How do we fix Lara?
How do we fix Lara?
try having sex incel and stop jerking off to imaginary video game characters
what's up with these how do we fix X threads
what's the point of these
How do you have sex without leaving your home?
Is this b8? NuLara has more porn than old Lara will ever have.
its called having a partner
We're not gonna fuck you fatty.
>What are some ..
>So it is agreed ..
>.. fags BTFO
>How do we fix ..
>What did .. mean by this?
>Why is .. allowed?
>.. will defend this
>.. for this feel?
Yas Forums has no creativity left, no wit. Just a circlejerk of repeating attention craving idiots that think they are being clever.
Enjoy your stay.
This is a cute image
Both iterations of her are hot so I don't see a problem.
Based. That's why I switched to Reddit
>body shaming
actually fuck off incel
Make the games about mazelike levels and exploring them again, rather than just TPS shooting galleries.
Ah yes, I, too, remember when Jago was a paragon of feminist virtue.
lmao nigga shut your ugly ass up along with your average or ugly gf
i dont know what that means incel
How do we fix "How do we fix X" threads?
I support /lara/ threads.
I have a monitor just for her rotating pictures.
/how (can|should|do) we fix.+(|\?)/gi;op:only;boards:v
That's not exactly fixing anything it's just ignoring the problem, but if i used a filter that would be a godsend.
holy based
Works well enough.
I don't think there is any fixing it.
People are copying starters to threads because of the lack of creativity and probably vocabulary, becuase those threads get replies.
Getting replies is the drug here, (you)'s are what people feel validated by.
It's been a problem for years now ever since advice dog began, e.g. the wojak spam is a direct consequence to people not curbing their rampant shitposting and need for constant validation. I blame smartphones personally.
I can't make the filter in 4chanx work. I can't find any documentation for it either.
I should ask /g/.
First you would need to fix those people that are alienated to their bodies, sexuality and women in general.
Shut up, fatass
NuLara's tits aren't that smoll
And more importantly they look real
I meant the artstyle. I just think that the flatter Lara is cute.
>bugs bunny
Please remember in the time of the new 3D, polygons needed to be caricatural to show exactly what you meant.
You could not make lara with little boobs at that time. So those enormous pyramid polygons were like "look, she is a gorgeous woman but she is also a bad ass because she kills stuff with dual pistols".
Really, do not think too much about comparison. These are 2 different worlds.
Yep. Doing the most with what you had, really.
First, tell me what you think is wrong that needs fixing?
make her barefoot
This. We're in the feet era now.
Make her fifty feet tall.
You can't fix perfection, subhuman.
fifty feet tall and also barefoot
Shit taste
That goes without saying. It's not like she could get any shoes that fit at that size.
I'm not sure what side you are arguing.
People waifu-ed old Lara because she was a badass who doesn't afraid of anything and used their imaginations to fill in for poor graphics of the time.
Nu-Lara's entire games are full of nothing but fanservice thanks to doubling down on ryona-bait every game (at least, that's how it looks). Someone on the dev team is fucking getting off to this, and they can't even be honest about it and have to sneak it in.
Even factoring SFM, I highly doubt that. Do you have any idea how much porn classicraider has?
It could've helped if washboard NuLara would've eventually acquired some traits, ANY traits of actual Lara. Her character development is as flat as her chest.
good point, very wise
Ok where do i start. The main problem i have with new Lara is that the games she is on just take themselves too serious, old Lara let's be real it was kinda corny you could notice the game wasn't taking it's self serious, old lara was basically a parody of Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones is not a movie you take serious the movies where so silly that was part of the appeal, and i prefer old Lara as a character, she was sexy, a badass women who knew her shit a clearly isn't taking the situations she is in seriously because she can handle anything thrown at her and she made funny quips along the adventure, she was the ultimate female power fantasy, a sexy and smart badass woman that can handle anything thrown at her. I'll admit that her body proportions where kinda ridiculous and i don't mind the artstyle change but the character change is just jarring. New Lara is just a scared little girl with daddy issues and the plots she is in are just so edgy and take themselves too serious
I think those are bots.
The one on the right is supposed to be nuLara or nuJill? I can't tell these characters apart anymore, this fucking tank top design I swear to god.
Unless her shoes grow with her but even then she'd be stuck with the one pair for the rest of her life.
Stop the cinematic on-rails bullshit. Go back to using environment traversal and leave progression up to players' ability to master it. Fuck the canned set pieces. Bring back exploration.
Basically, dump NuRaider.
I just like how seriously nulara takes itself when it has some of the goofiest death animations in the industry.
you dont, i like small breasted girls
>keeps parroting buzzwords
>turns out to be an idiot
every time
Why is she thinking about a table?
How yu get from diz to...
To this Canadian leafy faggotry?
get rid of the f*male writers, ditch the ryonashit, ditch Jonah and give Lara a girlfriend. also make sure that she gets properly wet next time and don't force her to wear that retarded indian outfit in the best locations of the game.
Okay I had sex but I still want to jerk off to imaginary characters. Now what?
I can't believe he doesn't draw porn, but at the same time kudos for not giving in to pressure.