Heehee le funny yellow baby

Heehee le funny yellow baby

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this game was so fucking boring

i'm gonna enjoy the pc release because i'm autistic as fuck

Well if you don't like Euro Truck mixed with Stalker you will never enjoy this game desu

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It's just the worst Kojima game

I like games that are fun. Death Stranding is just tedious.

But trucking sims aren't fun, that's the whole point

Sounds retarded, why would anyone play a game that isnt fun?

Have you ever watched a horror film?
Would you call that fun?

I like both of them and Death Stranding is shit

Yes because its entertaining

People who post wojak edit parodies of games should be given a month long ban.

I enjoyed it.

Total boring garbage game

>There are people that unironically think min/maxing delivery routes, mapping out your stops, tactically stealing cargo back from MULE camps, cruising in the delivery truck while avoiding umbilical cord ghosts looking to fuck your shit up is boring.
Anyone that thinks Death Stranding is bad cannot have their opinion taken seriously.

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>Mfw currently enjoying Death Stranding for the first time during COVID-19 fuckery

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Its insanely boring, anyone who enjoys this shit is retarded

The worst game I've ever played

>tactically stealing cargo back from MULE camps
>not raising all their resources for road materials and zipline upgrades

What are some other Yas Forums-approved walking simulators?

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You've outed yourself as a Nintentard from the first post

I liked it

Nintendo makes fun games

>Kojima predicted SJWs
>Kojima predicted coronavirus
How does he do it bros????

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he is plugged into the field

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If you're autistic.

you think walking around with boxes is fun, dont call me autistic

I liked death stranding. I had fun.

It's just a boring delivery simulator.
And a disappointment

Fun doesn't have to mean jumping on turtles does it? You can have your 146th Mario release and people can have a narrative game.

When 90% of vidya is overproduced flashlight tag, walking around with boxes is a breath of fresh air.

>kojima predicts internet memes
>kojima predicts donald trump
>kojima predicts 9/11
>kojima predicts internet censorship by AI
>kojima predicts VR
>kojima predicts probably all kinds of shit we haven't even noticed yet
Its probably because he hardly makes statements other than "lego go wheee" in english that people think he's an imbecile but dude is probably really smart.

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This image continues to be true.

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>kojima predicts people rejecting flesh women and focusing on 2D waifus

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is boring, if you make a boring game you failed

Original Legend of Zelda on the NES

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I found it quite fun.

It's not boring. You just have shit taste.

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What is fun about it? You just pick a bunch of boxes and walk from A to B, couldnt be anymore shallow.

there's a black girl in the middle

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>That scene where a meticulously modelled baby dick is in the literal center of the screen for like 30 seconds
What is wrong with the Japanese

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Sounds like everyone Nintendo game to me faggot

>More ESL-kun/Xbox cuck seethe

>Game is so bad that it's good
How did Kojimbo pull this off?

I already said it here .

What's wrong with that? Are you bothered by baby cock?

shut the fuck up, stop defending this trash dumbass cultist

>Like a game
>That means you're in a cult
Now, That's What I Call Coping! Vol. 1

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this is like those games that RP fags hype up with amazing greentext stories but the story only happens in their head while the gameplay is just shit

What A-list actor will he hire for his next game?

your "game" sold like shit and is completely forgotten, have fun with that

>Not waking up at the crack of dawn, with a large cup of freshly brewed coffee, plotting your deliveries as the morning sun illuminates your room to the symphony of chirping birds in the distance
Ok, zoomer.

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hehe le funny wojak edit

you have to make coffee just to stay awake while playing this boring game, makes sense

guarantee I'm older than you faggot

Probably not, but even if you are, I just call them as I see them.

No, he is actually old enough to tolerate coffee, zoom zoom

That's how meaningful things work. The original is rarely successful and successful is rarely original.

This game is just a boring shit

being original doesnt make a game good, thats why no one talks about it anymore

its a girl

Death Stranding is entertaining.

True. This game is a boring trash

Story is alot more comprehensible if you dont actually play the game, and just go from cut scene to cut scene. Having 42 hours of absolutely nothing, and then seeing this cut scene pretending they see each other every 10 minutes is weird. The forced "character development" for same seemed aweful. He literally gives no one else any reason to be as close as they are acting.

The boring simulator

>waking up
Sounds horrible.

Correct. My point being that many things that have had great influence on things aren't talked about often. It has nothing to do with being original. It being different than mainstream market games doesn't make it bad. Books are pretty "boring" too.