So, who's gonna be the fag in this one?

So, who's gonna be the fag in this one?

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God I wish Netflix would make good anime for once



the director

I heard Castlevania was good?

Most importantly, are they gonna change characters' races? I can see them making any and all of the girls into niggers

Who is this emo pajeet and why is he in charge of ruining so many franchises?

They're doing the best they can.

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Ding ding ding.

Vergil is black, Dante remains as is.

Didn't they do Devilman Crybaby?

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Being bi isn’t the same thing as being a fag.

what a shitshow that casting choice was

its worse

They have ulterior motives.

Dante has never once shown any interest in women, so him being gay is completely in character.

>was going to play vidya with people I know
>yeah I was watching the castlevania Netflix series it's sick
>the only castlevania I've tried is 3 and that shit sucks

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Which would be Witcher animated movie

This topping a man while while getting your balls sucked on by a woman sounds pretty alpha.

It'll never come out, there are always like a dozen video game projects that get announce and just never materialize

It's an even worse offense. Imagine being willing to eat shit even after tasting the nectar of the gods.

morrison and dante
>gay and mixed race couple

vergil will be a incel
dante will be a pansexual demi kin
lady will be trans because it would make her name ironic
trish will be indian

Vergil, it'll be a huge character motivation for him because they'll make Sparda anti-alphabet and make Mundus out to be the true Hero.

But they'll still have him have Nero, except it'll be dark devil magic that results in M-Preg.

Also Nero will be trans and a omni-demi-pansexual.

We all know it's gonna be Vergil

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Please tell me this isn't a real thing

They're going to do my husbando so dirty. Why can we have a SOL family show with stylish action?

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I can see Arkham as a nig nog, which would aply to Lady aswell

Remember when they did a death note live adaptation and retards had a shit-fit because they cast a white guy as Light, saying they were white-washing japanese characters. Meanwhile L was a fucking nigger.

>Western animated show is decent
>Western animation fans get extremely cocky and arrogant
>Said show goes to shit super hard not long after that.

Adi Shankar saved
>Power Rangers
and now Devil May Cry
It's not his fault the writers turn it into gay shit, he's just the producer

Isn't she a canon lesbian?

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Well it is real and i've heard they're trying to make a shared universe with Castlevania

Mundus was gay for Sparda
Sparda said no way fag
Mundus has Sparda killed

Well they sorta saved face by making it set in america, thus black L and white angsty Light atleast make sense in the setting.

Though honestly there is no reason not to set it in Japan

I watched David Copperfield recently and it was an outstandingly egregious example of this.

Black L was the second best part of American death note. The first being goblin ryu.

when it comes to character changing, black people always get a pass.


Wouldn't a producer have a say in who they hire as writers?

Especially when they replace redheads.

Dante is a fag, doesn't even try to fuck Lady.

Ironically L was the better part of the whole thing even with him being black. I died of laughter when he pulled the gun out he claimed he didn't have and started running down light for his butler's death.

dante will be bi

You, probably

Theyre' working on the new Ghost in the Shell.

looks good

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>code lyoko cg
>looks good
I hope you aren't being serious

If any of you retards who trust bait as actual news would look this shit up you would see that it’s a rumor from last year about a possible animated show a la Castlevania. Fuckin gullible children, I swear.

It's saddening really. Part 1 was short but had some great buildup and Part 2 dragged too long on the Vampire politics going on behind and around Dracula and the most action is at the final battle. Part 3 felt like blatant filler, hard not to cringe at that first demon fight where they've gotten so used to the routine Syphas is taunting the them now.

>dante will swear like a sailor
>vergil will get a scene being ass raped by a demon
>entire episode dedicated to sparda CBT

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jesus fucking christ

>looks good

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This, Shankar didn't make Alucard a fag, Ellis did
L was raw entertainment kino

Why is everyone saying netflixvania is good? It's dogshit. Horrible story, animation quality and dialogue.

Thoughts on the opening music?

>set in los angeles
already dogshit

see: how cyberpunk 2077 is shit



The dialogue is the worst part of the show, the amount of swearing feels like it was mandatory to put in every sentence

The second part is the most likely to happen considering the backstory

Uhhh, she clearly fangirled Dante in that scene where he's dancing. Probably bi at least.

And it was DmC Mundus

>Theyre' working on
They just stuck their shitty name on it. It's made by the same people as SAC.

Dante doesn't fuck girls with daddy issues.
That rules out Lady, Lucia and Trish.

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Is this the new Jimmy Neutron special where Jet Fusion becomes a tranny?

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looked like overwatch for a sec there


Forgot the vid.
This shit was fuckin' retarted. Who the fuck thought this was a good scene? It was the worst.

wasn’t that just the plot of DmC?

is that dante in your pic a spic? lmao

what kind of action scene is that?