Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
I can't wait until we kill all blacks(or whoever punched him)
I'm literally fuming right now. What a POS.
the boomer
I really want to run into a faggot leftist like this one day and stab him to death when he tries this
the pakinigger
Technically you could do that right now but I suppose corona is the excuse this time
If you use the same meme flag on too many posts in a short period of time people are able to identify you. Fucking newfag/jew/nigger
I have literally never seen a single antifa in my life. They completely disappeared past 2010. If you search videos on youtube about antifa/punks in hungary its all before that date.
The reason is the police stopped protecting them after Fidesz came into power and right wingers just beat the shit out of them until they went away.
Why do you think I care? I'm just here to laugh at you
>and right winger police just beat the shit out of them until they went away
nah, the police here is extremely cucked
Nazis are paid by government the same as police therefore they're completely equal
Welcome to your new home. Once you’ve been here long enough you’ll be trapped here forever.
take your meds schizo
Cowardly sucker punch, lmao
Pathetic truly
>a pack of marlboro is donated to you account
They're quite a luxury these days
The problem here is that Paki feels like he can lay hands on a white person. That's what Jim Crow was all about, keeping muds in line with the very real and immediate threat of violence if they didn't keep themselves in check.
when do I get my paycheck then?
Join one of their glowniggie groups and do whatever they say
so real nazis aren't getting paid? just government agents pretending to be nazis?
Agents are the heads of the groups and even they're too dumb to realise they're agents. The others are just regular meat fodder, so basically Nazis.
Lone wolves are the real shit
you sound really fucking retarded desu
Are you sure you're not bullshitting yourself?
Hmm can u explain these jim crow laws further or send a good link ...
How? Which one of the glowniggie political parties did anything for White Europe?
The answer is none, it was always the Breiviks, the Tarrants and the others
You think that faggot who larps as 18th century aristocracy will bring national socialism to Holland? Holy kek
Niggers and shitskins are always wrong and need to be removed permanently. But why the fuck was he even arguing with him? He interacted with him and relaxed. That boomer learned the lesson the hard way
It's just segregation.
>Whites only restaurant
>Whites only water bubbler
>Whites only bathrooms
>Whites only schools
>Blacks at the back of the bus etc
Is paki derogatory? I thought it was just short for Pakistani
that cunt deserved the punch.
Around Paks...
never relaks
Who, Baudet?
Nobody takes him seriously, memeflaggot.