They had to know she was 14. I think they lied about it.
Did Ashton Kutcher Rape Mila Kunis?
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Hollywood jews didn’t care. And Mila enjoyed the dick. Victimless crime
There's no such thing as a victimless crime. She was 14 and they made her kiss him.
>made her
I'm reasonably certain she was into it.
she ugly. dude married down. he must have a shit personality.
>a guy who looks like that totally raped me guize :((((
Day of the roast beef butcher soon.
>no victim
She'd be the victim.
Irrelevant. She was a 14 year old child.
>Did Ashton Kutcher Rape Mila Kunis?
Nah, if anything, Mila raped him.
I'm fuckin jelly to be honest famalam.
this is the same guy who was saying child porn was okay and had pic of his daughter in cp poses
guy is a pedofile
Hey, irrelevant fucking retard, 14 or not she's on the set of one of the most popular TV shows in American history, SHE WAS INTO IT. YOU FUCKING RETARD.
Any response from you that doesn't have reasonable explanation as to why she might not of been into it, a girl like her in her situation, other than "OMG SHES 14", is completely invalid.
A child cannot be "into it", no matter how much you spin it. Your a pedo if you think otherwise
>Thorn was born in 2012. Our co-founders Ashton Kutcher...
No she lied to the producers. At least, that is the official story. There doesn't seem to be a huge age gap between the two despite Ashton being 20 at the time.
So any Hollywood exploiting 14 yr olds is justified if the tv show is a success? Are you insane?!
It doesn't matter if she was into it, she was 14.
I fucking hate this hypocritical nigger.
Ashton is objectively more attractive.
>age gap is what matters
What is this bullshit? An age differential isn't what makes someone capable of consent. Their age does,
So did he found that organization as a way of avoiding accountability for the rapes?
pick one
my grandmother was 15 and my grandpa was 27 with my dad
>spinster woman detected
Well I view age differentials to be far more important than the age of the parties after a certain age. For example, I would view a 16 and 17 year old having sex to be a-okay but the law wouldn't disagree with me in certain states
That's old people. In America you go to prison for that. And judges don't allow young people to get married. Not anymore. It's rape.
I'd rather my daughter not become pregnant from a 17yr old who has no career or assets. Age gaps are less important than a persons ability to consent and not be raped. Women should be virgins when they get married.
I never knew how creepy this show was until I realized all the actors are adults except Mila. Like wtf man.
Okay what if the 17 year old proposes to your 16 year old daughter and has enough money in the bank, a job, and enough education. Would you allow for him to marry and have sex wit your daughter. Your point is futile to mine. At what age do you believe a person is able to consent? 18, 21, or lower?
Post tits and learn to separate reality from fiction you dumb twat
>cp poses
>In America
>It's rape.
dont know if you know this but america has crazy arbitrary rules that change every few generation and even in 1952 when my grandparents were married it was perfectly legal in their state of Louisiana.. i dont get your point.
and also "rape" is a issue of consent not age, no laws especially from some backwards country like america can change the definition.
Sure. But you're missing the point, an age gap matters much less than a persons competence and ability to consent. Why does it matter if the guy is 20 but it's okay if he's 19? Close in age exceptions are nonsense and you're an idiot if you don't see that.
Nigga I would slap the shit out of my daughter if she was getting married at fucking 16. Dude are you fucking retarded or something? If you’re such a fucking loser the only pussy you can get is a underage girl pls kill yourself. You play stupid games you get stupid prizes.
>She was a 14 year old child.
Childhood is a social construct. A 14 year old woman is exactly as mature as any other. Possibly more so because she hasn't learned to be fully retarded yet.
No I believe consent cannot be given at a certain age and the age differentials must be an important factor in determining whether the boy or girl is not being preyed upon.
Rape is defined by law. Statutory rape is a crime because 14 year olds lack the mental capacity to be competent enough to consent.
Women generally do not have the mental capacity to consent. They literally did not evolve for this since they were property. Same reason they shouldn't vote.
I agree that there is an ideal age for a person to consent but I cannot accept an 18 year old having sex with a 40 year old dude. I find this to be predatory behavior, despite the two parties being capable of giving consent
I said 17 year old with a 16 year old as an example. It is clear to me that the nuance was lost on you because you are a nigger who can't engage in hypotheticals
"do you know what sex is"
"are you able to carry a child to term"
"wanna hook up"
sorry but i have to wait 2 and a 1/2 hours till you reach a specific calendar date before we can continue or else i will go to jail... because reasons
It's not rape if he's a Chad
No the female and the male has to be both sexually and mentally mature to engage in the act. There is a positive correlation with age and the aforementioned qualities. Try again
Why should a 40 year old only be allowed to fuck girls around his age who are all wrinkly and disgusting, especially if he's capable of pulling 18 year olds?
>muh consent
Consent is a Jewish lie invented to steal men's virility
Women hate consent, that's why they all fantasize about being raped by dominant men
Fuck these kikes
>14 year olds lack the mental capacity to be competent enough to consent.
i dont belive you, i was a horny bastard at 14.
>Rape is defined by law.
no it isnt. rape laws are but they varry from place to place
rape itself is defined "exual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim"
and that has nothing to do with a law
A man fornicating with a woman is always predatory behavior. When a young 18 yr old woman marries an 40 year old man, she's probably the predator. Don't be ridiculous.
On the contrary, them being able to be "into it" is one of the reasons why this kind of abuse is so prevalent, young horny teenagers having crushes on their older male and female teachers and being taken advantage is clear evidence.
>Consent is a Jewish lie invented to steal men's virility
You sound like a disgusting muzloid. Also, Jews are over represented in pedophilic crime.
Brains finish developing around 25. Should a 26 year old not be allowed to get with a 23 year old?
Lol if a 40 year old man is being predated by an 18 year old than he deserves what is coming to him.
You're probably a simp or an oblivious normie. Women like rape. Go read any female oriented erotica and it's blindingly obvious. Consent has nothing to do with whether or not women feel positively about a sexual encounter.
>childhood is a social construct.
No, it's not. It's developmental biology. It's an obvious fact. Your mind and body are different at different ages.
>Brain finish developing around 25.
Popsci meme. The brain never finishes developing.
No that's why I brought up the example of the 17 year old having sex with the 16 year old.
Found the roastie
Really couldn't care about women sexual fantasies. I thought you didn't respect women enough to care
>cp poses
western civilization made its way until the jewish 20th century without strictly enforced laws about human reproduction and age and somehow they made it that far without 14yo people committing suicide, only now that we have so much regulation and interference with day to day life do humans have problems
it was simple, if you were pregnant in school then you and your partner were kicked from school, you didn't go to prison.
who fucking cares you simp
Because older women eat shit.
glaring shoop line between the 2
But they thought she was over 18 because that's she told them. So unless you want to arrest her, stfu.
>14 year olds lack the mental capacity to be competent enough to consent.
If feminism has taught us anything, women don't have the mental capacity for that regardless of age.
Just make them property again and be done with it.
The mind is a social construct too.
>do you get horny
>can you bear children
you are an adult
there is no flim flam you can say that gets around it, if its about intelligence and long term planning then most people aren't "adult" until mid 20s
He didn't leak her nudes.