*saves you from e3*

*saves you from e3*
no need to thank me

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Other urls found in this thread:


thanks bat

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I'm going to thank you anyways.

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reminder that China and Korea are already slowing down and this was literally nothing propagated here by cringe ITS LE HABBENING!!!!! types

mmmmmmmmmmmmm umaaaaaa

Fruit Bats have more in common with dogs and foxes than they do with bats.

Thank you for sparing us from another terrible Ubisoft conference, little bat.

Thank bro

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I think America as a whole will be more racist towards the Chinese after this is done and honestly that makes me happy. Liberate Hong Kong.

Thank you based winged rat


>incompetent chink bioengineers save me from e3


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while I won't miss e3 itself, I am gonna miss the e3 threads

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Bat you are my greatest ally




















Why does that dog look funny?

Attached: ender bat.jpg (4608x3456, 1.95M)

>Eat feral meat
>Wtf why infection and disease ravaging the populous!

Get fucked chang

>Number of infected in Italy surges
>Three more states in the US have confirmed corona-deaths before the hospitals are overrun and the staff itself is sick
>More restrictions on travel and things shutting down
>"It's just a prank, bro. Go outside"

Attached: clown world.webm (916x480, 2.89M)

he cute

I seriously think I have Corona, I feel fluie as fuck. God I hope I don't accidentally kill my boomer parents.

Honestly no point watching E3 anymore, the only real exciting announcements in recent years were from Nintendo's direct. Everybody else usually had maybe one or two but they're always bogged down by the stupid stage show crap they waste time on and other than Spider-Man I felt like I could have seen them after the fact and still be just as satisfied.

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That's a lie though. Every company pulled out of E3 'cause they became obsolete since companies are just hosting their own events now and they decided to use the virus as an excuse to cancel it.

Seriously, who was STILL on e3 this year? Microsoft maybe but they have their own event just outside main e3.

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More like...
>dumb insects that eat everything that movies save you from e3

Sometimes I really wish I could get a certain uncommon pet, then I read about these and their habits and find out is just too much for both the animal or the potential owner (bats tend to drench themselves in their urine among other things.)

It will never cease to amaze me how bats are pretty much tiny dogs with wings

>tfw no cases in my state
>tfw never leave house anyways

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Fruit bats, maybe. Not so much vampire.

why do chinks eat bats anyways? aren't rodents swarming with disease? and i can't imagine they have very much nutritional value. are they just really big ozzy fans over there?

Thanks bat

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>zero self awareness: the post

>Come for the tits.
>Cum for the midriff.

sonic girls are barely above normal catgirls on the furry chart
at least thats the lie i tell myself

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>No cases in my state
You're telling me you live in West Virginia? And you're expecting me to be jealous or something?

They’re slowing down because they actually took the extreme measures necessary to make that happen, whereas here in burgerstan, our president and a shitload of GOP leaders exposed themselves to the virus and only some of them are taking the basic measures necessary to contain it

>tfw no ComfyTheatre Band Geeks fun with the lads this year
Honestly kinda heart breaking.

anybody else notice the chinks are trying to make people think the virus didn't come from china?

The Game Awards showing that muslim woman proud of her flash game she made in ten minutes was a new low. Please cancel that shit too.

What's with all the reddit spacing lately? Forced maymay? Some kinda raid? Tiscord drannies?

Do Americans REALLY?

yeah that really sucks

>Reddit spacing
Shit meme forced by election tourists. Please kill yourself.

hi xi jing

They literally eat anything because they believe its some ancient Chinese medicine that if they eat enough of it they will get superpowers or some shit.
Its why they eat shark fin soup, century eggs, rats on a stick, chicken feet, sheep's brain. Whatever is technically edible is edbible to them and a few things also that aren't they would class as edible since it didn't outright kill them when they eat it the first few times.

>the two countries that are putting in the most work have the best results
No shit sherlock.
In third-world countries like the US where half the voters think the government is Satan and the current president thinks the best solution is to call in Wal-Mart, it's not going to be so easy.

And he fired the pandemic team. That was smart.

>kills hundreds of thousands in months
thanks bat!

Why are boomers like this?

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haha i you're totally not from reddit, you're so cool and not from reddit. I wonder if you were from reddit, if you were this much of a faggot there. But you're totally not from reddit, right? That's what I thought.

Can't wait for Plaguemaster Pence to try and shock the Corona out of its victims

He also cut the CDC's budget a few years ago because "lol there's no way we're going to have a pandemic."

Fake news, not going to let the sniffles keep me away from my important travel.

Is it messed up that I want Donald Trump to have the virus not out of malice but for memes?

theres going to be another housing crisis when these old fuck's houses are abandoned post mortem, their kids sure as hell aren't going to be able to keep them.


Live by the memes, die by the memes

I was in Boston Logan today and it was completely fucking empty. Literally no line at security, 0 people in front of me. I refuse to believe this picture is real.

Getting a lot of enjoyment out of normalfags losing their minds from having to actually hang out in their homes for a couple of days.



I want Trump to get the virus but make a full recovery, just because of the irony.

I have no sympathies for these retards that are still insisting on going on their plane trips.

Then they will freak out and whine and say how horrible the government is when they get quarantined.

>I've been told, actually that I have the strongest case of coronavirus - in the world, maybe ever!
>Doctors are surprised by how powerful my Corona is

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