>All o' ya!
All o' ya!
Other urls found in this thread:
>oddworld inhabitants uploads new video
>nothing to do with Soulstorm
I always loved the New York accents on some of the Mudokons. Added an extra layer of charm to them.
>Soulstorm is going to be even worse than NnT
goodbye cruel world
I like how it gives him time to retract his hand a lil' bit and THEN it explodes.
no it isn't lol
Its been a long while since their E3 showing I'd like to think they've dialed back the crafting a bit and listened to fans a little more
I'm still getting it no matter what
yes it really is; NnT at least has the benefit of being based around copying a fantastic game, so even if they made mistakes it can get carried by copying tight level design, atmosphere, music etc
this on the other hand is introducing crafting, rewriting the game's story, entirely new 'level design' that looks as if it was procedurally generated, fucking Sligs that shoot non-hitscan rounds, of which you can take multiple without dying, and it's unlikely they'll use the music from Exoddus
it's going to be an absolute disaster and please nobody but the biggest shiteater
the devs are incompetent and don't listen to feedback, and Lorne is a delusional old faggot who should've croaked years ago
you sound like a pussy haha
new n tasty fucked up in atmosphere, music and design a bunch of times. portions of soulstorm's level design will be lifted from exoddus. seethe harder
>portions of soulstorm's level design will be lifted from exoddus
not that user but do you have source for this? I think they would be taking parts of exoddus and reusing them since that seems easy-ish to do but I can't recall anyone from OWI ever mentioning that
>portions of soulstorm's level design will be lifted from exoddus
everything we have seen suggests otherwise
Wait...they're just straight up giving him a mfkin flamethrower? The hell?
they've changed so fucking much its not even soulstorm anymore
after the shitshow NnT was i've decided this franchise died when munch's oddysee released
its something you can craft
jesus fucking christ
that looks like a shitty mobile game cashing in on the brand name
...that's exactly what it is, isn't it?
seen it so many fucking times throughout 2010-2020 and i'm still disgusted and surprised each time
fucking hell man
can't remember which interview but it was a long video. might have been gameinformer
can't blame you
the original two games were made with purpose and talent, this is a cheap cashgrab by talentless bugmen
it's painful because Oddworld as a setting is extremely rich and interesting, the concept art is some of the best out there if not the best, yet we live to see it all raped
There's crafting now? Seriously? WHY?!?
I bet you faggots don't even get freaky
lmao how can you fuck up this bad
that looks like something a kid would make in college
because other games do it, duh, "muh Anarchist Cookbook" is Lorne's go-to when people call him out on it
no it isn't, it's taking the money they earned from new n tasty and pouring basically all of it back into development because lorne lanning wants to make something bigger and better than the original exoddus - for those who don't know that game was rushed and cut to pieces because GT Interactive needed money at the time
if it was a cheap cash grab they would have got just add water to remake exoddus 1:1 and it'd be out by now, but the game has been in development for 4 years
at least use your common sense and do a bit of research before you get angry and depressed by 1 picture
this looks like what would have happened to any game if peter molyneux got involved and had unlimited funds to make it happen
just another whacky idea every hour crammed in there until it resembles nothing but a cluster fuck
i didn't think i could get more depressed, but here i am
>my whole life changed, in just one day
>cut to pieces
>still ends up being the best in the series
You need to grow up
>angry and depressed
This thread: Grr! >:( No!
the only thing wrong with exoddus was the fact they didn't have time to create new antagonists, i've seen the interviews man
they were unhappy they had to reuse glukkons, sligs and slogs again when the whole studio was oozing whacky creativity
they constantly got screwed over by their publishers to the point that it is a damn travesty, i will agree with you
but what they're doing to the franchise is nothing but pissing on the grave, just fucking look at it
>Tfw: you lead a group of blind fucks in to a pit whit circular saws
you need to by the sounds of it
wait until your favourite franchises get cut to pieces lil zoom
then you'll understand
Yeah and this is the original plan for Exoddus including the first half of the story where Abe has to rehome all the rescued slaves, hence the name. In case you didn't notice, the story of Exoddus lacked a proper exodus.
not him but I'm fully aware of that, yet all we've seen is the abomination that was the gameplay so far and since then it's been radio silence, and OWI selling their soul to Epic
the writing's on the wall, even if Exoddus was rushed it won't be topped by SS; I get that you want it to be good, I do too deep down but try opening your eyes man
eh, I prefer Oddysee, Exoddus has way too many of these hub things and it drags on for far too long because of it, it's way less focused than the original
also, being able to possess animals and near-everything makes things feel less dangerous
fantastic music and atmosphere though with some neat gameplay additions for sure though
>the only thing wrong with exoddus was the fact they didn't have time to create new antagonists, i've seen the interviews man
>they were unhappy they had to reuse glukkons, sligs and slogs again when the whole studio was oozing whacky creativity
Sounds like the publishers had the right idea.
It's supposed to be a video game.
Not a Sony game.
I played Oddysee in 1997 when I was 5 years old, it's always been one of my favourites. But the thing is I'm now almost 30 and I don't get angry and depressed over muh toys spoiwled
Hey-a chums
my eyes are very open but you're a bit melodramatic
>video games are toys
>is 30
>posts on Yas Forums
>still interested in video games
>still interested in toys
you definitely need to grow up lol
also Exoddus's idea with the Mudokon moods was half-baked and more often than not resulted in you just slapping/apologizing to a bunch of Muds, really tedious
>people complain about the tone of the game and that it isn't dark enough
>they respond with this, thinking people want to be able to not see shit
I like that short video though
i said approaching 30 and born in 92 brainlet.
>lil zoom
>is 30
what's the golden age bracket to post on Yas Forums? i guarantee you won't quit when you're 27 either
Maybe you can't see shit because there's a lot about the game you haven't seen? Try taking a break from convincing other people to dislike something you haven't played it. Go get some fresh air
Exoddus > Stranger > Munch > Oddysee
Oddysee > Exoddus > Oddysee > Munch
Exoddus > Oddysee > Munch > Stranger
Exoddus > Oddysee > Stranger > Munch
the game is egs exclusive so you can expect the shit quality, all that money they gain from Nnt and years of games seem it wasnt enough for this phone game standard
You said Oddysee twice for setting, ya yutz!
looking at cancelled OW games and what they could've been is painful
>Why, making PS2 games of course...
that was all rendered in 3ds max though
>tfw you love the series but cant shake the feeling like they've lost a little of their touch for what made them famous in the first place.
Its like watching your father slowly forget everything with an escalated case of dementia, but you still care.
it hurts lad
so you have no problem regardless the quality of the product? have you ever asked yourself if you ever grow up in these 25 years?
If they made Hand of Odd in the new Soul Storm style instead I would be totally ok with it.
lorne is still passionate and creative so i'm happy he's got the balls to take risks with the team. if it turns out well then good, if it doesn't then the old games are still there, nothing lost. this is the only chance to move the series forward
also if you think my entire life could boil down to two posts about oddworld you're a brainlet
>lorne is still passionate and creative
he has 100 speech and charisma, that's about it
they wanted to make five games with entirely different genres in the oddworld series, the whole oddysee brand thing
instead they got screwed into making the same game twice, then got screwed into making some 3D shit to shill the xbox, then they tried doing something new and no one gave them marketing clout so it flopped, then they died
its a fucking shame
the games we have take place on such a tiny scrap of mudos, the planet they were setting all this shit on
if they didn't get screwed over it could have been a huge franchise spanning so many different genres, but sadly not to be
somehow thats a better fate than NnT just wanting to make money from the brand name and release gacha tier shit for zoomers
>also Exoddus's idea with the Mudokon moods was half-baked and more often than not resulted in you just slapping/apologizing to a bunch of Muds, really tedious
So was having to go back and forth going "Hello" "Hello" "Follow Me" "Ok" in Oddysee to collect every mud and lead them to the bird portal. All o' ya was a brilliant addition.
Plus I quite liked the emotion mechanic. Of course it was simplistic. It was intended to be another peice of the save the muds puzzle you had to solve.
I say Exoddus was better.
exoddus improved the formula but fuck if it dragged on and on
an opinion and not a fact, of course, but it also went from being dark and serious to light hearted and retarded, which i didn't particularly enjoy
it had its moments, but they were more whacky than believable in most cases
i'm biased because i really enjoy the factory aesthetic a lot compared to the mines and various other places
can't deny exoddus didn't have more character with all the different zones like slig barracks and shit, but fuck it dragged on
I will admit when I played Exoddus I was perplexed by the amount of empty rooms with absolutely nothing in them you traversed through. Especially in the latter stages.
I seen the war stories interview with the creator Lorne Lanning and he seems like a really passionate dude but damn, everything I seen from Soulstorm looks like shite
sucks he's been waiting so long to tell this epic 5-game story and it seems like it won't even live up to the original game
>Having a HUD
>Giving Abe weapons
>Glukkons have recycling centers, apparently
I wanna trust Lorne but...I'm having a hard time.
Nice feet
why did you have to remind me of armikrog
It is a mobile game that will be given away on Epic and it will be p2w
>mobile game
>given away