio. Picture where you think 4kids' staff went after 4kids went under for their dogshit localizations.

That's Funimation.

Imagine watching subs instead of just reading the manga. You get what you fucking deserve.

They did stay together, retard. That's what Kyousuke used his "one wish" for back when they bet if he would fail his mock-exam

theres no cute to go with the funny if you know what I mean


Censor shit, change lines to fit an agenda.
Will accuse you of sexual assault if they don’t like you.

Yas Forums is a shithole. Doesn't mean every board has to be you fucking retard


90s & 10s are my fav styles

>taking away vidya
>taking away anime

Soon I will have no choice but to go out and get a life

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This has to be a joke

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We'll get anime instead with twice the titties and twice the ass from those that create their own.
Those idiots don't realize how this shit backfires on their ass.