Tfw not a single good MMO

>tfw not a single good MMO

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>mfw I have no face
upload banned on Yas Forums ;_;

wc lvl?



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Final Fantasy XIV
World of Warcraft: Classic
Oldschool Runescape

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all shit


Classic isn't the vanilla experience people dreamed of, it couldn't be.
XIV is a lobby simulator in which you learn the new flashy fights while waiting for the new flashy fights, or you just play the story and fuck off for a year.
OSRS is for intermittent nostalgia tripping

Why can nobody make a good MMO anymore? Might grind in PSO2 for a little bit when that releases, but I doubt it'll hold me.


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>Was never good, will never be good
>Nostalgia for a week then shit
>Nostalgia for a month then shit

>Final Fantasy XIV
Faggot and tranny ERP simulator.

Meta faggotry killed MMOs.

Full dive is our only hope, and it is science fiction.

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I was thinking of getting into PSO2 aswell since I heard it's a MH clone and not actually a MMO.

sorry, but I'm not a cuck

Ahem. Tortanic is very much still up.

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underageb& detected

>Hmmm what MMOs have I played in the past few years
>WoW is fucked
>classic WoW is solved
>XI is dead
>XIV is shit
>Wildstar is kill
>BDO is shit
>Runescape is fucked
>OSRS is fucked
>SWTOR was never good
>LOTRO is dead
>DDO is ruined
>TERA has gone off the deep end long ago
>Project Gorgon controls like ass
>DCUO is shit
>Champions Online has awful netcode
>Tree of Savior has even fucking worse netcode
>CoH is fine I guess, but you either play with /vg/ on a ded server or r*ddit on a shitty one
Yeah, this sucks.

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what's a matter, mommy won't pay for your vidya?

MapleStory M----

>new game comes out
>metafags instantly rush to level cap
>class guides out in less than 24 hours
>game is solved within a week

>I want a REALLY good thing but I also want it 100% free
I get you are a poorfag that pirates everything usually but you can't pirate an online service so you either pay a few dollars or you eat shit.

MMOs were never good

>try GW2
>hate the way every class plays

Am I the only one? I figure there's something wrong with me to end up hating every single class

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I don't see the MMO I play on there, looks like you still have some work to do.


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No. I think I liked about four specific class/weapon setups but not enough for it to be an interesting level experience all the way up. Being forced to have a certain toolkit with a certain weapon is kind of wank honestly.

Its not, its an action game, a pretty damn solid one too with the best player customization of any on the market right now

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Which one? I only listed the ones that came to mind but I feel like I tried them all.

Wouldn't mind having some (or all) features locked behind a paywall, don't want to pay every single month upfront.

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>best player customization of any on the market right now
Make a big titty loli with robot legs or I don't believe you

B2P is the patrician choice so you can drop that shit whenever you want. And it's a MMO, so you WILL drop it, because they're all shitty. Sub only is garbage designed to just keep around whales.

>try GW2
>love the leveling
>do full map%
>get to endgame
>nothing but collecting cosmetics

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>define good

there are plenty of quality MMO's out right now. Go play EQ2, SWTOR (ignore the memes), FFXIV or WoW (again fuck Yas Forums and their retarded opinions)

I've got a massive mulitiplayer game for you right here, cutie. *unzips*

And it's honestly garbage, stuck on life support. Play through the Warrior, Inquisitor, and Agent stories. Then drop it.

user i know you have alzheimer's but you already made this thread today

>not playing b2p+sub+cash shop+tip mmo

b2p is always p2w


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3rd world countries make up most of the pop
will have a cash shop with p2w shit
used to be decent until all of these mmos found out that people will still buy up their shit even if they pair it with b2p or a cash shop
>cash shop
p2w most of the time

mmos are gay now

Nah. Valkorion is fucking based so play the expansions too. Not necessarily the Revan one if you actually like Revan though.
>Life support
Doesn't that go for the entire genre though?


Nah, it's fun for a little but is very obviously a gacha dressup game with tacked on content these days. If you didn't play episodes 1-3 you missed out on the game.


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>F2P P2W trash
I hadn’t played it in a few years, tried again I think last year and the Cleric was OK/10 but the Foundry was completely disabled. Did they ever bring that back?

we’re going home bros...

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jannies do your job

so are my chances to get laid

Not that user, but that's pretty easy. You can dream bigger, something like a dispenser robot

Pretty sure only paid activities qualify as a job

This is why we need this jannie faggots to stop deleting FFXIV on Yas Forums since /vg/ is full of RP shit like holy fuck

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super gay and will likely remain gay until a new and novel platform with widespread adoption or a new novel concept enters the market

You could be playing Shadowbringers right now

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>most well-reviewed MMO expac in history
>only MMO besides OSRS that's actually growing steadily
>broke 1m active subs nearly a year ago and has only increased since
>lead writer is a huge qt and incredibly talented
>lead composer is the apprentice and successor to Nobuo Uematsu and also an actual literal rock star
>main antagonist is so good that a huge portion of the playerbase thinks he was the real good guy
>appreciates its heritage and shows lots of love to the rest of the franchise
>incredibly devoted community that makes tons of fan art, music, and other content
>players are typically the nicest you'll ever meet and love to help each other out
>devs hate raidlogging and instead prefer to add content that's focused around cooperation, socializing, and otherwise reminding you what the actual appeal of "Massively" multiplayer games is
>raids are still the coolest in any modern MMO despite this
Come home.

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what exactly makes this different that wow? honest question

>XIV is a lobby simulator
nigger there is a persistent datacenter you can visit every world and every zone

>what exactly makes this different that wow?
That it wont ever be released for example.

Shut your mouth. I will not let it die, I refuse. Not until I have my booboo
Vaylin back...

no instances

Games shit, adding more content to garbage won't save it.

MMO are still good, it's just that the generation of gamers have changed.
They are not the kind that can enjoy such a gaming experience because it's """too cringe XD""" for them so they ruin everything.

Think about it, there is no way that you could get new players to play something like tabletop rpgs today. Or even basic monopoly.

>game crashes

>Rise of the Fallen
this is the most hilariously generic subtitle, it sounds like you put it in some kind of generator

>chink shit
i'd play it but i'd also rather eat shit than interact with weebs

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S4 League private servers

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>posting the goddamn E3 trailer
I can never resist watching it all the way through. I still remember the XIV thread on Yas Forums freaking the fuck out at the last line.

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lolwut most of the bis gear can't even be sold or traded because the only place to farm for it all account binds everything on pickup, and farming it easy as equipping the free very good equipment you get for being level 70, finishing the easiest campaign ever, and joining one of the dozens of people looking for groups. i jumped on during a 2x experience event and was max level farming bis gear after a few days of playtime without spending a cent. also no, foundry hasn't been brought back.

>lead composer writes shallow anime shit
compare soken’s work to uematsu and it’s NG, it only fits XIV more since the game is completely shallow
>appreciates its heritage
you mean it jerks off nostalgiafags
>main antagonist
of shadowbringers specifically, too bad about the rest of the story you’re forced to play through
>raids are the coolest
flashy garbage like the rest of the game
>devs hate raid logging
>literally design the game around daily/weekly gates

uuuh really?

tree of savior
monster hunter world
read dead 2 online
gta v online is still kicking now that it hink about it

any questiongs?

Vindictus is fun
Guts simulator

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>literally design the game around daily/weekly gates
what gate? get crafted gear and beat the raid is what they intend. why does there have to be a time wall?

Vindictus, Kritika etc. aren’t really MMORPGs to me, they’re more like beat ‘em ups. If the game is just a hub town with all action taking place in little instances missions I think it’s missing the point of MMOs. That’s just me being stubborn though, to be fair I do think the games can be fun (but the UI is usually really bad for some reason).

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