The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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Was gladly a one-off motion experiment but it permanently wrecked the lore

More like Skyward Shit

Skyward Zelda a cute! I hope BotW 2 adds loftwings and sky islands. Also we need another Groose, he is 100% my nigga

It's unironically one of the best Zelda games. The gameplay is literally the best in the series. There is a lot of backtracking but some of it isn't as bad since they change it up a bit every time you go back.

>loftwings and sky islands
Holy shit that would be amazing

>The gameplay is literally the best in the series
No but it has the best dungeons in 3D Zelda that's for sure

>challenging intuitive combat thanks to the motion plus gyro
>fighting fodder is fun because they actually put up a good fight with their blocking mechanisms
>creative use of time in an entire region (Lanayru)
>new enemies like the drones and turrets are fun to kill
>Koloktos, Girahim and Demise are best boss fights in the franchise
>Good cast of likeable/redeemable main characters like Groose and Impa
>Fi is actually very helpful and isn't anywhere near as intrusive as she was made out to be from the memes. She's also a qt and her farewell was touching and kino
>WWlets, BOTW zoomer shits will shit on this game without even playing it.
God, I hate this timeline. This game doesn't deserve to get shitted on.

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Agree about everything except Fi, she was annoying and boring. Felt nothing when she left.

I dont get the Fi/Navi memes either. She barely interrupts you in actual gameplay. In fact, the game does a good job of letting the player explore on their own to figure out what to do

The temples were great but the overworld and in-between was shit. Also fuck that one boss you had to fight three times. It wasn't even hard, just shitty.

Only Zelda game I've never had the urge to replay.

The entire sequence of you waking up, following Fi and acquiring the Goddess Sword is amazing. Also the OST

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Good story, good dungeons, everything else was meh

>>WWlets, BOTW zoomer shits will shit on this game without even playing it.
Because unlike SS, I can tolerate those two for more than ten minutes. SS is just plain fucking boring, even beyond the annoying controls

>The gameplay is literally the best in the series
When it fucking works it's great. The problem is that you need to be at a perfect distance for the motion controls to work exactly as intended, and even then it won't always feel natural


>Good story,
Yeah, fuck the idea of Link, Zelda, and Ganon as independents entities with independent motives.

>fucks over Minish Cap place in the lore
I will never not be salty about this.

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>every single region, every single dungeon, every single piece of the overworld, all of it is a fucking corridor
>Forest > Mountain > Desert > Forest > Mountain > Desert > Forest > Mountain > Desert
>shit bosses
>shit music
>shit characters
>pointless stamina meter
>Let's recycle the WORST part of Twilight Princess and make it TIMED
>worst companion
>lame-ass fucking final boss
>first Ghirahim fight is the best in the game and one of my favorite fights of the series because it just fucking kicks your ass right there and then and tells you to learn the goddamn game now

Skyward Sword deserves every bit of hate it's getting and more.

It's even worse now that BotW let Link go without a hat

This so much. Link shouldn't have worn a hat in SS

The amount of backtracking and loading times killed it for me. Played it on emulator recently and it was much better due to faster loading.
And idea of playing all the levels 3 fucking times is not an ok idea. I can't believe somebody was ok about it.

God, this is the worst shit. Before SS, The only game that went on about "proving your worth" as much WW but it made sense in that game because Link wasn't actually the hero.

I loved it. can't wait for the switch port. can't wait to see Yas Forums QQ over it all over again

>>every single region, every single dungeon, every single piece of the overworld, all of it is a fucking corridor
Truly, the Final Fantasy 13 of Zelda games...

Can it be played on emulator with a traditional controller or M/KB to control the sword swing gimmick, or am I gonna have to set up candles and stuff with my old wiimote?

>best bosses in the series
>good music
>good characters
>best companion in the series
>best final bos in the series

SS is TP?

TP is amazing and surely better than SS overall but my point still stands. Well, except for 'the best companion', I forgot about Midna lol, she is the best in the series



>>every single region, every single dungeon, every single piece of the overworld, all of it is a fucking corridor
You're wrong, especially considering that this is Zelda we're talking about
literally a 2 minute boss. Annoying but not that annoying.

I give you good music, good characters and best companion, but best bosses goes to OOT in my eyes. At least some of em.

You can play it on Dolphin with a DS4. Dunno about CEMU

>best companion
*tries to block your path even though she doesn't have a body*

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Replay it and look at the map as you travel across the overworld from beginning to end. You're travelling down a path, not traversing a landscape.

Botwfags have no taste, that much is true.

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Damn how could I forget. Ghost Zelda is even better than Midna

>Kind of liked the forest but because of the disconnect of overworld/underworld there's no sidequests or anything in it
>Volcano is gay and they didn't even try. It's a straight line and instead of filling that straight line with anything like say mogma village they just lock off half of it so you never have to venture through those parts ever again then give you a shortcut to the top where all the stuff is. Goody.
>Desert is besert. It's a bit annoying due to the sand but it's big and open and though you can skip the mine part forever the main desert area acts as your hub for the rest of the game
>Lake Floria blows. I like the tree but instead of a gt a swimming tutorial that surprise you never have to visit ever again. The whole game has this problem.
>Oh wow the new volcano area sure is neat with it's two rooms and dungeon just adjacent to the entrance. I hope there's no gates or anything block the wa-
>Oh wow a cave
>Oh wow a beach
>Oh wait there's more?
>Holy shit there's a whole cliff section here?
>Holy fuck you mean I have to ride these minecarts?
>Why can't I hold all this content?
>Hey uh remember how we said the places like uh change dramatically each time? well uh...we just took the level and raised the water level. That's what you were expecting right?
>Hey Remember everyone's faaaaaavorite part of Wind Waker in the forsaken fortress? Enjoy!
>Lanaryu Gorge? Fuck yes you are the best desert area ever
>Lousy imprisoned fights between all of this

Wherever the Lanaryu devs are I hope they're working on some good shit because they deserve it for saving this trash fire of a game.

>You're travelling down a path, not traversing a landscape.
....because you're in the sky where it's possible to take the shortest path possible unlike the surface which has obstacles. Are you retarded?

ST is criminally underrated. I hope breath 2 has lots of zelda in this fashion. helping with puzzles and whatnot and generally having more of a presence in the game.

You would have to rewrite her personality so much that it wouldn't be the same character.

Who even cares about Skyloft? Talking about the actual surface, forestmountaindesertland.


Fi was ABSOLUTELY as intrusive as the memes made her out to be.
> You appear to be hurt, hearts can heal you, now you can dowse for hearts
That's the definition of intrusive.

I played it with DualShock2(tm), shit was cash except for that part where you need to draw a moon.

>BoTW Zelda following you and talking to you like ST Zelda
I'd rather she kept her whore mouth shut. She is the worst Zelda

What annoyed me more about her was the time it took her to get to the fucking point.
It doesn't matter how helpful you are or what you are trying to achieve, when you have to start EVERY FUCKING MESSAGE with
>Master, I detect that there is a 78% chance to
people will fucking hate you. Get to the point already you dumb bitch, leave your speech impediment for when I am not getting stabbed, maybe.

The one 3D Zelda I can never bring myself to finish because it's so shit

As someone who also played SS using Dualshock, I think you forgot the octopus fight where you constantly have to lift your sword up and shoot a beam out. Shit was a nightmare

I like the fact that they made a cunt Zelda, but she's still a cunt

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Fi popping in after a story related cutscene isn't intrusive in the slightest. During actual combat, she doesn't intrude.

Master, there is a 83% chance that you are being a total duncemeister right now. To rectify this issue, please acquire taste at your earliest convenience. To make this task easier, I have enabled dowsing for taste. To dowse for a target, press the Minus button, then select Dowsing. Select which item to dowse for by pointing your Wiimote at the television screen, then move your Wiimote Cursor to dowse.

Reminds me of Yorda. Cool concept art

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fat and ugly

>story cutscene tells you to find X
>Fi tells you where you can go and that you can use Dowsing to find your target
>game doesn't actually force you to use Dowsing and Fi goes away until the next important cutscene
Keep trying harder user, maybe some new bait will help.

is a good, debatably great game.

The dowsing is optional and Fi doesnt handhold you that much.

The only bad thing about SS is the lore with Demise and Hylia and the backtracking. If they included a snowy mountain region and a temple like CitS like in TP, it would be GOAT

Based. Literally the best dungeon design and bosses in the series and the motion controls were actually good if you weren't mentally retarded.

don't forget that she has the slowest scrolling speed as well
>go to guy
>guy tells you there's a treasure on island X
>fi comes out
>"Master, i analyzed this guy statement and there's a 98% chance that if we go to island X we might find a treasure"
>takes about 3 boxes to tell you that


WW, Smash U

OoT, BotW

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The fact that I’m sharing oxygen with you scares me.

are you retarded? he was the hero, and always has been, he was just as much the 'hero' in WW as he was in SS. In fact there was no mysterious lore to support link being the hero in SS whereas in WW they were at least aware of a hero existing to begin with

>Smash U
That's just ALttP/ALBW Zelda. Also what about HW Zelda?

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what autist typed that shit out? i couldn't make it more than 2 sentences in because
>Previous Zelda entries had a decent main storylines which is the meat and bones of the series.
what fucking zoomer shit is this no one plays zelda for the story. is this what it means to get baited

>no one plays zelda for the story. is this what it means to get baited
...then what the fuck do you play it for? The dungeons and puzzles are a joke sans MM. The point of Zelda is to experience another Ganon fucks Hyrule story with dungeons and puzzles in between as the whole package in a linear adventure.


It was my favourite 3D Zelda until Breath of the Wild

Superb dungeons, puzzles, and combat. And story/characters in the series.

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>That's just ALttP/ALBW Zelda
Exactly, you can't assign it to either

>Also what about HW Zelda?

Kid Zelda from OoT is cute!

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>And story/characters in the series.
Never take anyone who thinks SS had a good story seriously. Shit was terrible.

This picture makes me sad to remember how long it took them to push out that turd

Grew up to be ugly

shit game with a few good things in it

>shit franchise with a few good things in it

I'll never understand what people see in the fate/reincarnation shit. It's fine in small doses but it can't work as the sole driver of a narrative


>Twilight Princess
what's the verdict?

>People composing their own dungeon themes before we didn’t know shit about Skyward.
Those were good.

The swansong of Zelda.

>fate/reincarnation shit
As if this wasn't the case in TLoZ before SS

Again, it was in small doses. Zelda was not the reincarnation of God with Ganondorf as the literal devil

The style that Zelda was supposed to follow, not this gay animu shit onwards.

A masterpiece, better than Ocarina of Time

teenager view of dark themes
aonuma is a hack

>teenager view of dark themes
>aonuma is a hack
You forgot your "grimdark" buzzword, zoom zoom.

>The point of Zelda is to experience another Ganon fucks Hyrule story with dungeons and puzzles in between as the whole package in a linear adventure.

Even as a dungeon delivery service it's been a joke. Lots of games do the "Collect ye wolf butts to open the gate" but no games have ever done it as blatantly as Zelda has.

>Master Sword
>Fused Shadow Mirror of Twilight

I have give Skyward Sword an iota of credit. Even if it was obvious you'd never catch Zelda (Fuck you Impa how could I compete with Ghirahim's ability to lock doors?) it was still part of the plot that you were chasing her down instead of this tired as hell proving yourself to the Gods (Who are dicks) shit.

>teenager view of dark themes
TP is one of the most uplifting titles in the series, tho.

why are you calling me a zoomer when its clear Toilet Paper was the first zelda game you ever played?

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8.8, objectively

God tier music and aesthetics. Hyrule Field in particular is the best in the series. Some great dungeons and moments but the wolf segments are a wash, total tedious bullshit and it wasn't fun to play. Also the items weren't useful enough outside of dungeons and the inability to play any dungeons out of order is a big misstep. Overall a very solid 8/10 that I enjoy replaying but overall a worse game than OoT.

>aonuma is a hack
Your favorite '''''''mature and truly dark''''''' Zelda game (Fedora's Mask) was directed by Aonuma. Checkmate

I found that my enjoyment of the dungeons was heavily spoiled on the game's insistence on having Fi pull you over and explain what the puzzles are and how to solve them every time you entered a room which was both patronising and flow-killing. If the game ever gets re-released, a mode that removes the game's handholding obsession would be a big step up.

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