Persona 5 Royal

Did it deserve to dethrone OOT?

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I will never understand JRPGs, they bore me to death

Yeah, P5R is game of the decade

>full price second version games got lower ratings for either being lazy or being less worth checking out a second time (e.g. Pokémon Emerald or P3FES), even if their existence was more justified since there was no patching and DLC

>2010's and 2020's
>all second version released automatically get a score of the original +5 points because if it's the same game with a couple more things it has to be better right?
that'll be $59.99 + tip ;)

As someone that played Ocarina of Time the same week of release, it should have NEVER remained that highly rated in modern times.
Once you got past the title screen, horseback riding, and atmosphere of the open field, it was jumble of horrible dungeons with shitty instant death pitfalls.

>instant death pitfalls
are you fucking retarded? you respawn very close to where you fell usually having only lost 1 heart

also OoT was and still is revolutionary for simple and smooth 3D combat. Play games like Soul Reaver and Dark Cloud (critically acclaimed games which came out after it on better hardware) to appreciate how OoT absolutely nailed it on its first try. Those games are janky as fuck while OoT holds up. Dark Souls combat is basically the OoT formula very slightly touched up.
The SOUL, dungeon design (huge step up from LttP), etc. was and is all great too

nah I can pop in OoT and have a grand old time
the only big factor showing the age is the first person controls

I wanna play it so bad but I can't be caught supporting censorship. Hope it drops to at least half prize withing 5 months.

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I gave up 20 hours in on the original... is this version really any better?

>Still waiting for EB games to deliver.
It has been almost a week now.

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It's improved but if you didn't like the original don't bother with Royal.

Persona 3fes has a higher rated (89) than the regular p3 (86)

It's actually more offensive than censored. The beach scene is in and the 2nd scene with the gay guys they dress Ryuji like a girl in the "censored" cutscene

both FES and Portable have higher scores than the original

They still got pressured into changing the original scene to make it more "acceptable" in the west tho. Whether they succeeded or not it's still censorship.

is the new chick as annoying as Marie?

Being honest, I never wanted to see that shit in the first place.

I dunno if gay guys running after Ryuji and dressing him up as a girl is more acceptable.

N64 was a trash console that was boosted by Nintendo bonus. The only good game on the system is Mario 64. OOT and Goldeneye-fags should kys themselves.

>instant death pitfalls
nigga what
there literally aren't any

It's about the principle, not the execution.

>it was jumble of horrible dungeons with shitty instant death pitfalls.
You have never played OoT lmao

Let me guess you also judge a voice actor based on their physical appearance.

I mean the original scene is still there uncensored, just expanded upon. Nothing was removed.

What does this have to do with censorship?

You're still a few points off, honey.

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based if true

Then why is resetera happy. Those fuckers are the first to notice.

>I am the only person in the world who played OOT at release so my words is LAW!
wrong, the million other people who did the same thing absolutely loved it. eat shit.

The Switch got higher rated games in its first year
Both Zelda Botw and Mario Odyssey have a 97 on metacritic

Fuck no. The Kaneshiro and Okumura arcs are still in the game and they're hot garbage. And I say that as someone who likes the game quite a lot.

Because some Atlus PR said it was going to be censored or some shit. Resetera doesn't play the games they complain about so they'll probably never know it's more offensive. Plus Atlus is making big streamers and youtubers scared of showing content of it with their bullshit guidelines. Some streamers don't give a fuck and streamed anyways. If you check vods i'm sure you can find them

>jrpg where exploration is limited to the same 3 streets and boring ass samey corridor crawler, and with 20h worth of story stretched into 110h
Fuck no

I’ll just buy the eventual portable version to replay it.

Because nothing was censored. A scene was changed. Not for better or worse, it's just different. Instead of Ryuji being freaked out by gay guys he's being freaked out by gay guys who want to dress him up.
It's a 2 minute scene in a 120+ hour RPG. It's the only "significant" dialogue change and yet here you are, in every single fucking thread, endlessly repeating about how you won't support censorship like you're going to spread this thought as a meme and have people join you doing the same.
You won't, because it's negligible. It doesn't matter one way or another.

persona is epitome of "dude it's 100 hours long it has to be good"

Couldn't someone technically put up a new review of it to knock it down from 99?

OOT is getting dethroned by 1000 games every single year.

Name 1 game


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Why do normalfags like this game so much?

>only 22 reviews
this is the most popular game of all time according to Yas Forums

yeah there weren't as many video game journalist back then
the world truly was a better place

I really don't see how P5R can be justified. Atlas fans are constantly being nickel and dimed at every turn it's kind of sad.


>$60 re-release of a game on the same platform with about 5-10 hours of extra content added
>also has $60 of DLC on its own
Atlus are starting to approach paradox levels of jew here

>Atlas fans are constantly being nickel and dimed at every turn it's kind of sad.
I don't have much else to play. JRPGs are dying by the franchise every year. The only one I actually, truly enjoy that's still alive is Tales. Zestiria is the only entry in that series I dislike wholly so far.

you're really ticking off all the boxes aren't you?
It was changed because of outside influence to avoid backlash and by someone other than the original creator. No matter how you slice it it's censorship and it's irrelevant how large the change was or which version you prefer it is still supporting censorship which is bad.

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Yeah it's absurd that the DLC isn't included even square enix isn't this much of a jew

The videogame you're most excited for coming out was censored during development too.

Because it's woke

Eh, Okami was better

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oot more like oof lmao
besides halo 1 dethroned it back in 2001 when it got a 107 on metacritic if you ignore the microsoft subtraction

>shitty turn based, weeb jrpg game
it's not even the best game of the month

Makes sense to me. They're judging the end product as itself not the monetary decisions surrounding the companies approach to expanded content.

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>but it's not okay when nintendo does it

I didn't mention Nintendo you consolewar schizo.

>Release the same exact game with an hour of new content
>Game of the year better than the original
>10/10 god has graced us

But the post you replied to did, Nintendo games lose points for rereleases but sony/atlus gets a boost

If you had basic reading comprehension, his Nintendo examples were examples of older games. His basis was a change in groupthink based on timeframe, not based on consoles.

>replies to OP poster
>says he doesn't like thing because of lies he just typed.
Holy shit I agree with this guy now???

So am I supposed to run circles around mementos until this little retard vendor Jose spawns, because he's not in a set position and the flowers disappear when you leave? Who the fuck thought it's a good idea?

Meh, it's as overrated as persona, desu. I will forever hate the faggot who gave Age of Empires an 80 because he said that Starcraft is better because he prefers Sci-fi and not historical themes.

Persona 5 (and 3 and 4 as well, while we're at it) is like a 60/100 game at best, I don't know why everyone likes it so much. This kind of shit is why everyone hates weebs, the game is littered with problems: poor writing, poorer pacing, bad villains, mediocre dungeons, WAY too long for what it needs to be, gameplay gets repetitive near the end, etc. The game peaks around 20 hours in and drops off a cliff in quality. But because you can romance your waifu (despite the fact that all these girls are mediocre as well) and appeals to other lowest common denominator shit, weebs praise it as one of the best JRPGs of all time. Persona would easily be the most overrated JRPG series of all time if it weren't for the fact that most of these fans just ignore the first half of the series.

play a real jrpg, like Valkyrie profile

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It is the same exact game doesn't even have as much new content as P4G. Fanboys will swallow anything though

There's a certain point where metacritic stops accepting new critic reviews for a game, so no.

>Amazon still hasn't shipped my copy even though I ordered one of the last in stock on the 30th
Holy fucking shit

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