Attached: blue.png (644x236, 4.8K)
Can we all agree on this?
Kevin Peterson
Nolan Ross
I don't think so.
Cooper Hughes
Christian Ramirez
dogs on my Yas Forums? yeah piss off mutt or what my kind calls you dinner. this is a mosquito board.
Anthony Hall
Asher Brooks
>piss off mutt
Nicholas Barnes
I'm colorblind so no, fuck you, this is green
Jacob Fisher
Is coffee good for you?
Brayden Butler
That is the color blue-green.
Camden Thomas
that's not what colorblindness is
Ian Hughes
Dios mio...Espiritu del Senor. Espiritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espiritu Santo, Santisima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, angeles, arcangeles y santos del paraiso, descended sobre mi. Fundeme, Senor, llename de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquilas, destruyelas. Expulsa de mi los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestacion diabolica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad fisica, psiquica, moral, espiritual y diabolica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca mas me toquen a mi ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espiritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominacion... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcangel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talon de la Virgen Santisima Inmaculada, aleja el aberracion genetica, al ogro de las Americas... Amen.
David Moore
.. is this bait or something?
i don't get the joke, is op color-blind or is that part of the joke
op if you read this, its green and not blue
Joseph Stewart
Yes it is, are you colorblind?
Christian Edwards
It's aquamarine you fucking niggerfaggot.
Chase Foster
but it's not.
Noah Lopez
That looks like Sky Blue to me, not blue.
Jaxson Gonzalez
it's red, very funny....not
Thomas Jackson
more precisely I believe it's "Deep Sky Blue" part of the "Blue" hue family
Henry Green
I have f.lux on so it is green.
Ethan Johnson
You know, there's really no way to confirm that what you see and recognize as blue looks the same to anyone else. What you've come to know as blue may look like your red to someone else.
Easton Diaz
Austin Perry
If it comes out of Haydee's asshole, yes.
Adam Davis
Dogs can see blue though
Jonathan Evans
I'm color blind nigga
Jaxon Hill
Right is superior to Left.
Nicholas King
definitely yes
Carter King
I think it's #3b9edb (#RRGGBB)
James Cruz
>pedo shit vs an actual woman
Mason Cruz
r/ woosh
Jeremiah Ward
>not giving the value in superior HSL
Matthew Garcia
>pedoshit vs pedoshit
James Russell
It's clearly red you libshit.
Kayden Long
That's cerulean you blind fuck
Justin Thomas
I see no difference.
Ayden Robinson
the thing is that you're programmed to see the colors the same way as everyone else and socially conditioned that way too.
Even if blue looked red, it wouldn't matter.
Dominic Baker
Can we all agree on this?
Thomas Anderson
No, that's cyan, faggot.
Parker Torres
Andrew Cooper
>blind man calls another man blind
this is cerulean you blind fuck
Ryder Morales
Can we all agree that vegans are subhumans and meat sandwich is the way?
Camden Perez
Justin Nguyen
I don't care much for animals but do you realize how much the meat industry is contributing to global warming?
By not eating meat, you are literally helping protect our children's future.
Noah Taylor
No thats a fucking arrow, which is white with black outlines.
James Long
>but do you realize how much the meat industry is contributing to global warming?
yes and?
Jackson Campbell
That's 青
TL note: 青 means blue but also green
Owen Richardson
yeah no shit, they're colorblind not blind blind.
Easton Hughes
Another reason to love meat.
Luke Jones
Pear shape is best shape.
Gavin Sanders
Kill yourself
Carson Campbell
lets just eat the children
Matthew Parker
I need the opinion of an expert.
Cameron Richardson
that;s turquoise
Carter Hernandez
certainly not
thanks doc
Caleb Cox
Leo Thomas
Wouldn't it be better to eat the old people? We need the kids to sustain the world in the future, after all.
Thomas Adams
>No pubic hair
Left for me
Hunter Ortiz
>Part 2 is translated
>Part 1 isn't
Camden Long
No, that's blue. You are simply confused because retards have mistaken blue for both blue and indigo.
Austin Young
Nolan Bailey
Old people probably don't taste as good though.
Connor Perry
should be "handle with care"
Jacob Parker
>but do you realize how much the meat industry is contributing to global warming?
Yes, I don't care. I will be dead.
>By not eating meat, you are literally helping protect our children's future.
>our children
whom? I ain't having kids.
I also hate everyone, so destroying the world makes me happier.
Isaiah Murphy
That's not blue, that's light blue. Blue is much bluer than that.
Charles Brooks
Can you prove it?
Aiden Ramirez
>Embarrassed muscle woman
My fucking COCK
Isaac Gray
there you go my autistic fren
Gavin Campbell
that's cyan you dipshit
Jaxon Fisher
Andrew Smith
the only thing better than that is a tomboy embarrassed by her huge tits
Ian Fisher
Dogs should be eaten for meat. prove me wrong.
Aaron Evans
WRONG, blind faggot.
Evan Murphy
but what makes it two?
Liam Baker
colorblind is red-green
Ian Hall
there's not just one type of color blindness
Cameron Hall
yes, everyone watched that vsauce video
Jeremiah Reyes
Christian Murphy
Fuck off Chang
Asher Phillips
user, the people responsible for your troubles and misery in life are the bastards at the top who control and benefit from the system they have created. They will not be harmed by the environmental or fiscal destruction caused by their actions. By remaining apathetic you are complicit in the system which you are directly harmed by, and by isolating yourself from your brethren you doom those in the same position brunt the trauma of climate change, the military industrial complex, manufactured wars, poverty, starvation, and every other major conflict faced by the world. You can free yourself and have the independence and piece of mind you desire, but as it stands you are trapped in a cage and compelled to follow rules and laws that you took no part in creating.
Christopher Brooks
>eat bugs goyim! the meat industry is killing the planet! We'll all be underwater in 5 years!
Xavier Thompson
I would argue that having children in this day and age is a morally incorrect action by virtue of enabling the world to cause grief to one's would-be child. As such, eating meat would be of not much consequence.
Why did these ones break so easily? I'd be surprised if any of the arm socket joints from my Ehlek are still unbroken.
Hunter Ortiz
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