FF7 Remake Discussion

Pure kino, perfect character development, godtier gameplay, loved the ending. Best FF game in years. No, decades.

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Hope they pay you extra for posting this. Must be interesting working at the Square Enix marketing department.

>implying they don't do it for free

>he bought?

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Level 43? How the hell are the other episodes supposed to work? Do we just start over from level 1 again in episode 2?

And what are they paying you for bashing it?

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>burger still mad he can't play the game

I’m gonna rape you!!


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Yeah I have nothing to do with Square and I shat all over the garbage that is XV
at the height of its marketing
Proof I’m not a zoomoid btw. Want more?

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>no 6
>no 5
>no 4
>no 15
>no 10
>no 10-2
>no Lightning Returns

And you call yoruself a final fantasy fan

He plays

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yeah I just got past the plate and gonna try to farm some items before I go further
the game is fucking great so far

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game is really fun
some bosses really pushed my shit in like Reno and Rude together

0.000002 has been deposited in your PSN account

man the bosses in the Remake are fucking destroying me
that Reno and Rude fight was insane, I barely made it

>Avalanche convince sector 7 to evacuate before the plate drops
>Time Ghosts push everyone back under the falling plate

yeah you gotta be on top of all your characters and people button-mashing will suffer

>discussion on Yas Forums


How long was your playthrough?

pls die

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It's not VII, it's a sequel to XV and XIII.

Stop samefagging and shilling, nobody is buying it

i'm buying it just to make you seethe, i won't play it though since i don't have a ps4

okay samefag, as i said nobody is buying your marketing tactics

look at this desperate faggot


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stfu barry

FF15 has a better ending than this game, how do you manage to fuck up this hard?

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>No KH3

>shat all over XV
>likes 13-2 and LR

It's worse than I thought. This is the intellect of an american consoomer.

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No u

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>tfw have an idort friend who keeps double dipping with games that come onto playstation first and then later PC
He always exhausts the games on his console and when the PC version comes, he buys it too to play with his friends but only plays like 10 hours and then never again
Dude stop

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XV autist is here


>see shitty shill thread but decide to ignore it
>time ghost posts a response using my IP anyway

Fucking faggot

is this your honest attempt at humor?

>grind to lvl 99
>part 2 release, start at lvl 1, grind to lvl 99
>part 3 release, have to start at lvl 1 again, grind to lvl 99
>part 4 release, same shit whatever i dont care

t. underage

Based retard

>really enjoyed the game
>playing new game+
>check in on Yas Forums
>full seething

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Yes, burgers are retarded. There's little debating that truth.

How does it end? Does Sephiroth get any moment to shine?

it's mostly just the resident autist barry
he's currently sperging out on /ffg/ too

Timeghost thread further up buddy

>better box arts then north american releases


"Rufus Shinra Joined the Party" when

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You're not any better scarecrow.

Don't worry. At the beginning of episode 2, Time Ghosts will reset your level to the intended one.

I've never played the original. I was waiting for the remake to try it out finally.
Since the remake is going to take a big shit all over the story, should I just play the original first?

This game is bad. The psuedo action but not really combat and the fact that they decided to break it up into several seperate games to make more money is super gay. Final Fantasy is just dead forever I guess.

Reminder that all the screenshots of cloud asking a girl how she is just a FAKE AGENDA. You literally get to pick which girl you ask is ok.

Date points are real.

if you play the compilation there's a good chunk of content that you will understand that most people won't. That includes even Dirge of Cerberus.

Is the slums song in the game, under a sauce pan?



Under the rotting pizza nigga

yes it is

>only has PS and up
Zoomer, you missed all the best FF games, too.