Nomura destroys FFVII and makes it impossible to even follow up with a FFVII Remake 2 just because he's still pissed...

>nomura destroys FFVII and makes it impossible to even follow up with a FFVII Remake 2 just because he's still pissed over them taking versus away from him
l m a o

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Guy who leaked Kingdom Hearts 3 info which turned out true also said Final Fantasy Versus XV is in development which will be the original vision

>Literally puts his version of Noctis every chance he gets

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Whatever fits your delusions, Barry


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Can someone fill me in on what happened with FF7R? I don't play Final Fantasy but I always thought that FF7R is the game that every FF fans anticipated the most?

something about time travel and shit like that

Why do japanese directors don't get shoved off for fucking up videogames, it seems they keep them no matter if their ideas are bad.
Only based studio has got to be Konami, kicking off Kojima for overspending and taking too much time in one single game.

everyone expected a remake, we got a reboot sequel involving time travel and full retard nonsense, people are pretty pissed.

Based Nomura dabbing on final faggotry fans get fucked losers

Is it really that bad? Elaborate pls I'm curious

pokemon is the one i hate the most about this.
having that IP being raped by omori one year and masuda the other is hell.

even if that guy was legit and that is the "plan", its never going to happen. What happened with XV will repeat itself in a way

>FF7R Episode 2 starts development, different director so nomura can work on FFVXV
>FFVXV gets through the concept phases and they start making the actual game
>New director of FF7R E2 drops the ball
>"Nomura chan we need you back for FF7R"
>Nomura has no choice but to be cucked back into FF7R
>New director takes over FFVXV

the cycle repeats itself

I don't know shit about FF, but I've been watching the Nomura saga from the outside. Did he retrofit an old character to be noctis or is this an OC?

Basically FF7R is an alternative universe fanfiction that retcons all the shit from the original FF7


I can't wait for Nomura to get assassinated for his crimes against video games

>having different directors for each episode of a remake instead of a consistent vision
>after Star Wars and RE remakes
When will corporate/creators learn their lesson

baste on what

It's a switch and bait that uses the last 10 minutes to shit all over the original final fantasy, the fans (the purist fans are basically represented as the spooky ghosts that drag everyone down during the game) and ties in with nojima's stupid mobile game and nomura's stupid kingdom farts with the wings and feathers aesthetics. Like the entire thing goes fully off the rails in the last 15 or so minutes, retcons everthing, sepiroth is a time traveller now, zack lives and the ending of FFVII is actually "the bad ending" so they're redoing it now.

Based I want my Stella back not this Luna bullshit.

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>now this guy
Nomura reaaaaaaly butthurt, isnt he?

he's crashing square, with no survivors

>nomura destroys ff7
What the fuck are you talking you overreacting nigger

>Zack lives
They shoehorned this fag into everything

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These FF7 threads are a fucking joke. The cringe over grown men obsessing over a jap game is beyond ridiculous.
Obsess over your health and weight you slobs. Get a fucking life

Eat a dick, normalcunt.

He still dies

reading these spoilers has honestly been one of my worst days in recent memory

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what's with that slowmo of the potato chip bag?

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How's this going to work? Cloud effectively replaced Zack, but if Zack's alive then Cloud is just some scrub again isn't he?

The dog is a propaganda mascot for their organization.

maybe zack will fight cloud to see how strong he got

>introducing time manipulating ghosts as a central plot device in to invalidate the original game is not literally destroying it

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There are a few dumb slowmo moments throughout the game


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Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he's just a hack? No really, what is going to be your excuse when Verum Rex is shit?

Zack replacing Cloud and fucks Tifa would be great

It doesnt invalidate anyrhing, stop pretending the original is erased or what the fuck
You are literally creating excuses to be angry
You are fucking mentally ill

SE is shipping him with Aerith

it's all an allegory of how the soldiers are basically the dogs of the government, the potato chip is to represent how easy it is to recruit and to get them in quantities or maybe a chip injected to soldier so they can be loyal. this shot of the empty bag flying away is to represent zack retiring from being a soldier, no longer a dog, he no longer has a chip in him to keep him fighting for them, hes a free man.
i'm just bullshitting here but so was this "remake" when it should've been called a reboot or a rebuild

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Xv is still shit

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is this even ff7 any more?

You can go play the original PS1 version then

No, it's FF7R where Sephiroth time travels back to the past to retcon himself into winning and he's stopped by the retcon dementors who want history to go the right way.

It's retarded.

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>sephiroth is now a racist white incel

[cue Face My Fears]

>throws shinra tower at you

this is fake, right?

People are going to say it's just the ending that's bad but the game full of cringe anime moments as well and Tifa is nothing like herself

Not faithful to the original. Also incomplete.

How the fuck would that be faked?

it's too stupid to be real

Shut up kh-kun. You're having a meltdown again, right?

>Sephiroth going full 'give you dis pear' mode
Has no one told Nomura that Advent Children sucked shit?

kh-kun shut the fuck up

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The action and the OST were good

It's not even Yas Forums being dramatic. The game literally spells it out that it's fucking over the entire timeline and retconing it into kingdomhearts levels of brainlett low IQ storytelling.

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why is Squenix so fucking incompetent nowadays?

>people are pretty pissed.
Saying it doesn't make it true sperg

yes user, some literally who rendered exact models from the game and created this entire scene only to troll us

>Absolute madman Nomura turns FFVII Remake into an alternate timeline like Rebuild of Eva
I almost admire the fucker

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Fuck boomers. Nomura has big brass balls to have turned this "remake" into a legit sequel

The action sucked. It was just anime people weightlessly flailing around with huge swords. That's not action, that's something you put on screen so babies are occupied with fast moving images while you vacuum the floor. There is no weight to anything.

you could've saw it coming too
if only you had listened
also fuck off barry

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okay then, past 1.5 decades

Shut up

It's been one of my best, holy shit I've never been more excited for the remake.
I am laughing my head off at ANYONE who took the "FFVII REMAAAAAKE!! IT'LL BE JUST LIKE MY CHILDHOOD!!" overhype seriously. This shit was a dumpster fire from the second of launch. I'm happy they're not taking it seriously because it is not something that deserves to be taken seriously.

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I mean I know it's in the game but I can't believe this stupid shit is there.

so this confirms sephiroth is trying to alter the timeline, and these stupid ghosts try to save it.

nomura and nojima have some kind of mental illness

>some fuckhead in Square was playing Automata or Bravely Default and thinking "hey i can do the metanarrative too"

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Rebuild is trash but at least it is subtle. No really, imagine if instead of Ramiel seeing out the first film we get spooky time-traveling retcon ghosts thrown in with the subtlety of a car crash.

>time controlling ghosts are now the central plot device
>legit sequel

It was obvious they were going with this "Remaking history" route.
They are using FFVII to test out their new "selling Final Fantasy in 60$ chunks" system. To do that they needed a big enough hook to make people want to buy each of the parts as they come out. Hence the new "alternate history"

They lost me when they cancelled all the DLC for FFXV and the modding tools as well. Why would I trust a company with episodic releases that cant stick to a timetable and starts cancelling stuff midway in development?

Meh the dlc wasn't even good
The modding tools though, that could have really revived the game but nah fuck tabata and his retarded team

Automata is published by Square you fucking braindead retard