are you
anything, frens?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Etrian Odyssey V, just managed to defeat a Toxipede and Owlbeast mostly due to my Necromancer.
Trying to find Cautious Hero subbed online
Just finished reading Cautious Hero and I heard the anime was farther ahead.
It's my birthday today. I wish I could go out and buy a Switch but no stores have it, except for lites.

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youtube vids
work tomorrow, no quarantine for wagies

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Final fantasy IX
Slough Feg
Intervention by George Kahin
Worried, i'm an emt, my city is fucked and tomorrow i have to work for 24 hrs

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both what


thanks shark user

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what else?

Suikoden 2. Having alot of fun
to suikoden 2 running in the background
A frogposters thread
Constipated as usual so I'm gonna make some coffee so I'll have to shit right after

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Path of Exile, MHW
Nothing atm
nothing atm
My aunt got murdered in a drunken rage. sucks major shit.

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Fire Emblem Treehouses
The Spongebob Musical
Corona Beer news
Corona Beer news
Count chocula
Gay chubs
Laid off with a bunch more people for a month

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Animal Crossing in the morning until there's nothing left to do for the day and then Doom 5 until I'm fatigued from the over stimulation.
Andrew Jackson Jihad
Keep telling myself I'm going to start Chainsaw Man
I feel okay but my visual snow is really bad lately and I feel like my peripherals are really blurry.

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>Fire Emblem Treehouses
I bought a switch for this and animal crossing. AC has been great, but I'm really not feeling Three Houses. What do you think? When does it get good?

You're a genuine hero user. You deserve a state mandated gf of your choice for dealing with this pandemic.

happy birthday user, sorry you can't get your switch. Itll be worth the wait though.

>work tomorrow, no quarantine for wagies
soon you will be and soon trumpbux. Hang in there user.

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nothing because im not quarantined
nothing because im not quarantined
nothing because im not quarantined
nothing because im not quarantined
nothing because im not quarantined

feels good to not be a cali commie or outside the US

Ignore this post, my special ed brother got onto the computer again.

Thanks user
I do have a lot to play on my 3DS though so it's ok. Hell I'll probably keep playing it at times even when I do get a Switch.

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>Etrian Odyssey
>Constipated as usual
would more fibre help
I like eating dates

are you looking forward to animal crossing or something else?
how are you turning fren?

we're the past the point where it can be contained, the nationwide lockdown is just a matter of time

REmake 1, maybe some Killing Floor 2 later
cooking videos on Facebook
this thread
good, despite showing symptoms of depersonalization

happy birthday, nibba
>tomorrow i have to work for 24 hrs
how is that even possible?
I too drink coffee when I want to take a shit quickly
>My aunt got murdered in a drunken rage. sucks major shit.
I'm sorry for your loss
what happened?
Nikki Minaj makes me want to fuck her but also makes me not want to fuck her...weird
>I feel okay but my visual snow is really bad lately and I feel like my peripherals are really blurry.
do you think enough water? also not want to be that guy, but it might be the symptom of depersonalization or some other mental problem
wish I could leave the house I mean I tend to be depressed and when you are forced to stay in your apartment shit just gets worse
>we're the past the point where it can be contained, the nationwide lockdown is just a matter of time
everyone is panicking and experts now say something that this shit can last until june, every shit until the end of april got called off

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>do you think enough water?

>do you think enough water? also not want to be that guy
Yeah I've been pounding water lately, I just think I stare at screens too much. I've suffered from dp before, but it hasn't bothered me in quite a while. I think I just need to get on antidepressants to make it fully go away. I guess I've been depressed my whole life because it's something I've always had.

the Langrisser 1 in the collection. Currently on Lap 3, having finished A, E and F routes. I dont think anything will top the latter two.

>despite showing symptoms of depersonalization
also the best thing you can do is just not think about it, get immersed in something, sleep when it gets bad or take a melatonin. Sorry you have to deal with this shit, it really sucks but it got better for me over many months.

>tfw work hasn't told us to isolate
>tfw have to go to work tomorrow
>tfw i'm going to get infected

I'll not specifically ID it, but I'm crawling towards mid-20s.
I was looking forward to AC until no gyroids dampened my excitement, but probably that, yes. Not a whole lot else catching my eye on it, although Astral Chain and XBC2 look neat at first glance. Unsure of how those are though.

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thanks anons

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No worries man I just turned 24, it's not so bad. I'm new to AC but I love it, what are gyroids? I keep hearing people say that.

what are you
can't stop playing H3VR, I like the guns too much
cute boorus
classic literature

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I honestly don't know what to play. Kind of burned out
Maybe The Expanse. Season one was boring though
Nohting atm
Might actually get into Den.
Bored, hopeless, defeated

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>the best thing you can do is just not think about it
easy to say, hard to do
some psychologist once wrote the cure for OCD is just not thinking about it, but it is hard for the person with the disorder

Doom and Animal Crossing
GBVS vids
Persona Q2 ost
textbooks, don’t know what fucking classes are going to be like after spring break
Thought I was catching corona but turns out I was just retarded and forgot to drink water today. Now I’m back to normal

Little clay dolls that appear buried in the ground after rain/snow.
They make a variety of sounds and dance to the beat of music in your house. There's a wide variety of sounds ranging from music box jingle sounds to pig faced ones that make fart noises. 4 different shapes (Mini, Mega, normal, and Tall, sometimes under different names).

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I know, but as someone who also suffers you have to have hope that you can just let it fall out of prominence in your mind by having a routine, having immersive things to focus you on, and ways to distract yourself constantly. That's what helps me. I don't even like talking about it because I'll start getting into a thought loop on it.

Why did they cut them out?

Probably going to be back in a future update

No one knows. Lloid (the "main" gyroid throughout the series) is in, but he's an NPC, not an item.
Possibly just to lengthen the life of the game, possibly just because they didn't really know how to work in their behaviour when placed outside.

>Astral Chain
6-7/10 game with addicting gameplay but lacking in a lot of areas. Could easily be outdone in a sequel if they ever plan to make one. I still enjoyed it.
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Easily 8-9/10 game. Just beat it recently and the I thought I wouldn't like the MMO-style combat but I did. The music is INCREDIBLE and I thought the story got really good in the last couple of chapters. The characters are entertaining albeit a bit annoying at times. They improved the gameplay in the DLC, which is also very good.

Fuck off, frogshit.

>I know, but as someone who also suffers you have to have hope that you can just let it fall out of prominence in your mind by having a routine
I also suffer from these things and actually there was a time in my life when I was able to easily ignore intrusive thoughts

Worth shelling out for the SE on amazon for XBC2? It's pretty expensive.
I was more interested in Astral Chain just to explore the city since there's been no news on SMTV or EO Next.


i'm not quarantined, I'm in a flyover state. Hang in there, city bros. Antivirals soon.

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It really is based on depression/serotonin. If you're doing shit and you're happy and immersed in life you won't even notice it anymore. When you get so depressed your brain starts like denying reality can be awful; just living life becomes traumatic. It's awful but it can be overcome.

Animal Crossing
maybe some streams, I torrented Apocalypto but I haven't gotten around to watching it yet
I got linked some Mark Fisher so that I guess
great. I've been day drinking for days because society is shutting down and I can't go out or work. What an exciting time to be alive.

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I would say so, but it all depends on how much you care for the type of stuff included. As an owner of one, the art book is very substantial, the steelbook looks nice (only have a gripe with them not putting the title on the spine), and the CD has a lot of the best tracks of the game (although I think it's missing a few, but it's still like 20 tracks). I listen to it in the car periodically.
I think if you can get Astral Chain for 40, go for it. It's chapter based so the city isn't TOO big and you're often just exploring different sections of it a time, depending on the chapter. I would seriously just buy it for the gameplay alone, it's very fun. The art direction also makes it worth it.

RF4, porn games, maybe Terraria? Thinking of also buying Darkest Dungeon to play.
John Wick, never seen.
Maybe the Alchemist
Little trapped, haven't been outside (other than shopping) since lockdown and live alone. May set-up chair on balcony to get some fresh air. Thinking maybe deep cleaning my studio will help as well.

I eat alot of fiber but I probably have IBS and coffee is pretty much the only thing to get my stomach going.

Chapter based? Aw. I like games with futuristic cities.
The SE sounds good though. If I can spare for it I might. I heard the DLC can be standalone, did that have a SE too or can I just get that normally as a separate thing?

>Chapter based? Aw. I like games with futuristic cities.
Don't get me wrong, the setting is still nice but there isn't much to explore at a time, although I do recall spending a good extra hour just finding secrets and stuff for quite a few chapters.
>I heard the DLC can be standalone, did that have a SE too or can I just get that normally as a separate thing?
It didn't, and I'm not sure if it's even possible to buy the physical copy anymore with paying a ridiculous amount of money. I would recommend just buying the season pass off the eshop if you do decide to get it. You get Torna, sidequests for the base game, and tons of items to give you a little boost that eliminates some of the annoying grind.

bleh, might just pass on the DLC until there's some sort of discount coupon from MN available then, paying for digital when a physical one's available tastes sour. Better than overpaying for a physical one if they're limited though. Thanks for the advice user.

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Played CoD Warzone with some bros
Nothing, thinking about Better call Saul
Talking Heads
Yas Forums and Yas Forums
Feeling very down, especially today

What are some good Switch games? I'm tempted by La Mulana but it might be too hard for my poor reflexes.

Animal Crossing and Borderlands 3
Old Redlettermedia shit
Persona music
I should start reading more, lord knows I have the time for now.
Really fucking bored, kind of want to start a new hobby. Maybe I'll finally pick up drawing again
Also fuck people who leave the house for non-essential reasons

Devil may cry 3
Lupin part 1 with my brother
kanye, jay z, and TWEWY ost
Uzaki and Venus puts fur on me
I don’t want this to end bros I love the wuflu!
What house are you doing? I really enjoyed blue lions
user dies
>persona music
Favorite track? Also post some of your art if you can

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Animal Crossing
Beastars, its breddy fucking good, goddamn
Watching Beastars made me look up the manga, and it's just as good as I expected it to be

playan animal crossing and wondering when this virus will end
beastars was really well done. production was a step above other anime right now. more haru porn when?

Fuck that thot, gimme the Juno pussy

>Favorite track?
Like, in the whole series? I don't think I can pick that but here's a favourite from each game
Also when I say drawing I really just mean little doodles in a sketchbook to keep me occupied, nothing serious. But here's a dragon head I was mildly proud of.

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Just beat Ys Oath in Felghana. What a lovely game. Now I'm back to Halo CE legendary, currently at two betrayals.
Just some old MST3K for background noise
Furi OST while I'm eating
The Monsters Know What They're Doing
Down, wishing I had practiced more art over the weekend. I shouldnt even be on Yas Forums, I need to be more productive. I want my smut to not suck ass.

Which one is the autistic bunny with the huge tits? Kyu or something? She's the best girl.

Is everyone a neet here or are you all getting paid to play vidya from work?

I'm in my final semester of college and fucking hating this shit. Online courses and no access to labs, what fun. Really getting my money's worth!

I'm a fast food minwagecuck, but my store's closed right now and Canada's got an employment insurance thing so I'm basically as close as I'll ever get to a true blue living wage right now.

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Cool head

>Really getting my money's worth!
i can smell the onions from here

You should take a shower then.

umineko because I finally have time

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