Do Sony fans really think like this? Also fuck censoring his name. It's a public Twitter

Do Sony fans really think like this? Also fuck censoring his name. It's a public Twitter.

Attached: crunch.png (733x617, 683.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Only Reddit censors names.


Animal Crossing was delayed so I guess he's right?

He’s a shitposter.


right: soul
left: soulless

Clearly what Animal Crossing needed all along was 3d scanned, photo realistic models and fully mocapped animations.

The Sony fan has no brain power, just undying allegiance to their master

no crunch looks so fucking happy. look at how goddamned pleased he is just sitting there

This is becoming a new meme now.

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>even considering censoring a name

Flat ass

can we just rename this board /twitter/?


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>thinking nintendo doesnt crunch

Can someone explain what the fuck crunch is?

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I take it this is the Ampharos thread?

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Longer work hours to finish a project, very common in games industry

When you bite down into something, a material that has just enough give to it often leaves a crunch when you bite into it.

TL;DR it means working extra hours and to the last minute.

what the fuck is that thing

Intensive period at the end of game development when devs work overtime (and during weekends) in order to finish the game.

nintendo is notorious for their crunch time practices, though:

>In those days, Miyamoto would come to us at 11 PM, after he finished all of his board-member work, and say, "It's Mario time." At that point, we'd start a planning meeting that would run until 2 AM. At that point, Miyamoto would go home, leaving us with the words, "You should return home soon, for your health." Over the next two or three hours, we'd write the game design documents and summarize the instructions for our artists and programmers.

>It was the craziest crunch time that I've ever experienced in my development career. But if the God of Games was working so much, could we give up? Miyamoto had incredible stamina.

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I assume it’s the pretentious, artsy equivalent to “edge”, but that’s just my speculation

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He's talking about how it was supposed to be out last year, I think.
I'm okay with devs taking their rather than work themselves to death, but I think Nintendo should've made Animal Crossing a high priority project. It's something you're supposed to play for a long time, so it should've been out in year one or two, not the kickoff for year four.

Pretty wording for unpaid overtime and abusive work conditions in order to achieve an unrealistic deadline. Common in the game industry.

I still don't get what the fuck his point is. Crunch bad because Last of Us bad? Crunch good because Last of Us good?
Crunch bad because Animal Crossing good?

>Also fuck censoring his name
on most websites doxing people like that is a ToS breach, probably the same on Yas Forums

why did ellie become less cute??

i dont think there is one

I’m sure they’re not perfect on it, but one of the main reasons New Horizons was delayed was to avoid too much crunch. That’s from official statements, not just speculation.

Animal Crossing is going to outsell last of us 2

>developers have no freedom or time to come up with good ideas that improve the gameplay and have to just rush up that part to work on the endless asset shit

>I assume

Maybe stop assuming and educate yourself. If you're old enough to post on Yas Forums you should know what crunch time means.

I thought he was talking about art style or attention to detail, with crunch you get last of us realistic attention to detail, without it you get a game that looks like animal crossing or at least that's how i read the comment

How much do you want to bet that ND crunch is something like an hour overtime.

Crunch is stupid but necessary. Devs are incapable of finishing games without a definitive deadline. Just look at Star Citizen, SQ42 was supposed to release in 2014, the full game in 2015, and now here we are, 8 years post-kickstarter, as they continue to push feature creep and endless refactoring while still selling people pictures of spaceships. Oh, sure, a lot might be in the game now, but there are still plenty that aren't. Worst part? It's not being done out of malice. Any dev studio given the same lack of restraint and focus will become the same exact kind of mess. Indie games work because of either personal restraint or budget limitation, giving them a need to get the product out sooner. It's also why patreon shit with lower income tends to push content out much faster than ones with 5 figure incomes.

>In those days

It’s almost like they might have improved on this over the years.

Its actually paid and completely optional, legally it has to be.
Yet you have literal retards scrambling to remain at work 12 hours a day or they will get """shamed""" by their boss and coworkers.

Essentially anyone with a single iota of programming who ends up in the videogame industry is the biggest retard on the planet since its quite literally the worst field in every single metric.
So its nothing but young 20 somethings who decided

doubt it. miyamoto is still there and still meddling.

me eating little pretzel vs me eating big pretzels

Not only games industry, pretty much everywhere where programmers are involved.
The problem is that they browse reddit and twitter 7 hours a day, and when the deadline arrives, they suddenly realize that they need to deliver something, so they do the work that was planned for 3 months in 1 week, produce a shit ton of bugs and spend their few free minutes on twitter crying.

Miyamoto rarely works on games user.

The Animal Crossing team is like 60% women so if they tried to implement crunch half the workers would quit

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>tfw 3d artist at a studio currently in crunch mode
What options do I even have?

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What's wrong with games looking like Animal Crossing?

user recently Nintendo confirmed all their devs work 40 hours each week

Mmm yes I like my children’s entertainment to be SERIOUS AND CINEMATIC

you can't play them in front of your boomer dad

This, if you see a name get censored without any actual reason to censor it you know you have a redditor on your hands.

The only thing I ever see anyone talking about the last of us 2 is the graphics and the fact Ellie is gay.
Don't believe I've ever seen anyone say something about the gameplay.


Wouldn't crunch actually make things worse because you have to rush? These are just two games with very different art styles.

>t. reddit

jesus christ these twitter posts get more and more fucking gay every time i see them

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>"It's Mario time."
No, Miyamoto, no!

Crucnh really is a word that carries multiple meanings. For a neet like me, it reminds me of the noise a crispy nugget may make when I bite down despite only eating less than 1500 calories a day. But for devvies, it is unpaid labor but when I play the game that labor isn't what I think about. I enjoy the game and feel good while maybe eating a nugget that day too. The product will be played by me but the only crucnh I know is nugget.

He's finally back

It's a not a dox when it's fucking twitter.
Facebook sure but people put shit on twitter with the intention of it being seen by as many people as possible.

You think you could play Last of Us 2?
>Why're you playin' as a little girl, son? You some kinda faggit?

>has to bring up a literal scam to prove his point
Fuck off druckman.

People that count calories are insufferable. You are the evidence.

>Ah oh no not my videogame developerino
>Crunch isin't good for them waahh, also i have never worked in my life and mom is paying everything for me.
Fucking faggots do those people even know the work life? In nearly every field there is crunch when you want to get a big project out. Sure it's hard but no one forces you to work there.
>But... but... I need to pay my rent...
Go work somewhere else then you idiot, when you don't like your work conditions.
>But thats the only thing i can do
Than he should have fixed his stupid life and improved himself to get a better job.
>But thats the thing i love
Than stop complaining you faggot. You got your dream job with the good and the bad things
People should stop getting offended for other peoples and do their own shit

>crunch produces joyless R-rated wannabe movie with no replay value that will be forgotten about in a week
>no crunch produces charming franchise treasured by young and old alike that the whole family can enjoy for hours on end

you're right, the fucker would steal it to play when im asleep