This summer

>this summer...
>everyone's favorite plumber...
>is coming to the big screen
>cuts to bowser voiced by Adam Sandler What a bummer!
>Mario wakes up giddy for the morning as Peach is carried away in the distance, his alarm is still going off and he can't hear her, scrolls through some messages, looks up as he's about to read "princess peach kidnapped" remember to wake up luigi, who's alarm is the local radio "in other news, princess peach has been-"
>Mario, voiced by Aziz Ansari "It's a me! Your brother, Mario! We need to get an early start on our day if we're going to get anything done!"
>Luigi, voiced by Owen Wilson, "just go on without me, man"
>Mario: "but together we are the super Mario brothers! >Without you I'm just... Regular Mario Brother."
>two brothers will find themselves
>Mario "what?! Peach is missing?"
>Luigi "really?"
>and maybe Peach
>Mario "and bowser took her?"
>Luigi "wow REALLY?"
>but first they have to find Bowser
>bowser: "I know what girls like!"
>presents a bundle of flowers to peach
>background music goes silent
>peach: “uhh, fire flower?”
>camera angle changes to side shot of both bowser and peach
>fire flower shoots flames in bowser’s face for 1.5 seconds then dies for another second of silence
>cue audience laughter
>who might need to be saved from peach
>peach, voiced by who do you fucking think, it's Kristen Schaal "I keep inviting you to go kart riding, to play golf, to parties, and even to the Olympic Games AND THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME?!"
>this summer is going to be
>montage of slap stick
>bowser twerking
>Mario "aaawkward"
>this summer is going to be...
>montage that's pretty much the inevitable dance party ending
>toad doing a head spin
>this summer is going to be!
>montage of every time they say "super" in the movie
>Super Mario Bros.

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>not OW MY FIREBALLS anymore

>peach, voiced by who do you fucking think, it's Kristen Schaal
I love this little bit of editorializing in what is otherwise just a play-by-play of the trailer. Truly a hilarious pasta

Holy shit, hollywood is the most souless thing ever.

>we live in a universe where the Sonic movie might actually be better than the Mario movie

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>This will be mario in 2020
Not impressed desu

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mario if he real

Mario if he real

mario if he real

mario if he real

mario if he real

insane good luck every time

Mario if he real

mario if he real

mario if he WAS real

whats sad about this post is that might actually happen

mario if he real

i love this copypaste

>Could have gotten an actually fun Mario movie
>Getting Illumination garbage instead because Nintendo went with the lowest bidder

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mario if he real

You forgot Toad is voiced by TJ miller and makes mushroom jokes but other than that pretty good

When does Mario do the floss in the movie

In all seriousness how much of a girl boss will princess peach be? will she be sarcastic through the whole way through? or actually save mario in the end?


Hold up, is that artwork real? Or is it fan art?

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mario if he real

>no reference to HEY PAISANOS
>no lotsa spaghetti, gay luigi etc.
>no implication that mushrooms are marijuana
you just know all that shit would be in the trailer too.

Mario if he real

Guys, apparently the actual movie will be based on the super mario adventures comics

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mario if he real

mario if he real

Mari- who?

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Mario if he real

How many good games has Sonic had in the last ten years? Shut your mouth. You got lucky and you know it.

mario if he real

I don't care as long as she looks hot, porn will be the only good thing a Mario movie can produce

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It's from the Instagram from one of the top concept artists at Disney's animation studios, posted sometime after the movie was announced

Mario if he real

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Mari “actually have good games
from time to time” o

A Piranha Plant with an eye patch is an early Paper Mario-tier design. I can see why Nintendo would hate it.

That'd be kinda kino
Wasn't there an anime or something? 9 year old me remembers watching bits of it on early youtube

>Nintenfags angry than a Mario productay be, for once, worse than a Sonic product
the STATE of play

Mario hasn't had a good game in a long time kid


mario if he real

the sonic movie had a higher chance of being better to begin with

I'm assuming she'll be competent but still need Mario's help

Wait, someone is making a mario movie?

When the movie comes out Mario will be a tertiary cgi character in a live action world, wack

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mario if he real

mario if he real

Illumination Entertainment.

Where have you been

Illumination (the Minions guys) are making a Mario movie for release in 2022. It's being watched over pretty heavily by Nintendo if that means anything to you

mario if he real

>Luigi runs into room
>"Hey Mario let's do these mushroo-" he noticed Toad is with Mario
>5 seconds of silence for audience to laugh

>It's being watched over pretty heavily by Nintendo if that means anything to you
Seems like the worst case scenario will just be it being a by-the-numbers Mario story, then.

mario if he real

For as much potential there'll be for this movie to be lame that at least isn't going to happen

Live-action shooting is frankly too expensive for Illumination and Nintendo would never approve it anyway

>I don't care as long as she's hot

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I really hope this is a trashfire of massive proportions.

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But the Sonic OVA is way better than the Mario live action movie.

I'm a beta cuck

mario if he real

mario if he real

Give me a million of those please

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mario if he real

thank for subtly diss TTYD

mario if he real
Give me the luck Mario

mario if he real