Party Van

It's Saturday, and we are continuing with our very "special" weekend for the Party Van! We are celebrating the first year of the current van's life, and with it, we have some surprises in store, but that's not until Chug gets home from work because his workload has increased from retards freaking out about the common cold. So get the fuck in here while you can and see what all the rage is about!
Password: the usual
Variety Night:
On Sunday night, we will continue our Half-Life marathon with Half-Life 2 by way of Garry's Mod, custom OP poster included. Why you'd have GMod without owning HL2 is beyond me, but in case you don't, HL2 is literally free right now.
Further reading:

Attached: team fortress 2.jpg (1280x720, 130.31K)

Other urls found in this thread: snail

>variety night
>gmod half life
>not the tf2 rebalance mod

>played tf2 since 2010
>been on Yas Forums since 2009
>never joined a party van
Is it fun?



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>Fucking full already

Attached: AAAH.png (1070x601, 507.22K)

Attached: Untitled.png (416x500, 24.53K)

password is rage

doesnt work :L

>community server tab doesnt show up

Probably... depends, its fun if you really just enjoy fucking around for the most part and to "play" the game. I've been on for the past ones and half of it for this one for the most part. I've been in it for a better part of half the year. The user's are cool for the most part. It dies way later now though, used to have more than 25+ on dead hours though I think that has to do with people getting over tf2 for the most part and doing something else.
It really depends if you like the game that much. I do.

>the user's are cool for the most part
You shitting me? They shitpost people for no reason other than to shitpost. At least get a reason to do it.


if you're that bother than I don't think this is the place for you.

Learn to speak English and not be a cuntdick.

If you dont like 6 people micspamming at once and actual maps theres also this.

Attached: dancing robot.gif (225x225, 45.51K)

Stop linking your degenerate anime/furry server, nigger.

>Spliting the Yas Forumsan

Attached: 1447564079764.png (282x300, 94.28K)

sure :)

Get the fuck out you nigger

30 minutes

Just got in. The user are all zoomers micspamming shit music and repeating twitter/facebook memes

no one:
absoulety no one:
random simp on Yas Forums: Just got in. The user are all zoomers micspamming shit music and repeating twitter/facebook memes


Can I join?

>not joining using the console

Attached: Yer ugleh.gif (300x300, 931.21K)

The console doesn't fucking work. It always says bad password, or it says "Usage: connect

Put a semicolon after the IP

>using console when the server is full

I usually have to wait 2 hours before I can join.

Now see, I would BUT you have this rule.
I'd rather choose what I listen too, then have one faggot I literally CAN'T mute without getting kicked spamming some dumb ear rape shit.
I don't know why you fags consistently try to shill the teek on here considering both bison and mitten play on the van and we share a bunch of players inbetween the 2

Attached: wew.png (363x36, 3K)

Shitty anime song, fuck off weeb.

if it makes you feel better it's just high pitched swedish

I already knew that, but it still doesn't make me feel better? You know what does? Maybe being able to join the fucking server!

Attached: james.webm (394x480, 638.74K)

on vacation
only have laptop
also it's probably full

i keep hoping OP will die and party van can play some other fucking games again. christ tf2 sucks

that insurgency van was really fun

play variety night retard

You can kill it by posting it 2-3 hours early, then the jannys will send it to the tf2 general.

>its HL2

1 hour

stop being a fucking ooga booga baby and host your own fucking vans faggot

>dissing half-life 2 coop

Attached: hl2.webm (1920x1080, 1.75M)

>t. Chug

Chug is dead


can you guys save a slot for me im almost home

>people got filtered by Ravenholm's traps

Attached: As2olMZN_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21.3K)

saved :)

I'll save a slot alright *unbrips zick*

>play like 10 minutes of actual tf2
>then 3 retards nominate vsh maps and the server is basically forced into vsh and we're not allowed to play the actual game anymore

man the van fucking sucks now

We haven't had a gmod cinema thread is a while

yes I love sitting here dead, watching other people play a meme mode


just dont die fucking scrub

yeah and if you don't die you get to spend 5 minutes holding m1 at some dude with 99999 health, so fun

We should do this for variety night some time. snail

Attached: addon_uploads_1574828716_1573123058.jpg (512x512, 92.67K)

i agree. it is pretty fun

how do i join

what an exciting gamemode

just dont die bro

just play hide and seek for 10 minutes

guys i entered in "the usual" for the password but it didn't work

Attached: 1570880482008.png (112x112, 21.89K)

it's case sensitive, make sure you got it right