He doesn't serve the one true empress

>he doesn't serve the one true empress

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Can you marry her?

Lucon gave me his daughter's hand in marriage and your daughter doesn't seem like she puts out


Are you well endowed?

id kiss her on the lips if she wasnt the only thing standing in the way of my braveheart style battanian conquest.


>waste influence points to get myself the castle I just captured
>ignores the vote and takes it for herself
>later gives it to someone who already has 4 fiefs

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Bitch about Steppeniggers all you want, but Monchug really gives the fiefs to majority vote. We recently conquered the northern empire and I was pretty fresh into the Khuzaits and got a town by majority vote. I then checked the vassals and I was the only guy left without a big fief. Pretty neat.

Is there a reason to not keeping all the horses you loot? They give me tons of carry capacity and I am not want for cash.

>There're tons of gameplay mechanics that would work incredibly well with sex mods - marriages, whoring, losing in combat, bribing, pacifying bandits with sex, and so on. The overall setting just begs for sex mods.

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Can you really only ask a character to defect once? I missed a 59% with an enemy I have 30+ relation with and he won't come over to our side despite having zero land.

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are there claimants yet?


>marry her daughter
>she gets captured by sea raider
>she births a child that is nowhere mentioned in the encyclopedia

oh no....

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I threw in my lot with her and now I'm fucked. We're all fucked. Fuck.

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>sacrificing influence to please M'Lady
Bitches hate that shit, I bet the chad she gave it to didn't give up single thing and probably had negative relations as well.

I just want a mod that turns all the boys into girls and the girls into futas

Jesus Christ

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That seems like a lot of work, couldn't the boys just be futa? Or maybe the appeal is in the futa Empress...

it is only question of time even warband have coomer mods

bruh how did this happen?

if you suck a boy-turned-futa's dick that's gay user
but if a girl grew it, it is straight

Start head hunting. They cant have an army if they are all dead. Go guerilla. You will lose all of your land but you can win in the long run. The REAL long run.

The game is notorious for having factions snowball and conquer the map

Right now the Battanians have eaten the Northern and Western Empire, but we're just chilling, fighting the camel riders and the horse eaters.

Dude get battanian noble soldiers. Fian Doomstacks wreck Khuzait Horse Niggery.

Does executing enemy nobles actually do anything? I don't need coin, but the AI of my faction is retarded and I'd like to help as much as possible.

You take a big rep hit, and the person is dead. There's only so many nobles around.

you can marry her daughter

the game doesn't have pecae mechanics because nobody actualy playtested this shit

It's early release.

She finished the game before I could do that.

I just hit on Ira. Imma slay that imperial pussy. This is my mission.

Fun fact: Once you marry Ira she becomes part of your clan and drops out of the line of succesion for the southern Empire Hue hue.

So I take it by force. The seed of a new dynasty will be sown.

>implying she wouldn't save the studs for her daughter
She NEEDS that heir

say goodbye to your waifu

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I didn't mean slay literally.

There's a quest in the village of Nutyuk where you have to mediate a blood feud. The only problem is that I don't think they added the NPC you have to talk to. He's "never been seen before" and he's not related to his supposed father.

Nevermind, he's in the outskirts of town, in the middle of fucking nowhere.

So how does this game work, can I make investments and build up industry & trade routes or is it basically just combat?

>wanting to turn empire into bitchy monarchy with a daughter who knows jack shit about dick leading an entire empire

battains either destroy everything in their path or get their shit pushed in week 1


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I want to be the overlord of a Khuzait castle.

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I have no idea.

Same happened to me, but i don't think rape is in the game, at least i hope so.

>8 years in development

imagine being a coomer cuck even in game

Shes like 40, too old to become baby factory. Marry her daughter instead

Mмм, вoт этo eблeт кoнeчнo :)

Shes honestly the most attractive npc in the game

whats the most based faction?

Yeah she and her daughter everyone else looks like a ape

Western empire.

>Runs parallel to the line of fire
based steppetard

>join best grill
>at war with Khuzait
>Rhegea makes an army
>300 guys, don't check the unit composition
>join it for my waifu
>siege Khuzait city
>250 strong army comes and attacks us
>this'll be easy we outnumber them
>they have like 100 cavalry archers just kiting our majority of melee infantry the entire battle

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Archers are just overpowered in this game since bots cant autoblock.When you have archers on horses its literally game over for anyone.

>There's only so many nobles around.
Nah, game just spawns more.

Honestly my biggest gripe is that you cant nominate yourself for towns after you take them. It really doesnt incentivize the player enough to participate in the conquest of the other nations.


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Would this shit run on a toaster on low quality? I run Warband on high, but with no ragdolls.

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Lemon chicken
Crispy beef strips in peking sauce
Steamed rice

Popcorn chicken
Chicken tendies
600mL of pepsi max

Keep in mind though that I have to spit 90% of it out after chewing so I don't get fat. The calorie free pepsi and KFC is easier to do this with.

Horse archers are actually working as intended. A skilled player cann kill an army triple his size with just horse niggers by simply running away. Once all soldiers are out of ammo, retreat and reengage for more arrows. I hope TW gives the Ai some tewaks so certain factions can catch horse archers better like Battanians. If the ai weren't retarded, a circle formation with Fian in the centre murders Horse archers.

Imperial lands are under Great Blue Sky

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remember to wear throat armor kids

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They didn't have utensils in medieval times, but they had Pepsi?

>Battania and Northern Empire buttfuck everything
>Southern Empire has no more fiefs
>queen/her daughter is still in encyclopedia
>can’t find her or her daughter
Encyclopedia says she’s alive, but she’s not where it says she is. I’ve even tried finding her in the developer console but it says it can’t find her. It’s like she just despawned.

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So how is it? Should I buy now or wait for the full release?


It’s fun, but buggy. Nothing gamebreaking anymore but annoying. If you love M&B and can handle bugs I’d say it’s worth it.